

use Google\Protobuf\Internal\RepeatedField;
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapField;
use Google\Protobuf\Internal\GPBType;
use Bar\TestLegacyMessage;
use Bar\TestLegacyMessage_NestedEnum;
use Bar\TestLegacyMessage_NestedMessage;
use Foo\TestEnum;
use Foo\TestIncludeNamespaceMessage;
use Foo\TestIncludePrefixMessage;
use Foo\TestMessage;
use Foo\TestMessage\Sub;
use Foo\TestMessage_Sub;
use Foo\TestMessage\NestedEnum;
use Foo\TestReverseFieldOrder;
use Foo\testLowerCaseMessage;
use Foo\testLowerCaseEnum;
use PBEmpty\PBEcho\TestEmptyPackage;
use Php\Test\TestNamespace;

class GeneratedClassTest extends TestBase

    # Test field accessors.

    public function testSetterGetter()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalInt32());

    # Test int32 field.

    public function testInt32Field()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame(MAX_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());

        // Set float.
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(MAX_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());

        // Set string.
        $this->assertSame(2, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(3, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(MAX_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalInt32());

    # Test uint32 field.

    public function testUint32Field()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalUint32());

        // Set float.
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalUint32());

        // Set string.
        $this->assertSame(2, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(3, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(-1, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(MIN_INT32, $m->getOptionalUint32());

    # Test int64 field.

    public function testInt64Field()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame(MAX_INT64, $m->getOptionalInt64());
        $this->assertEquals(MIN_INT64, $m->getOptionalInt64());

        // Set float.
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalInt64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalInt64());

        // Set string.
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('2', $m->getOptionalInt64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(2, $m->getOptionalInt64());

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('3', $m->getOptionalInt64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(3, $m->getOptionalInt64());

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_INT64_STRING, $m->getOptionalInt64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_INT64, $m->getOptionalInt64());

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame(MIN_INT64_STRING, $m->getOptionalInt64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(MIN_INT64, $m->getOptionalInt64());

    # Test uint64 field.

    public function testUint64Field()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_UINT64_STRING, $m->getOptionalUint64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_UINT64, $m->getOptionalUint64());

        // Set float.
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalUint64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalUint64());

        // Set string.
        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('2', $m->getOptionalUint64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(2, $m->getOptionalUint64());

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame('3', $m->getOptionalUint64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(3, $m->getOptionalUint64());

        if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_UINT64_STRING, $m->getOptionalUint64());
        } else {
            $this->assertSame(MAX_UINT64, $m->getOptionalUint64());

    # Test enum field.

    public function testEnumField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set enum.
        $this->assertEquals(TestEnum::ONE, $m->getOptionalEnum());

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertEquals(TestEnum::ONE, $m->getOptionalEnum());

        // Set float.
        $this->assertEquals(TestEnum::ONE, $m->getOptionalEnum());

        // Set string.
        $this->assertEquals(TestEnum::ONE, $m->getOptionalEnum());

        // Test Enum methods
        $this->assertEquals('ONE', TestEnum::name(1));
        $this->assertEquals(1, TestEnum::value('ONE'));

     * @expectedException UnexpectedValueException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Enum Foo\TestEnum has no name defined for value -1
    public function testInvalidEnumValueThrowsException()

     * @expectedException UnexpectedValueException
     * @expectedExceptionMessage Enum Foo\TestEnum has no value defined for name DOES_NOT_EXIST
    public function testInvalidEnumNameThrowsException()

    public function testNestedEnum()
        $m = new TestMessage();

    public function testLegacyNestedEnum()
        $m = new TestMessage();

    public function testLegacyTypehintWithNestedEnums()
        $this->legacyEnum(new TestLegacyMessage\NestedEnum);

    private function legacyEnum(TestLegacyMessage_NestedEnum $enum)
        // If we made it here without a PHP Fatal error, the typehint worked

    # Test float field.

    public function testFloatField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertEquals(1.0, $m->getOptionalFloat(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

