1. 24 May, 2016 1 commit
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Better support for using the proto library from a framework. · 7da023b8
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Add generator constant for the default framework name.
      - Add generator api for making the CPP symbol from the name.
      - Add generator api to see if it is a bundled proto file.
      - Output a CPP conditional and two imports for the core library headers.
      - Add helper for generating the #import for file headers to deal with the
        framework imports.
      - Add a reference from the unittests to a WKT to use that to inspect how
        imports generate.
      - Update the podspec to define the CPP symbol and require pods 1.0 (or later).
      Fixes https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/1457
  2. 11 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  3. 21 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • TeBoring's avatar
      Add packFrom, unpackTo and is in google.protobuf.Any. · 7366efd8
      TeBoring authored
      The previous two methods make it easy to transform between any and normal message.
      unPackeTo will throw error if the type url in any doesn't match the type of the message to be transformed to.
      is checks any's type url matches the give GPBMessage type.
  4. 16 Jun, 2015 1 commit
  5. 06 May, 2015 1 commit
  6. 01 Oct, 2014 1 commit
  7. 02 Nov, 2010 1 commit
  8. 29 Jul, 2009 1 commit
  9. 25 Apr, 2009 1 commit
  10. 22 Oct, 2008 1 commit
  11. 24 Sep, 2008 1 commit
    • kenton@google.com's avatar
      Integrate changes from internal Google-internal branch. · 24bf56fb
      kenton@google.com authored
        * License changed from Apache 2.0 to New BSD.
        * It is now possible to define custom "options", which are basically
          annotations which may be placed on definitions in a .proto file.
          For example, you might define a field option called "foo" like so:
            import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"
            extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
              optional string foo = 12345;
          Then you annotate a field using the "foo" option:
            message MyMessage {
              optional int32 some_field = 1 [(foo) = "bar"]
          The value of this option is then visible via the message's
            const FieldDescriptor* field =
            assert(field->options().GetExtension(foo) == "bar");
          This feature has been implemented and tested in C++ and Java.
          Other languages may or may not need to do extra work to support
          custom options, depending on how they construct descriptors.
        * Fixed some GCC warnings that only occur when using -pedantic.
        * Improved static initialization code, making ordering more
          predictable among other things.
        * TextFormat will no longer accept messages which contain multiple
          instances of a singular field.  Previously, the latter instance
          would overwrite the former.
        * Now works on systems that don't have hash_map.
        * Strings now use the "unicode" type rather than the "str" type.
          String fields may still be assigned ASCII "str" values; they will
          automatically be converted.
        * Adding a property to an object representing a repeated field now
          raises an exception.  For example:
            # No longer works (and never should have).
            message.some_repeated_field.foo = 1
  12. 14 Aug, 2008 1 commit
  13. 10 Jul, 2008 1 commit