Commit c94555f9 authored by Feng Xiao's avatar Feng Xiao

Double-quote file paths in

This allows the file path to contain spaces which is very common on
parent e11cd3ee
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -20,18 +20,12 @@ install(TARGETS protoc EXPORT protobuf-targets
file(STRINGS _extract_strings
REGEX "^copy")
foreach(_extract_string ${_extract_strings})
string(REPLACE "copy \${PROTOBUF_SOURCE_WIN32_PATH}\\" ""
_extract_string ${_extract_string})
string(REPLACE "\\" "/" _extract_string ${_extract_string})
string(REGEX MATCH "^[^ ]+"
_extract_from ${_extract_string})
string(REGEX REPLACE "^${_extract_from} ([^$]+)" "\\1"
_extract_to ${_extract_string})
get_filename_component(_extract_from "${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/${_extract_from}" ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(_extract_name ${_extract_to} NAME)
get_filename_component(_extract_to ${_extract_to} PATH)
_extract_to "${_extract_to}")
string(REGEX REPLACE "^.* .+ include\\\\(.+)$" "\\1"
_header ${_extract_string})
string(REPLACE "\\" "/" _header ${_header})
get_filename_component(_extract_from "${protobuf_SOURCE_DIR}/../src/${_header}" ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(_extract_name ${_header} NAME)
get_filename_component(_extract_to "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/${_header}" PATH)
if(EXISTS "${_extract_from}")
install(FILES "${_extract_from}"
DESTINATION "${_extract_to}"
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