Commit ee4410d5 authored by Max Cai's avatar Max Cai

Add some bitfield helper methods from 2.4

Change-Id: Ib9bb549602f71a451d2107fb04de17877553860e
parent 71766127
......@@ -407,6 +407,83 @@ string DefaultValue(const Params& params, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return "";
static const char* kBitMasks[] = {
string GetBitFieldName(int index) {
string var_name = "bitField";
var_name += SimpleItoa(index);
var_name += "_";
return var_name;
string GetBitFieldNameForBit(int bit_index) {
return GetBitFieldName(bit_index / 32);
string GenerateGetBit(int bit_index) {
string var_name = GetBitFieldNameForBit(bit_index);
int bit_in_var_index = bit_index % 32;
string mask = kBitMasks[bit_in_var_index];
string result = "((" + var_name + " & " + mask + ") == " + mask + ")";
return result;
string GenerateSetBit(int bit_index) {
string var_name = GetBitFieldNameForBit(bit_index);
int bit_in_var_index = bit_index % 32;
string mask = kBitMasks[bit_in_var_index];
string result = var_name + " |= " + mask;
return result;
string GenerateClearBit(int bit_index) {
string var_name = GetBitFieldNameForBit(bit_index);
int bit_in_var_index = bit_index % 32;
string mask = kBitMasks[bit_in_var_index];
string result = var_name + " = (" + var_name + " & ~" + mask + ")";
return result;
} // namespace javanano
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
......@@ -138,6 +138,31 @@ string EmptyArrayName(const Params& params, const FieldDescriptor* field);
string DefaultValue(const Params& params, const FieldDescriptor* field);
// Methods for shared bitfields.
// Gets the name of the shared bitfield for the given index.
string GetBitFieldName(int index);
// Gets the name of the shared bitfield for the given bit index.
// Effectively, GetBitFieldName(bit_index / 32)
string GetBitFieldNameForBit(int bit_index);
// Generates the java code for the expression that returns the boolean value
// of the bit of the shared bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "((bitField1_ & 0x04) == 0x04)"
string GenerateGetBit(int bit_index);
// Generates the java code for the expression that sets the bit of the shared
// bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "bitField1_ = (bitField1_ | 0x04)"
string GenerateSetBit(int bit_index);
// Generates the java code for the expression that clears the bit of the shared
// bitfields for the given bit index.
// Example: "bitField1_ = (bitField1_ & ~0x04)"
string GenerateClearBit(int bit_index);
} // namespace javanano
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
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