#region Copyright notice and license // Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format // Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #endregion using Google.Protobuf.Reflection; using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes; using NUnit.Framework; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos; using static Google.Protobuf.WireFormat; using static UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.ComplexOptionType2.Types; using static UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.DummyMessageContainingEnum.Types; using static Google.Protobuf.Test.Reflection.CustomOptionNumber; namespace Google.Protobuf.Test.Reflection { // Internal enum to allow us to use "using static" for convenience. // These are the options defined in unittest_custom_options_proto3.proto internal enum CustomOptionNumber { FileOpt1 = 7736974, MessageOpt1 = 7739036, FieldOpt1 = 7740936, OneofOpt1 = 7740111, EnumOpt1 = 7753576, EnumValueOpt1 = 1560678, ServiceOpt1 = 7887650, MethodOpt1 = 7890860, // All message options... BoolOpt = 7706090, Int32Opt = 7705709, Int64Opt = 7705542, UInt32Opt = 7704880, UInt64Opt = 7702367, SInt32Opt = 7701568, SInt64Opt = 7700863, Fixed32Opt = 7700307, Fixed64Opt = 7700194, SFixed32Opt = 7698645, SFixed64Opt = 7685475, FloatOpt = 7675390, DoubleOpt = 7673293, StringOpt = 7673285, BytesOpt = 7673238, EnumOpt = 7673233, MessageTypeOpt = 7665967, // Miscellaneous ComplexOpt4 = 7633546, ComplexOpt1 = 7646756, ComplexOpt2 = 7636949, ComplexOpt3 = 7636463, // Aggregates AggregateFileOpt = 15478479, AggregateMsgOpt = 15480088, AggregateFieldOpt = 15481374, AggregateEnumOpt = 15483218, AggregateEnumValueOpt = 15486921, AggregateServiceOpt = 15497145, AggregateMethodOpt = 15512713, } /// <summary> /// The majority of the testing here is done via parsed descriptors. That's simpler to /// achieve (and more important) than constructing a CodedInputStream manually. /// </summary> public class CustomOptionsTest { delegate bool OptionFetcher<T>(int field, out T value); [Test] public void EmptyOptionsIsShared() { var structOptions = Struct.Descriptor.CustomOptions; var timestampOptions = Struct.Descriptor.CustomOptions; Assert.AreSame(structOptions, timestampOptions); } [Test] public void SimpleIntegerTest() { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream); output.WriteTag(MakeTag(1, WireType.Varint)); output.WriteInt32(1234567); output.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; var input = new CodedInputStream(stream); input.ReadTag(); var options = CustomOptions.Empty; options = options.ReadOrSkipUnknownField(input); int intValue; Assert.True(options.TryGetInt32(1, out intValue)); Assert.AreEqual(1234567, intValue); string stringValue; // No ByteString stored values Assert.False(options.TryGetString(1, out stringValue)); // Nothing stored for field 2 Assert.False(options.TryGetInt32(2, out intValue)); } [Test] public void SimpleStringTest() { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var output = new CodedOutputStream(stream); output.WriteTag(MakeTag(1, WireType.LengthDelimited)); output.WriteString("value"); output.Flush(); stream.Position = 0; var input = new CodedInputStream(stream); input.ReadTag(); var options = CustomOptions.Empty; options = options.ReadOrSkipUnknownField(input); string stringValue; Assert.True(options.TryGetString(1, out stringValue)); Assert.AreEqual("value", stringValue); int intValue; // No numeric stored values Assert.False(options.TryGetInt32(1, out intValue)); // Nothing stored for field 2 Assert.False(options.TryGetString(2, out stringValue)); } [Test] public void ScalarOptions() { var options = CustomOptionOtherValues.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(-100, options.TryGetInt32, Int32Opt); AssertOption(12.3456789f, options.TryGetFloat, FloatOpt); AssertOption(1.234567890123456789d, options.TryGetDouble, DoubleOpt); AssertOption("Hello, \"World\"", options.TryGetString, StringOpt); AssertOption(ByteString.CopyFromUtf8("Hello\0World"), options.TryGetBytes, BytesOpt); AssertOption((int) TestEnumType.TestOptionEnumType2, options.TryGetInt32, EnumOpt); } [Test] public void MessageOptions() { var options = VariousComplexOptions.