        // Set float.
        $this->assertEquals(1.1, $m->getOptionalFloat(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

        // Set string.
        $this->assertEquals(2.0, $m->getOptionalFloat(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);
        $this->assertEquals(3.1, $m->getOptionalFloat(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

    # Test double field.

    public function testDoubleField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertEquals(1.0, $m->getOptionalDouble(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

        // Set float.
        $this->assertEquals(1.1, $m->getOptionalDouble(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

        // Set string.
        $this->assertEquals(2.0, $m->getOptionalDouble(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);
        $this->assertEquals(3.1, $m->getOptionalDouble(), '', MAX_FLOAT_DIFF);

    # Test bool field.

    public function testBoolField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set bool.
        $this->assertSame(true, $m->getOptionalBool());

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame(true, $m->getOptionalBool());

        // Set float.
        $this->assertSame(true, $m->getOptionalBool());

        // Set string.
        $this->assertSame(false, $m->getOptionalBool());

    # Test string field.

    public function testStringField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set string.
        $this->assertSame('abc', $m->getOptionalString());

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalString());

        // Set double.
        $this->assertSame('1.1', $m->getOptionalString());

        // Set bool.
        $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalString());

    # Test bytes field.

    public function testBytesField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Set string.
        $this->assertSame('abc', $m->getOptionalBytes());

        // Set integer.
        $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalBytes());

        // Set double.
        $this->assertSame('1.1', $m->getOptionalBytes());

        // Set bool.
        $this->assertSame('1', $m->getOptionalBytes());

      public function testBytesFieldInvalidUTF8Success()
          $m = new TestMessage();
          $hex = hex2bin("ff");

    # Test message field.

    public function testMessageField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $sub_m = new Sub();
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getA());

        $null = null;

    public function testLegacyMessageField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $sub_m = new TestMessage_Sub();
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getA());

        $null = null;

    public function testLegacyTypehintWithNestedMessages()
        $this->legacyMessage(new TestLegacyMessage\NestedMessage);

    private function legacyMessage(TestLegacyMessage_NestedMessage $sub)
        // If we made it here without a PHP Fatal error, the typehint worked

    # Test repeated field.

    public function testRepeatedField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $repeated_int32 = new RepeatedField(GPBType::INT32);
        $this->assertSame($repeated_int32, $m->getRepeatedInt32());

    public function testRepeatedFieldViaArray()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $arr = array();
        $this->assertSame(0, count($m->getRepeatedInt32()));

        $arr = array(1, 2.1, "3");
        $this->assertTrue($m->getRepeatedInt32() instanceof RepeatedField);
        $this->assertSame(3, count($m->getRepeatedInt32()));
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getRepeatedInt32()[0]);
        $this->assertSame(2, $m->getRepeatedInt32()[1]);
        $this->assertSame(3, $m->getRepeatedInt32()[2]);
        $this->assertFalse($arr instanceof RepeatedField);

    # Test map field.

    public function testMapField()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $map_int32_int32 = new MapField(GPBType::INT32, GPBType::INT32);
        $this->assertSame($map_int32_int32, $m->getMapInt32Int32());

    public function testMapFieldViaArray()
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $dict = array();
        $this->assertSame(0, count($m->getMapInt32Int32()));

        $dict = array(5 => 5, 6.1 => 6.1, "7" => "7");
        $this->assertTrue($m->getMapInt32Int32() instanceof MapField);
        $this->assertSame(3, count($m->getMapInt32Int32()));
        $this->assertSame(5, $m->getMapInt32Int32()[5]);
        $this->assertSame(6, $m->getMapInt32Int32()[6]);
        $this->assertSame(7, $m->getMapInt32Int32()[7]);
        $this->assertFalse($dict instanceof MapField);

    # Test oneof field.

    public function testOneofField() {
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $this->assertSame("", $m->getMyOneof());

        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOneofInt32());
        $this->assertSame(0.0, $m->getOneofFloat());
        $this->assertSame('', $m->getOneofString());
        $this->assertSame(NULL, $m->getOneofMessage());
        $this->assertSame("oneof_int32", $m->getMyOneof());

