<?php # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: google/protobuf/descriptor.proto namespace Google\Protobuf\Internal; /** * Is this method side-effect-free (or safe in HTTP parlance), or idempotent, * or neither? HTTP based RPC implementation may choose GET verb for safe * methods, and PUT verb for idempotent methods instead of the default POST. * * Protobuf enum <code>Google\Protobuf\Internal</code> */ class MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel { /** * Generated from protobuf enum <code>IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN = 0;</code> */ const IDEMPOTENCY_UNKNOWN = 0; /** * implies idempotent * * Generated from protobuf enum <code>NO_SIDE_EFFECTS = 1;</code> */ const NO_SIDE_EFFECTS = 1; /** * idempotent, but may have side effects * * Generated from protobuf enum <code>IDEMPOTENT = 2;</code> */ const IDEMPOTENT = 2; }