Commit e28286fa authored by Paul Yang's avatar Paul Yang Committed by GitHub

Add 32-bit machine test on jenkins. (#2245)

parent afaa8278
Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
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Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
......@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ docker run \
"$@" \
-e EXTERNAL_GIT_ROOT="/var/local/jenkins/protobuf" \
-e THIS_IS_REALLY_NEEDED='see for why docker is awful' \
-v "$git_root:/var/local/jenkins/protobuf:ro" \
......@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
export DOCKERFILE_DIR=jenkins/docker
export DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT=jenkins/
export OUTPUT_DIR=testoutput
export TEST_SET="csharp java_jdk7 javanano_jdk7 java_oracle7 javanano_oracle7 python python_cpp ruby_all javascript golang php_all"
# This is the top-level script we give to Jenkins as the entry point for
# running the "pull request 32" project:
# This script selects a specific Dockerfile (for building a Docker image) and
# a script to run inside that image. Then we delegate to the general
# script.
export DOCKERFILE_DIR=jenkins/docker32
export DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT=jenkins/
export OUTPUT_DIR=testoutput
export TEST_SET="php_all"
# This Dockerfile specifies the recipe for creating an image for the tests
# to run in.
# We install as many test dependencies here as we can, because these setup
# steps can be cached. They do *not* run every time we run the build.
# The Docker image is only rebuilt when the Dockerfile (ie. this file)
# changes.
# Base Dockerfile for gRPC dev images
FROM 32bit/debian:latest
# Apt source for php
RUN echo "deb trusty main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/various-php.list && \
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys F4FCBB07
# Install dependencies. We start with the basic ones require to build protoc
# and the C++ build
RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --force-yes \
autoconf \
autotools-dev \
build-essential \
bzip2 \
ccache \
curl \
gcc \
git \
libc6 \
libc6-dbg \
libc6-dev \
libgtest-dev \
libtool \
make \
parallel \
time \
wget \
unzip \
# -- For python --
python-setuptools \
python-pip \
python-dev \
# -- For C++ benchmarks --
cmake \
# -- For PHP --
php5.5 \
php5.5-dev \
php5.5-xml \
php5.6 \
php5.6-dev \
php5.6-xml \
php7.0 \
php7.0-dev \
php7.0-xml \
phpunit \
valgrind \
libxml2-dev \
&& apt-get clean
# PHP dependencies.
RUN php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
RUN php composer-setup.php
RUN mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer
RUN php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
RUN cd /tmp && \
git clone && \
cd protobuf && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php5.5 /usr/bin/php && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php-config5.5 /usr/bin/php-config && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/phpize5.5 /usr/bin/phpize && \
composer install && \
mv vendor /usr/local/vendor-5.5 && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php5.6 /usr/bin/php && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php-config5.6 /usr/bin/php-config && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/phpize5.6 /usr/bin/phpize && \
composer install && \
mv vendor /usr/local/vendor-5.6 && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php7.0 /usr/bin/php && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/php-config7.0 /usr/bin/php-config && \
ln -sfn /usr/bin/phpize7.0 /usr/bin/phpize && \
composer install && \
mv vendor /usr/local/vendor-7.0
RUN wget
RUN mv mirror php-5.5.38.tar.bz2
RUN tar -xvf php-5.5.38.tar.bz2
RUN cd php-5.5.38 && ./configure --enable-maintainer-zts --prefix=/usr/local/php-5.5-zts && \
make && make install
# Python dependencies
# These packages exist in apt-get, but their versions are too old, so we have
# to get updates from pip.
RUN pip install pip --upgrade
RUN pip install virtualenv tox yattag
# Prepare ccache
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/gcc
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/g++
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/cc
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/c++
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/clang
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/ccache /usr/local/bin/clang++
# Define the default command.
CMD ["bash"]
......@@ -45,20 +45,11 @@ TIME_CMD="/usr/bin/time -f %e -o $LOG_OUTPUT_DIR/1/cpp/build_time"
$TIME_CMD $TEST_SCRIPT cpp > >(tee $CPP_STDOUT) 2> >(tee $CPP_STDERR >&2)
# Other tests are run in parallel.
# Other tests are run in parallel. TEST_SET is defined in
# buildcmds/pull_request{_32}.sh
parallel --results $LOG_OUTPUT_DIR --joblog $OUTPUT_DIR/joblog $TEST_SCRIPT ::: \
csharp \
java_jdk7 \
javanano_jdk7 \
java_oracle7 \
javanano_oracle7 \
python \
python_cpp \
ruby_all \
javascript \
golang \
php_all \
|| true # Process test results even if tests fail.
cat $OUTPUT_DIR/joblog
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