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(new ComplexOptionType1 { Foo = 42, Foo4 = { 99, 88 } }, options.TryGetMessage, ComplexOpt1); AssertOption(new ComplexOptionType2 { Baz = 987, Bar = new ComplexOptionType1 { Foo = 743 }, Fred = new ComplexOptionType4 { Waldo = 321 }, Barney = { new ComplexOptionType4 { Waldo = 101 }, new ComplexOptionType4 { Waldo = 212 } } }, options.TryGetMessage, ComplexOpt2); AssertOption(new ComplexOptionType3 { Qux = 9 }, options.TryGetMessage, ComplexOpt3); } [Test] public void OptionLocations() { var fileOptions = UnittestCustomOptionsProto3Reflection.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(9876543210UL, fileOptions.TryGetUInt64, FileOpt1); var messageOptions = TestMessageWithCustomOptions.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(-56, messageOptions.TryGetInt32, MessageOpt1); var fieldOptions = TestMessageWithCustomOptions.Descriptor.Fields["field1"] .CustomOptions; AssertOption(8765432109UL, fieldOptions.TryGetFixed64, FieldOpt1); var oneofOptions = TestMessageWithCustomOptions.Descriptor.Oneofs[0].CustomOptions; AssertOption(-99, oneofOptions.TryGetInt32, OneofOpt1); var enumOptions = TestMessageWithCustomOptions.Descriptor.EnumTypes[0].CustomOptions; AssertOption(-789, enumOptions.TryGetSFixed32, EnumOpt1); var enumValueOptions = TestMessageWithCustomOptions.Descriptor.EnumTypes[0].FindValueByNumber(2).CustomOptions; AssertOption(123, enumValueOptions.TryGetInt32, EnumValueOpt1); var service = UnittestCustomOptionsProto3Reflection.Descriptor.Services .Single(s => s.Name == "TestServiceWithCustomOptions"); var serviceOptions = service.CustomOptions; AssertOption(-9876543210, serviceOptions.TryGetSInt64, ServiceOpt1); var methodOptions = service.Methods[0].CustomOptions; AssertOption((int) UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos.MethodOpt1.Val2, methodOptions.TryGetInt32, CustomOptionNumber.MethodOpt1); } [Test] public void MinValues() { var options = CustomOptionMinIntegerValues.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(false, options.TryGetBool, BoolOpt); AssertOption(int.MinValue, options.TryGetInt32, Int32Opt); AssertOption(long.MinValue, options.TryGetInt64, Int64Opt); AssertOption(uint.MinValue, options.TryGetUInt32, UInt32Opt); AssertOption(ulong.MinValue, options.TryGetUInt64, UInt64Opt); AssertOption(int.MinValue, options.TryGetSInt32, SInt32Opt); AssertOption(long.MinValue, options.TryGetSInt64, SInt64Opt); AssertOption(uint.MinValue, options.TryGetUInt32, Fixed32Opt); AssertOption(ulong.MinValue, options.TryGetUInt64, Fixed64Opt); AssertOption(int.MinValue, options.TryGetInt32, SFixed32Opt); AssertOption(long.MinValue, options.TryGetInt64, SFixed64Opt); } [Test] public void MaxValues() { var options = CustomOptionMaxIntegerValues.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(true, options.TryGetBool, BoolOpt); AssertOption(int.MaxValue, options.TryGetInt32, Int32Opt); AssertOption(long.MaxValue, options.TryGetInt64, Int64Opt); AssertOption(uint.MaxValue, options.TryGetUInt32, UInt32Opt); AssertOption(ulong.MaxValue, options.TryGetUInt64, UInt64Opt); AssertOption(int.MaxValue, options.TryGetSInt32, SInt32Opt); AssertOption(long.MaxValue, options.TryGetSInt64, SInt64Opt); AssertOption(uint.MaxValue, options.TryGetFixed32, Fixed32Opt); AssertOption(ulong.MaxValue, options.TryGetFixed64, Fixed64Opt); AssertOption(int.MaxValue, options.TryGetSFixed32, SFixed32Opt); AssertOption(long.MaxValue, options.TryGetSFixed64, SFixed64Opt); } [Test] public void AggregateOptions() { // Just two examples var messageOptions = AggregateMessage.Descriptor.CustomOptions; AssertOption(new Aggregate { I = 101, S = "MessageAnnotation" }, messageOptions.TryGetMessage, AggregateMsgOpt); var fieldOptions = AggregateMessage.Descriptor.Fields["fieldname"].CustomOptions; AssertOption(new Aggregate { S = "FieldAnnotation" }, fieldOptions.TryGetMessage, AggregateFieldOpt); } private void AssertOption<T>(T expected, OptionFetcher<T> fetcher, CustomOptionNumber field) { T actual; Assert.IsTrue(fetcher((int) field, out actual)); Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); } } }