Commit e7e79a43 authored by Chris Fallin's avatar Chris Fallin

Merge pull request #190 from isaiah/to_ary

add #to_ary to RepeatedField
parents a22bc812 ee5f6e9a
......@@ -316,6 +316,29 @@ VALUE RepeatedField_deep_copy(VALUE _self) {
return new_rptfield;
* call-seq:
* RepeatedField.to_ary => array
* Used when converted implicitly into array, e.g. compared to an Array.
* Also called as a fallback of Object#to_a
VALUE RepeatedField_to_ary(VALUE _self) {
RepeatedField* self = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_self);
upb_fieldtype_t field_type = self->field_type;
size_t elem_size = native_slot_size(field_type);
size_t off = 0;
VALUE ary = rb_ary_new2(self->size);
for (int i = 0; i < self->size; i++, off += elem_size) {
void* mem = ((uint8_t *)self->elements) + off;
VALUE elem = native_slot_get(field_type, self->field_type_class, mem);
rb_ary_push(ary, elem);
return ary;
* call-seq:
* RepeatedField.==(other) => boolean
......@@ -335,15 +358,9 @@ VALUE RepeatedField_eq(VALUE _self, VALUE _other) {
RepeatedField* self = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_self);
// Inefficient but workable: to support comparison to a generic array, we
// build a temporary RepeatedField of our type.
if (TYPE(_other) == T_ARRAY) {
VALUE new_rptfield = RepeatedField_new_this_type(_self);
for (int i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(_other); i++) {
VALUE elem = rb_ary_entry(_other, i);
RepeatedField_push(new_rptfield, elem);
_other = new_rptfield;
VALUE self_ary = RepeatedField_to_ary(_self);
return rb_equal(self_ary, _other);
RepeatedField* other = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_other);
......@@ -401,29 +418,8 @@ VALUE RepeatedField_hash(VALUE _self) {
* representation computed by its own #inspect method.
VALUE RepeatedField_inspect(VALUE _self) {
RepeatedField* self = ruby_to_RepeatedField(_self);
VALUE str = rb_str_new2("[");
bool first = true;
upb_fieldtype_t field_type = self->field_type;
VALUE field_type_class = self->field_type_class;
size_t elem_size = native_slot_size(field_type);
size_t off = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < self->size; i++, off += elem_size) {
void* mem = ((uint8_t *)self->elements) + off;
VALUE elem = native_slot_get(field_type, field_type_class, mem);
if (!first) {
str = rb_str_cat2(str, ", ");
} else {
first = false;
str = rb_str_append(str, rb_funcall(elem, rb_intern("inspect"), 0));
str = rb_str_cat2(str, "]");
return str;
VALUE self_ary = RepeatedField_to_ary(_self);
return rb_funcall(self_ary, rb_intern("inspect"), 0);
......@@ -594,6 +590,7 @@ void RepeatedField_register(VALUE module) {
// Also define #clone so that we don't inherit Object#clone.
rb_define_method(klass, "clone", RepeatedField_dup, 0);
rb_define_method(klass, "==", RepeatedField_eq, 1);
rb_define_method(klass, "to_ary", RepeatedField_to_ary, 0);
rb_define_method(klass, "hash", RepeatedField_hash, 0);
rb_define_method(klass, "inspect", RepeatedField_inspect, 0);
rb_define_method(klass, "+", RepeatedField_plus, 1);
......@@ -236,7 +236,8 @@ module BasicTest
assert l.count == 0
l =, [1, 2, 3])
assert l.count == 3
assert l == [1, 2, 3]
assert_equal [1, 2, 3], l
assert_equal l, [1, 2, 3]
l.push 4
assert l == [1, 2, 3, 4]
dst_list = []
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