Last commit
Last update
Collections Rename ThrowHelper to Preconditions and make it public - we'll want to use it from the generated code soon.
Compatibility Tweaks to Profile259 support
Properties Allow partially-trusted callers again.
Reflection Fix trivial bug in field orderings.
WellKnownTypes Format JSON for Duration and Timestamp.
ByteArray.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
ByteString.cs Expose Coded*Stream constructors directly.
CodedInputStream.cs Expose Coded*Stream constructors directly.
CodedOutputStream.ComputeSize.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
CodedOutputStream.cs Expose Coded*Stream constructors directly.
FieldCodec.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
FrameworkPortability.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
Google.Protobuf.csproj make changes and fixes in signing
Google.Protobuf.nuspec make changes and fixes in signing
IMessage.cs remove the freeze API
InvalidProtocolBufferException.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
JsonFormatter.cs Fix build warnings around unused variables
LimitedInputStream.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.
MessageExtensions.cs Expose Coded*Stream constructors directly.
MessageParser.cs Rename ThrowHelper to Preconditions and make it public - we'll want to use it from the generated code soon.
Preconditions.cs Rename ThrowHelper to Preconditions and make it public - we'll want to use it from the generated code soon.
WireFormat.cs First pass at the big rename from ProtocolBuffers to Google.Protobuf.