1. 13 Jun, 2016 6 commits
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Automated testing tweaks for ObjC · 98f0f37b
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Move the ObjC tests into the list and exclude them on linux, this will change
        where in the order they start, since they are longer, it will have other
        things run in parallel instead of them ending up last and taking the longest.
      - Switch to the Xcode 7.3 image.
      - Drop the use of xctool and stream line things through the full_mac_build.sh
        script. This means we end up with only one build script instead of two.
      - Tweaks to the mac build script:
        - Make iOS Xcode version support explicit
        - Support Debug/Release only building
        - Change the OS X min parallel count to 2 to better deal with VMs.
      - Split the travis ios tests into the two Xcode Configurations as the logs are
        choking travis.
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Better support for using the proto library from a framework. · 72df8446
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Add generator constant for the default framework name.
      - Add generator api for making the CPP symbol from the name.
      - Add generator api to see if it is a bundled proto file.
      - Output a CPP conditional and two imports for the core library headers.
      - Add helper for generating the #import for file headers to deal with the
        framework imports.
      - Add a reference from the unittests to a WKT to use that to inspect how
        imports generate.
      - Update the podspec to define the CPP symbol and require pods 1.0 (or later).
      Fixes https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/1457
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Make the CocoaPods integration tests more robust · 1445ce28
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Env solution doesn't seem to always work, use template pod files and copy
        them in place instead.
      - Flush the pods cache before and after runs.
      - Make pod install verbose to have the info incase something goes wrong.
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Add shared schemes for the CocoaPods integration tests · 61fa92df
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      Otherwise the projects have to be opened once to create user schemes for the
      command line builds to work.
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Expand the OS X/Xcode gitignores · 9e91571b
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Add the folder CocoaPods will add to the root folder.
      - Move and expand the entries in the objectivec directory.
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      CocoaPod Integration Tests · 7e4fb76a
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Add an Xcode 6.3 created default iOS Project.
      - Add an Xcode 6.3 created default OS X Project.
      - Add Podfiles to for both that use Protobufs from within the tree.
      - Add a script to run the tests (and cleanup) to help confirm the state of the
        Protobuf.podspec and sources.
  2. 16 May, 2016 3 commits
  3. 14 May, 2016 2 commits
  4. 13 May, 2016 3 commits
  5. 12 May, 2016 2 commits
  6. 11 May, 2016 10 commits
  7. 10 May, 2016 7 commits
  8. 09 May, 2016 1 commit
  9. 06 May, 2016 6 commits