using System; using System.Globalization; using Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors; namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.ProtoGen { internal abstract class FieldGeneratorBase : SourceGeneratorBase<FieldDescriptor> { protected FieldGeneratorBase(FieldDescriptor descriptor) : base(descriptor) { } private static bool AllPrintableAscii(string text) { foreach (char c in text) { if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7e) { return false; } } return true; } protected string DefaultValue { get { string suffix = ""; switch (Descriptor.FieldType) { case FieldType.Float: suffix = "F"; break; case FieldType.Double: suffix = "D"; break; case FieldType.Int64: suffix = "L"; break; case FieldType.UInt64: suffix = "UL"; break; } switch (Descriptor.FieldType) { case FieldType.Float: case FieldType.Double: case FieldType.Int32: case FieldType.Int64: case FieldType.SInt32: case FieldType.SInt64: case FieldType.SFixed32: case FieldType.SFixed64: case FieldType.UInt32: case FieldType.UInt64: case FieldType.Fixed32: case FieldType.Fixed64: // The simple Object.ToString converts using the current culture. // We want to always use the invariant culture so it's predictable. IConvertible value = (IConvertible) Descriptor.DefaultValue; return value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + suffix; case FieldType.Bool: return (bool) Descriptor.DefaultValue ? "true" : "false"; case FieldType.Bytes: if (!Descriptor.HasDefaultValue) { return "pb::ByteString.Empty"; } return string.Format("(pb::ByteString) {0}.Descriptor.Fields[{1}].DefaultValue", GetClassName(Descriptor.ContainingType), Descriptor.Index); case FieldType.String: if (AllPrintableAscii(Descriptor.Proto.DefaultValue)) { // All chars are ASCII and printable. In this case we only // need to escape quotes and backslashes. return "\"" + Descriptor.Proto.DefaultValue .Replace("\\", "\\\\") .Replace("'", "\\'") .Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; } return string.Format("(string) {0}.Descriptor.Fields[{1}].DefaultValue", GetClassName(Descriptor.ContainingType), Descriptor.Index); case FieldType.Enum: return TypeName + "." + ((EnumValueDescriptor) Descriptor.DefaultValue).Name; case FieldType.Message: case FieldType.Group: return TypeName + ".DefaultInstance"; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid field descriptor type"); } } } protected string PropertyName { get { return Descriptor.CSharpOptions.PropertyName; } } protected string Name { get { return NameHelpers.UnderscoresToCamelCase(GetFieldName(Descriptor)); } } protected int Number { get { return Descriptor.FieldNumber; } } protected void AddNullCheck(TextGenerator writer) { AddNullCheck(writer, "value"); } protected void AddNullCheck(TextGenerator writer, string name) { if (IsNullableType) { writer.WriteLine(" pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull({0}, \"{0}\");", name); } } /// <summary> /// For encodings with fixed sizes, returns that size in bytes. Otherwise /// returns -1. TODO(jonskeet): Make this less ugly. /// </summary> protected int FixedSize { get { switch (Descriptor.FieldType) { case FieldType.UInt32: case FieldType.UInt64: case FieldType.Int32: case FieldType.Int64: case FieldType.SInt32: case FieldType.SInt64: case FieldType.Enum: case FieldType.Bytes: case FieldType.String: case FieldType.Message: case FieldType.Group: return -1; case FieldType.Float: return WireFormat.FloatSize; case FieldType.SFixed32: return WireFormat.SFixed32Size; case FieldType.Fixed32: return WireFormat.Fixed32Size; case FieldType.Double: return WireFormat.DoubleSize; case FieldType.SFixed64: return WireFormat.SFixed64Size; case FieldType.Fixed64: return WireFormat.Fixed64Size; case FieldType.Bool: return WireFormat.BoolSize; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid field descriptor type"); } } } protected bool IsNullableType { get { switch (Descriptor.FieldType) { case FieldType.Float: case FieldType.Double: case FieldType.Int32: case FieldType.Int64: case FieldType.SInt32: case FieldType.SInt64: case FieldType.SFixed32: case FieldType.SFixed64: case FieldType.UInt32: case FieldType.UInt64: case FieldType.Fixed32: case FieldType.Fixed64: case FieldType.Bool: case FieldType.Enum: return false; case FieldType.Bytes: case FieldType.String: case FieldType.Message: case FieldType.Group: return true; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid field descriptor type"); } } } protected string TypeName { get { switch (Descriptor.FieldType) { case FieldType.Enum: return GetClassName(Descriptor.EnumType); case FieldType.Message: case FieldType.Group: return GetClassName(Descriptor.MessageType); default: return DescriptorUtil.GetMappedTypeName(Descriptor.MappedType); } } } protected string MessageOrGroup { get { return Descriptor.FieldType == FieldType.Group ? "Group" : "Message"; } } /// <summary> /// Returns the type name as used in CodedInputStream method names: SFixed32, UInt32 etc. /// </summary> protected string CapitalizedTypeName { get { // Our enum names match perfectly. How serendipitous. return Descriptor.FieldType.ToString(); } } } }