1. 14 Aug, 2015 1 commit
  2. 21 Jul, 2015 1 commit
    • TeBoring's avatar
      Add packFrom, unpackTo and is in google.protobuf.Any. · 7366efd8
      TeBoring authored
      The previous two methods make it easy to transform between any and normal message.
      unPackeTo will throw error if the type url in any doesn't match the type of the message to be transformed to.
      is checks any's type url matches the give GPBMessage type.
  3. 22 May, 2015 1 commit
    • Thomas Van Lenten's avatar
      Objective C Second Alpha Drop · 1dcc3294
      Thomas Van Lenten authored
      - Style fixups in the code.
      - map<> serialization fixes and more tests.
      - Autocreation of map<> fields (to match repeated fields).
      - @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope|imports).
      - Fixup proto2 syntax extension support.
      - Move all startup code to +initialize so it happen on class usage and not app startup.
      - Have generated headers use forward declarations and move imports into generated code, reduces what is need at compile time to speed up compiled and avoid pointless rippling of rebuilds.