// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. goog.require('goog.testing.asserts'); goog.require('goog.userAgent'); // CommonJS-LoadFromFile: testbinary_pb proto.jspb.test goog.require('proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum'); goog.require('proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessage'); goog.require('proto.jspb.test.TestMapFields'); // CommonJS-LoadFromFile: test_pb proto.jspb.test goog.require('proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessageNoBinary'); goog.require('proto.jspb.test.TestMapFieldsNoBinary'); /** * Helper: check that the given map has exactly this set of (sorted) entries. * @param {!jspb.Map} map * @param {!Array<!Array<?>>} entries */ function checkMapEquals(map, entries) { var arr = map.toArray(); assertEquals(arr.length, entries.length); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { assertElementsEquals(arr[i], entries[i]); } } /** * Converts an ES6 iterator to an array. * @template T * @param {!Iterator<T>} iter an iterator * @return {!Array<T>} */ function toArray(iter) { var arr = []; while (true) { var val = iter.next(); if (val.done) { break; } arr.push(val.value); } return arr; } /** * Helper: generate test methods for this TestMapFields class. * @param {?} msgInfo * @param {?} submessageCtor * @param {!string} suffix */ function makeTests(msgInfo, submessageCtor, suffix) { /** * Helper: fill all maps on a TestMapFields. * @param {?} msg */ var fillMapFields = function(msg) { msg.getMapStringStringMap().set('asdf', 'jkl;').set('key 2', 'hello world'); msg.getMapStringInt32Map().set('a', 1).set('b', -2); msg.getMapStringInt64Map().set('c', 0x100000000).set('d', 0x200000000); msg.getMapStringBoolMap().set('e', true).set('f', false); msg.getMapStringDoubleMap().set('g', 3.14159).set('h', 2.71828); msg.getMapStringEnumMap() .set('i', proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum.MAP_VALUE_BAR) .set('j', proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum.MAP_VALUE_BAZ); msg.getMapStringMsgMap() .set('k', new submessageCtor()) .set('l', new submessageCtor()); msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get('k').setFoo(42); msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get('l').setFoo(84); msg.getMapInt32StringMap().set(-1, 'a').set(42, 'b'); msg.getMapInt64StringMap().set(0x123456789abc, 'c').set(0xcba987654321, 'd'); msg.getMapBoolStringMap().set(false, 'e').set(true, 'f'); }; /** * Helper: check all maps on a TestMapFields. * @param {?} msg */ var checkMapFields = function(msg) { checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringStringMap(), [ ['asdf', 'jkl;'], ['key 2', 'hello world'] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringInt32Map(), [ ['a', 1], ['b', -2] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringInt64Map(), [ ['c', 0x100000000], ['d', 0x200000000] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringBoolMap(), [ ['e', true], ['f', false] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringDoubleMap(), [ ['g', 3.14159], ['h', 2.71828] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapStringEnumMap(), [ ['i', proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum.MAP_VALUE_BAR], ['j', proto.jspb.test.MapValueEnum.MAP_VALUE_BAZ] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapInt32StringMap(), [ [-1, 'a'], [42, 'b'] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapInt64StringMap(), [ [0x123456789abc, 'c'], [0xcba987654321, 'd'] ]); checkMapEquals(msg.getMapBoolStringMap(), [ [false, 'e'], [true, 'f'] ]); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringMsgMap().getLength(), 2); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get('k').getFoo(), 42); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get('l').getFoo(), 84); var entries = toArray(msg.getMapStringMsgMap().entries()); assertEquals(entries.length, 2); entries.forEach(function(entry) { var key = entry[0]; var val = entry[1]; assert(val === msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get(key)); }); msg.getMapStringMsgMap().forEach(function(val, key) { assert(val === msg.getMapStringMsgMap().get(key)); }); }; it('testMapStringStringField' + suffix, function() { var msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringStringMap().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringInt32Map().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringInt64Map().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringBoolMap().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringDoubleMap().