Commit bedef1ed authored by Tomo Suzuki's avatar Tomo Suzuki Committed by Paul Yang

Kokoro: run Linkage Monitor on presubmit (#6318)

* adding mvn install with snapshot version

* Added linkage monitor

* comment

* space

* Added comment

* Maven to use $HOME/.m2

* setting MVN
parent ee5f29f4
...@@ -231,8 +231,30 @@ build_java_compatibility() { ...@@ -231,8 +231,30 @@ build_java_compatibility() {
./ 3.0.0-beta-4 ./ 3.0.0-beta-4
} }
build_java_linkage_monitor() { build_java_linkage_monitor() {
# Linkage Monitor checks compatibility with other Google libraries
use_java jdk8 use_java jdk8
# TODO(#6303): Call Linkage Monitor internal_build_cpp
# Linkage Monitor uses $HOME/.m2 local repository
MVN="mvn -e -B -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2"
cd java
# Sets java artifact version with SNAPSHOT, as Linkage Monitor looks for SNAPSHOT versions.
# Example: "3.9.0" (without 'rc')
VERSION=`grep '<version>' pom.xml |head -1 |perl -nle 'print $1 if m/<version>(\d+\.\d+.\d+)/'`
cd bom
$MVN versions:set -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT
cd ..
$MVN versions:set -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT
# Installs the snapshot version locally
$MVN install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
# Linkage Monitor uses the snapshot versions installed in $HOME/.m2 to verify compatibility
curl -v -O "${JAR}"
# Fails if there's new linkage errors compared with baseline
java -jar $JAR
} }
build_objectivec_ios() { build_objectivec_ios() {
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