        $this->assertSame(0, $m->getOneofInt32());
        $this->assertSame(2.0, $m->getOneofFloat());
        $this->assertSame('', $m->getOneofString());
        $this->assertSame(NULL, $m->getOneofMessage());
        $this->assertSame("oneof_float", $m->getMyOneof());

        $this->assertSame(0, $m->getOneofInt32());
        $this->assertSame(0.0, $m->getOneofFloat());
        $this->assertSame('abc', $m->getOneofString());
        $this->assertSame(NULL, $m->getOneofMessage());
        $this->assertSame("oneof_string", $m->getMyOneof());

        $sub_m = new Sub();
        $this->assertSame(0, $m->getOneofInt32());
        $this->assertSame(0.0, $m->getOneofFloat());
        $this->assertSame('', $m->getOneofString());
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOneofMessage()->getA());
        $this->assertSame("oneof_message", $m->getMyOneof());

    # Test clear method.

    public function testMessageClear()
        $m = new TestMessage();

    # Test mergeFrom method.

    public function testMessageMergeFrom()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $arr = $m->getOptionalMessage()->getB();
        $arr[] = 1;

        $n = new TestMessage();

        // Singular
        $sub1 = new Sub();

        $b = $sub1->getB();
        $b[] = 102;


        // Repeated
        $repeatedInt32 = $n->getRepeatedInt32();
        $repeatedInt32[] = 200;

        $repeatedString = $n->getRepeatedString();
        $repeatedString[] = 'abc';

        $sub2 = new Sub();
        $repeatedMessage = $n->getRepeatedMessage();
        $repeatedMessage[] = $sub2;

        // Map
        $mapInt32Int32 = $n->getMapInt32Int32();
        $mapInt32Int32[1] = 300;
        $mapInt32Int32[-62] = 301;

        $mapStringString = $n->getMapStringString();
        $mapStringString['def'] = 'def';

        $mapInt32Message = $n->getMapInt32Message();
        $mapInt32Message[1] = new Sub();
        $mapInt32Message[2] = new Sub();


        $this->assertSame(100, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(42, $m->getOptionalUint32());
        $this->assertSame(101, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getA());
        $this->assertSame(2, count($m->getOptionalMessage()->getB()));
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getB()[0]);
        $this->assertSame(102, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getB()[1]);

        $this->assertSame(3, count($m->getRepeatedInt32()));
        $this->assertSame(200, $m->getRepeatedInt32()[2]);
        $this->assertSame(2, count($m->getRepeatedUint32()));
        $this->assertSame(3, count($m->getRepeatedString()));
        $this->assertSame('abc', $m->getRepeatedString()[2]);
        $this->assertSame(3, count($m->getRepeatedMessage()));
        $this->assertSame(201, $m->getRepeatedMessage()[2]->getA());

        $this->assertSame(2, count($m->getMapInt32Int32()));
        $this->assertSame(300, $m->getMapInt32Int32()[1]);
        $this->assertSame(301, $m->getMapInt32Int32()[-62]);
        $this->assertSame(1, count($m->getMapUint32Uint32()));
        $this->assertSame(2, count($m->getMapStringString()));
        $this->assertSame('def', $m->getMapStringString()['def']);

        $this->assertSame(2, count($m->getMapInt32Message()));
        $this->assertSame(302, $m->getMapInt32Message()[1]->getA());
        $this->assertSame(303, $m->getMapInt32Message()[2]->getA());

        $this->assertSame("", $m->getMyOneof());

        // Check sub-messages are copied by value.
        $this->assertSame(101, $m->getOptionalMessage()->getA());

        $repeatedMessage = $n->getRepeatedMessage();
        $this->assertSame(201, $m->getRepeatedMessage()[2]->getA());

        $mapInt32Message = $n->getMapInt32Message();

        $this->assertSame(302, $m->getMapInt32Message()[1]->getA());

        // Test merge oneof.
        $m = new TestMessage();

