1. 21 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  2. 08 Jan, 2019 2 commits
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      ObjC: Add a Xcode project for tvOS. · bd00671b
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      The CocoaPod (and source) have always support tvOS, but adding the project
      makes it easier to run the tests and debug if there ever were an issue.
      (not adding a watchOS project at the moment because Apple doesn't provide
       XCTest, so all it could do is build the library. We still support that,
       just can't "test" it.)
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Remove stale target reference. · f56adaeb
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
  3. 18 Dec, 2018 2 commits
  4. 13 Dec, 2018 1 commit
  5. 05 Dec, 2018 3 commits
  6. 03 Dec, 2018 1 commit
    • Stephane Moore's avatar
      [protos/objc] Include more context in deprecation messages :warning: · 74fa8745
      Stephane Moore authored
      For deprecated fields, identify the deprecated field and source file in the deprecation message. For deprecated files, identify the deprecated file in deprecation messages of generated interfaces. This additional context in deprecation messages will help provide developers with more context which could help them seek recommended alternatives to deprecated interfaces.
  7. 27 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  8. 19 Nov, 2018 2 commits
    • Stephane Moore's avatar
      [protobuf/objc] Introduce a protobuf-specific deprecation annotation :warning: · b323b136
      Stephane Moore authored
      Instead of using DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE from AvailabilityMacros.h, we should introduce a Google-specific Objective-C protobuf deprecation annotation. This helps address IWYU issues with using DEPRECATED_ATTRIBUTE and also enables allows clients to redefine the macro to treat protobuf warnings differently than other types of warnings (e.g., treating protobuf deprecation warnings as errors or ignoring them).
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      ObjC: small improvement to extension serialization. · ffa6bfc0
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      For messages that have multiple extension ranges, this will improve things
      by avoiding repeated work.  For messages with a single range, it should
      be a wash.
      - Sort the list of set extensions once during serialization and reuse the list.
      - Break out of the serialization loop as soon as the loop has moved pasted at
        accepted range for field ids.
  9. 14 Nov, 2018 6 commits
  10. 09 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  11. 08 Nov, 2018 1 commit
    • Dave MacLachlan's avatar
      Fix bugs in our keyword conversion support for objectivec · be83b29b
      Dave MacLachlan authored
      We have code for converting C/C++/Objc keywords that appear in protos
      to convert them so that they can be compiled.
      One of the things we need to be careful of is accidentally overriding methods
      that Apple declares in NSObject. It turns out that we have run into issues
      where we conflict with "hidden" methods in NSObject or methods added by
      categories. method_dump.sh collects all of the methods we care about for
      macOS and iOS and dumps them into objectivec_nsobject_methods.h which
      is then included in objectivec_helpers.cc as part of the build.
      Added a pile of tests to verify that conversions are happening as expected.
  12. 04 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  13. 02 Nov, 2018 1 commit
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Let the 9.4 migrator migrate the Swift source. · eecccdc8
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      No changes were needed, but since the Xcode projects pick up the updated
      setting, the tests require a newer Xcode that supports Swift 4.
      This is being done because Xcode 10 starting warning about Swift 3 support
      going away in the future, so we might as well do the updates since most
      folks shouldn't be on those really old Xcode versions any more.
  14. 01 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  15. 02 Oct, 2018 4 commits
  16. 19 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  17. 07 Sep, 2018 1 commit
  18. 22 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  19. 09 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  20. 06 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • dmaclach's avatar
      Add header need for module maps. · 3389bd96
      dmaclach authored
      If you make up a module map for Objective C protocol buffers, the compiler will complain about missing a declaration for GPBUnknownFieldSet which is used in this file.
  21. 23 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  22. 11 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  23. 05 Jun, 2018 2 commits
  24. 29 May, 2018 1 commit
    • leovitch's avatar
      [ObjC] Add ability to introspect list of enum values (#4678) · 28049024
      leovitch authored
      Added new API to GPBEnumDescriptor to enable introspection of enum values.
      Refactored implementation so that this contains a minimum of added code.
      Clarified comments regarding behavior in the presence of the alias_allowed option.
      Added unit tests for new functionality and for the alias case.
  25. 30 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  26. 21 Apr, 2018 1 commit