Commit ef3464df authored by Jon Skeet's avatar Jon Skeet

Oneof reflection support. (Generated code changes in next commit.)

parent 5b9288e4
......@@ -734,5 +734,25 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
var message = SampleMessages.CreateFullTestAllTypes();
Assert.Throws<InvalidCastException>(() => message.Fields[TestAllTypes.SingleBoolFieldNumber].GetValue(new TestMap()));
public void Reflection_Oneof()
var message = new TestAllTypes();
var fields = message.Fields;
Assert.AreEqual(1, fields.Oneofs.Count);
var oneof = fields.Oneofs[0];
Assert.AreEqual("oneof_field", oneof.Descriptor.Name);
message.OneofString = "foo";
Assert.AreSame(fields[TestAllTypes.OneofStringFieldNumber].Descriptor, oneof.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message));
message.OneofUint32 = 10;
Assert.AreSame(fields[TestAllTypes.OneofUint32FieldNumber].Descriptor, oneof.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message));
Assert.AreEqual(TestAllTypes.OneofFieldOneofCase.None, message.OneofFieldCase);
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
public sealed class FieldAccessorTable
private readonly ReadOnlyCollection<IFieldAccessor> accessors;
private readonly ReadOnlyCollection<OneofAccessor> oneofs;
private readonly MessageDescriptor descriptor;
/// <summary>
......@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
/// <param name="type">The CLR type for the message.</param>
/// <param name="descriptor">The type's descriptor</param>
/// <param name="propertyNames">The Pascal-case names of all the field-based properties in the message.</param>
public FieldAccessorTable(Type type, MessageDescriptor descriptor, string[] propertyNames)
public FieldAccessorTable(Type type, MessageDescriptor descriptor, string[] propertyNames, string[] oneofPropertyNames)
this.descriptor = descriptor;
var accessorsArray = new IFieldAccessor[descriptor.Fields.Count];
......@@ -65,7 +66,13 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
: (IFieldAccessor) new SingleFieldAccessor(type, name, field);
accessors = new ReadOnlyCollection<IFieldAccessor>(accessorsArray);
// TODO(jonskeet): Oneof support
var oneofsArray = new OneofAccessor[descriptor.Oneofs.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < oneofsArray.Length; i++)
var oneof = descriptor.Oneofs[i];
oneofsArray[i] = new OneofAccessor(type, oneofPropertyNames[i], oneof);
oneofs = new ReadOnlyCollection<OneofAccessor>(oneofsArray);
// TODO: Validate the name here... should possibly make this type a more "general reflection access" type,
......@@ -75,6 +82,10 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
/// </summary>
public ReadOnlyCollection<IFieldAccessor> Accessors { get { return accessors; } }
public ReadOnlyCollection<OneofAccessor> Oneofs { get { return oneofs; } }
// TODO: Review the API for the indexers. Now that we have fields and oneofs, it's not as clear...
public IFieldAccessor this[int fieldNumber]
......@@ -84,7 +95,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
internal IFieldAccessor this[FieldDescriptor field]
public IFieldAccessor this[FieldDescriptor field]
......@@ -95,5 +106,17 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
return accessors[field.Index];
public OneofAccessor this[OneofDescriptor oneof]
if (oneof.ContainingType != descriptor)
throw new ArgumentException("OneofDescriptor does not match message type.");
return oneofs[oneof.Index];
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -30,62 +30,57 @@
using Google.Protobuf.Descriptors;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
// TODO(jonskeet): Add "new" oneof API support
/// <summary>
/// Access for an oneof
/// Reflection access for a oneof, allowing clear and "get case" actions.
/// </summary>
internal class OneofAccessor<TMessage> where TMessage : IMessage<TMessage>
public sealed class OneofAccessor
private readonly Func<TMessage, object> caseDelegate;
private readonly Func<TBuilder, IBuilder> clearDelegate;
private MessageDescriptor descriptor;
private readonly Func<object, int> caseDelegate;
private readonly Action<object> clearDelegate;
private OneofDescriptor descriptor;
internal OneofAccessor(MessageDescriptor descriptor, string name)
internal OneofAccessor(Type type, string propertyName, OneofDescriptor descriptor)
this.descriptor = descriptor;
MethodInfo clearMethod = typeof(TBuilder).GetMethod("Clear" + name);
PropertyInfo caseProperty = typeof(TMessage).GetProperty(name + "Case");
if (clearMethod == null || caseProperty == null)
PropertyInfo property = type.GetProperty(propertyName + "Case");
if (property == null || !property.CanRead)
throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available for oneof");
throw new ArgumentException("Not all required properties/methods available");
this.descriptor = descriptor;
caseDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateFuncObjectT<int>(property.GetGetMethod());
clearDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateDelegateFunc<TBuilder, IBuilder>(clearMethod);
caseDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateUpcastDelegate<TMessage>(caseProperty.GetGetMethod());
this.descriptor = descriptor;
MethodInfo clearMethod = type.GetMethod("Clear" + propertyName);
clearDelegate = ReflectionUtil.CreateActionObject(clearMethod);
/// <summary>
/// Indicates whether the specified message has set any field in the oneof.
/// </summary>
public bool Has(TMessage message)
return ((int) caseDelegate(message) != 0);
public OneofDescriptor Descriptor { get { return descriptor; } }
/// <summary>
/// Clears the oneof in the specified builder.
/// Clears the oneof in the specified message.
/// </summary>
public void Clear(TBuilder builder)
public void Clear(object message)
/// <summary>
/// Indicates which field in the oneof is set for specified message
/// </summary>
public virtual FieldDescriptor GetOneofFieldDescriptor(TMessage message)
public FieldDescriptor GetCaseFieldDescriptor(object message)
int fieldNumber = (int) caseDelegate(message);
int fieldNumber = caseDelegate(message);
if (fieldNumber > 0)
return descriptor.FindFieldByNumber(fieldNumber);
return descriptor.ContainingType.FindFieldByNumber(fieldNumber);
return null;
......@@ -64,6 +64,19 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf.FieldAccess
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(upcast, parameter).Compile();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a delegate which will cast the argument to the appropriate method target type,
/// call the method on it, then convert the result to the specified type.
/// </summary>
internal static Func<object, T> CreateFuncObjectT<T>(MethodInfo method)
ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "p");
Expression downcast = Expression.Convert(parameter, method.DeclaringType);
Expression call = Expression.Call(downcast, method);
Expression upcast = Expression.Convert(call, typeof(T));
return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, T>>(upcast, parameter).Compile();
/// <summary>
/// Creates a delegate which will execute the given method after casting the first argument to
/// the target type of the method, and the second argument to the first parameter type of the method.
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ void MessageGenerator::GenerateStaticVariableInitializers(io::Printer* printer)
printer->Print("\"$property_name$\", ",
"property_name", GetPropertyName(descriptor_->field(i)));
printer->Print("}, new string[] { ");
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->oneof_decl_count(); i++) {
printer->Print("\"$oneof_name$\", ",
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