        $n = new TestMessage();
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOneofInt32());

        $sub = new Sub();
        $this->assertSame(400, $m->getOneofMessage()->getA());
        $this->assertSame(400, $m->getOneofMessage()->getA());

        // Test all fields
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $n = new TestMessage();

    # Test message/enum without namespace.

    public function testMessageWithoutNamespace()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $n = new NoNameSpaceMessage();
        $repeatedNoNamespaceMessage = $m->getRepeatedNoNamespaceMessage();
        $repeatedNoNamespaceMessage[] = new NoNameSpaceMessage();

        // test nested messages
        $sub = new NoNamespaceMessage\NestedMessage();


    public function testEnumWithoutNamespace()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $repeatedNoNamespaceEnum = $m->getRepeatedNoNamespaceEnum();
        $repeatedNoNamespaceEnum[] = NoNameSpaceEnum::VALUE_A;

    # Test message with given namespace.

    public function testNestedMessagesAndEnums()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $n = new TestMessage\Sub();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getOptionalMessage());
        $this->assertSame(TestMessage\NestedEnum::ZERO, $m->getOptionalNestedEnum());

    public function testMessagesAndEnumsWithPrefix()
        // Test message prefix
        $m = new TestIncludePrefixMessage();
        $n = new PrefixTestPrefix();
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getPrefixMessage()->getA());

        // Test nested message prefix
        $o = new PrefixTestPrefix();
        $p = new PrefixTestPrefix\PrefixNestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($p, $o->getNestedMessage());
        $this->assertSame(PrefixTestPrefix\PrefixNestedEnum::ZERO, $o->getNestedEnum());

    public function testMessagesAndEnumsWithPhpNamespace()
        $m = new TestNamespace();
        $n = new TestNamespace\NestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getNestedMessage());
        $this->assertSame(TestNamespace\NestedEnum::ZERO, $m->getNestedEnum());

    public function testMesssagesAndEnumsWithEmptyPhpNamespace()
        $m = new TestEmptyNamespace();
        $n = new TestEmptyNamespace\NestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getNestedMessage());
        $this->assertSame(TestEmptyNamespace\NestedEnum::ZERO, $m->getNestedEnum());

    public function testMessagesAndEnumsWithNoNamespace()
        $m = new NoNamespaceMessage();
        $n = new NoNamespaceMessage\NestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getNestedMessage());
        $this->assertSame(NoNamespaceMessage\NestedEnum::ZERO, $m->getNestedEnum());

    public function testReservedWordsInPackageName()
        $m = new TestEmptyPackage();
        $n = new TestEmptyPackage\NestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getNestedMessage());
        $this->assertSame(TestEmptyPackage\NestedEnum::ZERO, $m->getNestedEnum());

    public function testReservedWordsInNamespace()
        $m = new TestNamespace();
        $n = new TestNamespace\PBEmpty();
        $o = new TestNamespace\PBEmpty\NestedMessage();
        $this->assertSame($n, $m->getReservedName());
        $this->assertSame($o, $n->getNestedMessage());

    # Test prefix for reserved words.

    public function testPrefixForReservedWords()
        $m = new \Foo\TestMessage\PBEmpty();
        $m = new \Foo\PBEmpty();
        $m = new \PrefixEmpty();
        $m = new \Foo\PBARRAY();

