Commit d41ed17a authored by csharptest's avatar csharptest Committed by rogerk

Removed TestProtoFileDisablingClsComplianceFlags, see Issue 38: Disable CLSCompliant warnings

parent 7a030703
......@@ -266,36 +266,6 @@ message " +
public void TestProtoFileDisablingClsComplianceFlags()
string test = new StackFrame(false).GetMethod().Name;
using (TempFile source = TempFile.Attach(test + ".cs"))
using (
ProtoFile proto = new ProtoFile(test + ".proto",
package nunit.simple;
// Test a very simple message.
message MyMessage {
optional uint32 name = 1;
} ")
//CS3021: Warning as Error: xx does not need a CLSCompliant attribute because the assembly does not have a CLSCompliant attribute
RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath);
RunCsc(1, source.TempPath, "/warnaserror+");
//Now we know it fails, make it pass by turning off cls_compliance generation
RunProtoGen(0, proto.TempPath, "-cls_compliance:false");
Assembly a = RunCsc(0, source.TempPath, "/warnaserror+");
//assert that the message type is in the expected namespace
Type t = a.GetType("nunit.simple.MyMessage", true, true);
Assert.IsTrue(typeof(IMessage).IsAssignableFrom(t), "Expect an IMessage");
//assert that we can find the static descriptor type
a.GetType("nunit.simple." + test, true, true);
public void TestProtoFileWithNewExtension()
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