Commit ec11d290 authored by Yilun Chong's avatar Yilun Chong

fix function names

parent dfa53e2f
......@@ -264,6 +264,12 @@ def __parse_js_php_result(filename, language):
def __parse_js_result(filename, language):
return __parse_js_php_result(filename, language)
def __parse_php_result(filename, language):
return __parse_js_php_result(filename, language)
def get_result_from_file(cpp_file="",
......@@ -285,10 +291,10 @@ def get_result_from_file(cpp_file="",
if synthetic_file != "":
if node_file != "":
__parse_js_php_result(node_file, "node")
__parse_js_result(node_file, "node")
if php_file != "":
__parse_js_php_result(php_file, "php")
__parse_php_result(php_file, "php")
if php_c_file != "":
__parse_js_php_result(php_c_file, "php")
__parse_php_result(php_c_file, "php")
return __results
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