        $m = new \Lower\PBabstract();
        $m = new \Lower\PBand();
        $m = new \Lower\PBarray();
        $m = new \Lower\PBas();
        $m = new \Lower\PBbreak();
        $m = new \Lower\PBcallable();
        $m = new \Lower\PBcase();
        $m = new \Lower\PBcatch();
        $m = new \Lower\PBclass();
        $m = new \Lower\PBclone();
        $m = new \Lower\PBconst();
        $m = new \Lower\PBcontinue();
        $m = new \Lower\PBdeclare();
        $m = new \Lower\PBdefault();
        $m = new \Lower\PBdie();
        $m = new \Lower\PBdo();
        $m = new \Lower\PBecho();
        $m = new \Lower\PBelse();
        $m = new \Lower\PBelseif();
        $m = new \Lower\PBempty();
        $m = new \Lower\PBenddeclare();
        $m = new \Lower\PBendfor();
        $m = new \Lower\PBendforeach();
        $m = new \Lower\PBendif();
        $m = new \Lower\PBendswitch();
        $m = new \Lower\PBendwhile();
        $m = new \Lower\PBeval();
        $m = new \Lower\PBexit();
        $m = new \Lower\PBextends();
        $m = new \Lower\PBfinal();
        $m = new \Lower\PBfor();
        $m = new \Lower\PBforeach();
        $m = new \Lower\PBfunction();
        $m = new \Lower\PBglobal();
        $m = new \Lower\PBgoto();
        $m = new \Lower\PBif();
        $m = new \Lower\PBimplements();
        $m = new \Lower\PBinclude();
        $m = new \Lower\PBinclude_once();
        $m = new \Lower\PBinstanceof();
        $m = new \Lower\PBinsteadof();
        $m = new \Lower\PBinterface();
        $m = new \Lower\PBisset();
        $m = new \Lower\PBlist();
        $m = new \Lower\PBnamespace();
        $m = new \Lower\PBnew();
        $m = new \Lower\PBor();
        $m = new \Lower\PBprint();
        $m = new \Lower\PBprivate();
        $m = new \Lower\PBprotected();
        $m = new \Lower\PBpublic();
        $m = new \Lower\PBrequire();
        $m = new \Lower\PBrequire_once();
        $m = new \Lower\PBreturn();
        $m = new \Lower\PBstatic();
        $m = new \Lower\PBswitch();
        $m = new \Lower\PBthrow();
        $m = new \Lower\PBtrait();
        $m = new \Lower\PBtry();
        $m = new \Lower\PBunset();
        $m = new \Lower\PBuse();
        $m = new \Lower\PBvar();
        $m = new \Lower\PBwhile();
        $m = new \Lower\PBxor();
        $m = new \Lower\PBint();
        $m = new \Lower\PBfloat();
        $m = new \Lower\PBbool();
        $m = new \Lower\PBstring();
        $m = new \Lower\PBtrue();
        $m = new \Lower\PBfalse();
        $m = new \Lower\PBnull();
        $m = new \Lower\PBvoid();
        $m = new \Lower\PBiterable();

        $m = new \Upper\PBABSTRACT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBAND();
        $m = new \Upper\PBARRAY();
        $m = new \Upper\PBAS();
        $m = new \Upper\PBBREAK();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCALLABLE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCASE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCATCH();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCLASS();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCLONE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCONST();
        $m = new \Upper\PBCONTINUE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBDECLARE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBDEFAULT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBDIE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBDO();
        $m = new \Upper\PBECHO();
        $m = new \Upper\PBELSE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBELSEIF();
        $m = new \Upper\PBEMPTY();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDDECLARE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDFOR();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDFOREACH();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDIF();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDSWITCH();
        $m = new \Upper\PBENDWHILE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBEVAL();
        $m = new \Upper\PBEXIT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBEXTENDS();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFINAL();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFOR();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFOREACH();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFUNCTION();
        $m = new \Upper\PBGLOBAL();
        $m = new \Upper\PBGOTO();
        $m = new \Upper\PBIF();
        $m = new \Upper\PBIMPLEMENTS();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINCLUDE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINCLUDE_ONCE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINSTANCEOF();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINSTEADOF();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINTERFACE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBISSET();
        $m = new \Upper\PBLIST();
        $m = new \Upper\PBNAMESPACE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBNEW();
        $m = new \Upper\PBOR();
        $m = new \Upper\PBPRINT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBPRIVATE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBPROTECTED();
        $m = new \Upper\PBPUBLIC();
        $m = new \Upper\PBREQUIRE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBREQUIRE_ONCE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBRETURN();
        $m = new \Upper\PBSTATIC();
        $m = new \Upper\PBSWITCH();
        $m = new \Upper\PBTHROW();
        $m = new \Upper\PBTRAIT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBTRY();
        $m = new \Upper\PBUNSET();
        $m = new \Upper\PBUSE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBVAR();
        $m = new \Upper\PBWHILE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBXOR();
        $m = new \Upper\PBINT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFLOAT();
        $m = new \Upper\PBBOOL();
        $m = new \Upper\PBSTRING();
        $m = new \Upper\PBTRUE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBFALSE();
        $m = new \Upper\PBNULL();
        $m = new \Upper\PBVOID();
        $m = new \Upper\PBITERABLE();

