• Jon Skeet's avatar
    Provide simple access to descriptor declarations in C# · 17119990
    Jon Skeet authored
    This is primarily for access to comments, which would be expected to be available in a protoc plugin.
    The implementation has two fiddly aspects:
    - We use a Lazy<T> to avoid building the map before cross-linking. An alternative would be to crosslink at the end of the constructor, and remove the calls to CrossLink elsewhere. This would be generally better IMO, but deviate from the Java code.
    - The casts to IReadOnlyList<DescriptorBase> are unfortunate. They'll always work, because these lists are always ReadOnlyCollection<T> for a descriptor type... but we can't use IList<DescriptorBase> as that's not covariant, and it's annoyingly fiddly to change the field to be of type ReadOnlyCollection<T>.
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This directory contains unit test protos adapted from those in src/google/protobuf, and C#-specific test protos for regression tests against bugs found in the C# codegen or library.