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringEnumMap().getLength(), 0); assertEquals(msg.getMapStringMsgMap().getLength(), 0); // Re-create to clear out any internally-cached wrappers, etc. msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); var m = msg.getMapStringStringMap(); assertEquals(m.has('asdf'), false); assertEquals(m.get('asdf'), undefined); m.set('asdf', 'hello world'); assertEquals(m.has('asdf'), true); assertEquals(m.get('asdf'), 'hello world'); m.set('jkl;', 'key 2'); assertEquals(m.has('jkl;'), true); assertEquals(m.get('jkl;'), 'key 2'); assertEquals(m.getLength(), 2); var it = m.entries(); assertElementsEquals(it.next().value, ['asdf', 'hello world']); assertElementsEquals(it.next().value, ['jkl;', 'key 2']); assertEquals(it.next().done, true); checkMapEquals(m, [ ['asdf', 'hello world'], ['jkl;', 'key 2'] ]); m.del('jkl;'); assertEquals(m.has('jkl;'), false); assertEquals(m.get('jkl;'), undefined); assertEquals(m.getLength(), 1); it = m.keys(); assertEquals(it.next().value, 'asdf'); assertEquals(it.next().done, true); it = m.values(); assertEquals(it.next().value, 'hello world'); assertEquals(it.next().done, true); var count = 0; m.forEach(function(value, key, map) { assertEquals(map, m); assertEquals(key, 'asdf'); assertEquals(value, 'hello world'); count++; }); assertEquals(count, 1); m.clear(); assertEquals(m.getLength(), 0); }); /** * Tests operations on maps with all key and value types. */ it('testAllMapTypes' + suffix, function() { var msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); fillMapFields(msg); checkMapFields(msg); }); if (msgInfo.deserializeBinary) { /** * Tests serialization and deserialization in binary format. */ it('testBinaryFormat' + suffix, function() { if (goog.userAgent.IE && !goog.userAgent.isDocumentModeOrHigher(10)) { // IE8/9 currently doesn't support binary format because they lack // TypedArray. return; } // Check that the format is correct. var msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); msg.getMapStringStringMap().set('A', 'a'); var serialized = msg.serializeBinary(); var expectedSerialized = [ 0x0a, 0x6, // field 1 (map_string_string), delimited, length 6 0x0a, 0x1, // field 1 in submessage (key), delimited, length 1 0x41, // ASCII 'A' 0x12, 0x1, // field 2 in submessage (value), delimited, length 1 0x61 // ASCII 'a' ]; assertEquals(serialized.length, expectedSerialized.length); for (var i = 0; i < serialized.length; i++) { assertEquals(serialized[i], expectedSerialized[i]); } // Check that all map fields successfully round-trip. msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); fillMapFields(msg); serialized = msg.serializeBinary(); var decoded = msgInfo.deserializeBinary(serialized); checkMapFields(decoded); }); } /** * Exercises the lazy map<->underlying array sync. */ it('testLazyMapSync' + suffix, function() { // Start with a JSPB array containing a few map entries. var entries = [ ['a', 'entry 1'], ['c', 'entry 2'], ['b', 'entry 3'] ]; var msg = new msgInfo.constructor([entries]); assertEquals(entries.length, 3); assertEquals(entries[0][0], 'a'); assertEquals(entries[1][0], 'c'); assertEquals(entries[2][0], 'b'); msg.getMapStringStringMap().del('a'); assertEquals(entries.length, 3); // not yet sync'd msg.toArray(); // force a sync assertEquals(entries.length, 2); assertEquals(entries[0][0], 'b'); // now in sorted order assertEquals(entries[1][0], 'c'); var a = msg.toArray(); assertEquals(a[0], entries); // retains original reference }); /** * Returns IteratorIterables for entries(), keys() and values(). */ it('testIteratorIterables' + suffix, function() { var msg = new msgInfo.constructor(); var m = msg.getMapStringStringMap(); m.set('key1', 'value1'); m.set('key2', 'value2'); var entryIterator = m.entries(); assertElementsEquals(entryIterator.next().value, ['key1', 'value1']); assertElementsEquals(entryIterator.next().value, ['key2', 'value2']); assertEquals(entryIterator.next().done, true); if (typeof(Symbol) != 'undefined') { var entryIterable = m.entries()[Symbol.iterator](); assertElementsEquals(entryIterable.next().value, ['key1', 'value1']); assertElementsEquals(entryIterable.next().value, ['key2', 'value2']); assertEquals(entryIterable.next().done, true); } var keyIterator = m.keys(); assertEquals(keyIterator.next().value, 'key1'); assertEquals(keyIterator.next().value, 'key2'); assertEquals(keyIterator.next().done, true); if (typeof(Symbol) != 'undefined') { var keyIterable = m.keys()[Symbol.iterator](); assertEquals(keyIterable.next().value, 'key1'); assertEquals(keyIterable.next().value, 'key2'); assertEquals(keyIterable.next().done, true); } var valueIterator = m.values(); assertEquals(valueIterator.next().value, 'value1'); assertEquals(valueIterator.next().value, 'value2'); assertEquals(valueIterator.next().done, true); if (typeof(Symbol) != 'undefined') { var valueIterable = m.values()[Symbol.iterator](); assertEquals(valueIterable.next().value, 'value1'); assertEquals(valueIterable.next().value, 'value2'); assertEquals(valueIterable.next().done, true); } }); } describe('mapsTest', function() { makeTests( { constructor: proto.jspb.test.TestMapFields, deserializeBinary: proto.jspb.test.TestMapFields.deserializeBinary }, proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessage, '_Binary'); makeTests( { constructor: proto.jspb.test.TestMapFieldsNoBinary, deserializeBinary: null }, proto.jspb.test.MapValueMessageNoBinary, '_NoBinary'); });