        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBabstract();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBand();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBarray();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBas();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBbreak();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBcallable();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBcase();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBcatch();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBclass();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBclone();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBconst();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBcontinue();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBdeclare();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBdefault();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBdie();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBdo();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBecho();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBelse();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBelseif();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBempty();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBenddeclare();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBendfor();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBendforeach();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBendif();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBendswitch();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBendwhile();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBeval();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBexit();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBextends();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBfinal();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBfor();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBforeach();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBfunction();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBglobal();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBgoto();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBif();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBimplements();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBinclude();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBinclude_once();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBinstanceof();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBinsteadof();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBinterface();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBisset();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBlist();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBnamespace();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBnew();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBor();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBprint();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBprivate();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBprotected();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBpublic();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBrequire();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBrequire_once();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBreturn();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBstatic();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBswitch();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBthrow();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBtrait();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBtry();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBunset();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBuse();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBvar();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBwhile();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBxor();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBint();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBfloat();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBbool();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBstring();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBtrue();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBfalse();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBnull();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBvoid();
        $m = new \Lower_enum\PBiterable();

        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBABSTRACT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBAND();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBARRAY();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBAS();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBBREAK();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCALLABLE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCASE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCATCH();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCLASS();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCLONE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCONST();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBCONTINUE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBDECLARE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBDEFAULT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBDIE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBDO();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBECHO();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBELSE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBELSEIF();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBEMPTY();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDDECLARE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDFOR();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDFOREACH();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDIF();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDSWITCH();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBENDWHILE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBEVAL();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBEXIT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBEXTENDS();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFINAL();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFOR();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFOREACH();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFUNCTION();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBGLOBAL();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBGOTO();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBIF();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBIMPLEMENTS();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINCLUDE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINCLUDE_ONCE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINSTANCEOF();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINSTEADOF();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINTERFACE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBISSET();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBLIST();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBNAMESPACE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBNEW();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBOR();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBPRINT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBPRIVATE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBPROTECTED();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBPUBLIC();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBREQUIRE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBREQUIRE_ONCE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBRETURN();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBSTATIC();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBSWITCH();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBTHROW();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBTRAIT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBTRY();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBUNSET();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBUSE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBVAR();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBWHILE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBXOR();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBINT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFLOAT();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBBOOL();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBSTRING();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBTRUE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBFALSE();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBNULL();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBVOID();
        $m = new \Upper_enum\PBITERABLE();

        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBabstract;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBand;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBarray;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBas;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBbreak;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBcallable;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBcase;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBcatch;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBclass;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBclone;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBconst;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBcontinue;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBdeclare;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBdefault;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBdie;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBdo;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBecho;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBelse;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBelseif;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBempty;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBenddeclare;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBendfor;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBendforeach;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBendif;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBendswitch;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBendwhile;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBeval;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBexit;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBextends;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBfinal;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBfor;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBforeach;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBfunction;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBglobal;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBgoto;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBif;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBimplements;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBinclude;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBinclude_once;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBinstanceof;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBinsteadof;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBinterface;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBisset;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBlist;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBnamespace;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBnew;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBor;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBprint;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBprivate;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBprotected;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBpublic;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBrequire;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBrequire_once;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBreturn;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBstatic;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBswitch;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBthrow;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBtrait;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBtry;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBunset;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBuse;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBvar;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBwhile;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBxor;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::int;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::float;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::bool;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::string;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::true;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::false;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::null;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::void;
        $m = \Lower_enum_value\NotAllowed::iterable;

        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBABSTRACT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBAND;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBARRAY;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBAS;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBBREAK;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCALLABLE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCASE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCATCH;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCLASS;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCLONE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCONST;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBCONTINUE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBDECLARE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBDEFAULT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBDIE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBDO;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBECHO;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBELSE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBELSEIF;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBEMPTY;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDDECLARE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDFOR;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDFOREACH;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDIF;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDSWITCH;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBENDWHILE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBEVAL;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBEXIT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBEXTENDS;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBFINAL;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBFOR;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBFOREACH;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBFUNCTION;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBGLOBAL;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBGOTO;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBIF;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBIMPLEMENTS;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBINCLUDE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBINCLUDE_ONCE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBINSTANCEOF;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBINSTEADOF;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBINTERFACE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBISSET;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBLIST;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBNAMESPACE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBNEW;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBOR;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBPRINT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBPRIVATE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBPROTECTED;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBPUBLIC;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBREQUIRE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBREQUIRE_ONCE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBRETURN;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBSTATIC;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBSWITCH;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBTHROW;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBTRAIT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBTRY;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBUNSET;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBUSE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBVAR;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBWHILE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::PBXOR;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::INT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::FLOAT;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::BOOL;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::STRING;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::TRUE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::FALSE;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::NULL;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::VOID;
        $m = \Upper_enum_value\NotAllowed::ITERABLE;


    # Test fluent setters.

    public function testFluentSetters()
        $m = (new TestMessage())
        $this->assertSame(1, $m->getOptionalInt32());
        $this->assertSame(2, $m->getOptionalUInt32());

    # Test Reverse Field Order.

    public function testReverseFieldOrder()
        $m = new TestReverseFieldOrder();
        $this->assertSame("abc", $m->getB());
        $this->assertNotSame("abc", $m->getA());

    # Test Reverse Field Order.

    public function testLowerCase()
        $m = new testLowerCaseMessage();
        $n = testLowerCaseEnum::VALUE;

    # Test Array Constructor.

    public function testArrayConstructor()
        $m = new TestMessage([
            'optional_int32' => -42,
            'optional_int64' => -43,
            'optional_uint32' => 42,
            'optional_uint64' => 43,
            'optional_sint32' => -44,
            'optional_sint64' => -45,
            'optional_fixed32' => 46,
            'optional_fixed64' => 47,
            'optional_sfixed32' => -46,
            'optional_sfixed64' => -47,
            'optional_float' => 1.5,
            'optional_double' => 1.6,
            'optional_bool' => true,
            'optional_string' => 'a',
            'optional_bytes' => 'bbbb',
            'optional_enum' => TestEnum::ONE,
            'optional_message' => new Sub([
                'a' => 33
            'repeated_int32' => [-42, -52],
            'repeated_int64' => [-43, -53],
            'repeated_uint32' => [42, 52],
            'repeated_uint64' => [43, 53],
            'repeated_sint32' => [-44, -54],
            'repeated_sint64' => [-45, -55],
            'repeated_fixed32' => [46, 56],
            'repeated_fixed64' => [47, 57],
            'repeated_sfixed32' => [-46, -56],
            'repeated_sfixed64' => [-47, -57],
            'repeated_float' => [1.5, 2.5],
            'repeated_double' => [1.6, 2.6],
            'repeated_bool' => [true, false],
            'repeated_string' => ['a', 'c'],
            'repeated_bytes' => ['bbbb', 'dddd'],
            'repeated_enum' => [TestEnum::ZERO, TestEnum::ONE],
            'repeated_message' => [new Sub(['a' => 34]),
                                   new Sub(['a' => 35])],
            'map_int32_int32' => [-62 => -62],
            'map_int64_int64' => [-63 => -63],
            'map_uint32_uint32' => [62 => 62],
            'map_uint64_uint64' => [63 => 63],
            'map_sint32_sint32' => [-64 => -64],
            'map_sint64_sint64' => [-65 => -65],
            'map_fixed32_fixed32' => [66 => 66],
            'map_fixed64_fixed64' => [67 => 67],
            'map_sfixed32_sfixed32' => [-68 => -68],
            'map_sfixed64_sfixed64' => [-69 => -69],
            'map_int32_float' => [1 => 3.5],
            'map_int32_double' => [1 => 3.6],
            'map_bool_bool' => [true => true],
            'map_string_string' => ['e' => 'e'],
            'map_int32_bytes' => [1 => 'ffff'],
            'map_int32_enum' => [1 => TestEnum::ONE],
            'map_int32_message' => [1 => new Sub(['a' => 36])],


    public function testReferenceInArrayConstructor()
        $keys = [[
                    'optional_bool' => true,
                    'repeated_bool' => [true],
                    'map_bool_bool' => [true => true],
                    'optional_double' => 1.0,
                    'repeated_double' => [1.0],
                    'map_int32_double' => [1 => 1.0],
                    'optional_int32' => 1,
                    'repeated_int32' => [1],
                    'map_int32_int32' => [1 => 1],
                    'optional_string' => 'a',
                    'repeated_string' => ['a'],
                    'map_string_string' => ['a' => 'a'],
                    'optional_message' => ['a' => 1],
                    'repeated_message' => [['a' => 1]],
                    'map_int32_message' => [1 => ['a' => 1]],

        foreach ($keys as &$key) {
            foreach ($key as $id => &$value) {
                if ($id === 'repeated_bool') {
                    foreach ($value as &$element) {
                if ($id === 'map_bool_bool') {
                    foreach ($value as $mapKey => &$element) {
                if ($id === 'repeated_double') {
                    foreach ($value as &$element) {
                if ($id === 'map_int32_double') {
                    foreach ($value as $mapKey => &$element) {
                if ($id === 'repeated_int32') {
                    foreach ($value as &$element) {
                if ($id === 'map_int32_int32') {
                    foreach ($value as $mapKey => &$element) {
                if ($id === 'repeated_string') {
                    foreach ($value as &$element) {
                if ($id === 'map_string_string') {
                    foreach ($value as $mapKey => &$element) {
                if ($id === 'optional_message') {
                    $value = new Sub($value);
                if ($id === 'repeated_message') {
                    foreach ($value as &$element) {
                        $element = new Sub($element);
                if ($id === 'map_int32_message') {
                    foreach ($value as $mapKey => &$element) {
                        $element = new Sub($element);
            $key = new TestMessage($key);

    public function testOneofMessageInArrayConstructor()
        $m = new TestMessage([
            'oneof_message' => new Sub(),
        $this->assertSame('oneof_message', $m->getMyOneof());

    public function testOneofStringInArrayConstructor()
        $m = new TestMessage([
            'oneof_string' => 'abc',

    # Test message equals.

    public function testMessageEquals()
        $m = new TestMessage();
        $n = new TestMessage();
        $this->assertEquals($m, $n);

    # Test reference of value

    public function testValueIsReference()
        // Bool element
        $values = [true];
        array_walk($values, function (&$value) {});
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Int32 element
        $values = [1];
        array_walk($values, function (&$value) {});
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // Double element
        $values = [1.0];
        array_walk($values, function (&$value) {});
        $m = new TestMessage();

        // String element
        $values = ['a'];
        array_walk($values, function (&$value) {});
        $m = new TestMessage();

    # Test no segfault when error happens

    function throwIntendedException()
        throw new Exception('Intended');

     * @expectedException Exception
    public function testNoSegfaultWithError()
        new TestMessage(['optional_int32' => $this->throwIntendedException()]);

    public function testNoExceptionWithVarDump()
        $m = new Sub(['a' => 1]);