Commit bbf64cee authored by Yangqing Jia's avatar Yangqing Jia

Arena type traits standardization.

This is adapted from the branch of @xfxyjwf at:

and should solve the protobuf compilation problem against nvcc.

Tested against nvcc 6.5 and 7.0.
parent b1b9c254
......@@ -490,27 +490,29 @@ class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Arena {
return GetArenaInternal(value, static_cast<T*>(0));
// Helper typetrait that indicates support for arenas in a type T at compile
// time. This is public only to allow construction of higher-level templated
// utilities. is_arena_constructable<T>::value is an instance of
// google::protobuf::internal::true_type if the message type T has arena support enabled, and
// google::protobuf::internal::false_type otherwise.
// This is inside Arena because only Arena has the friend relationships
// necessary to see the underlying generated code traits.
template<typename T>
struct is_arena_constructable {
struct InternalIsArenaConstructableHelper {
template<typename U>
static char ArenaConstructable(
const typename U::InternalArenaConstructable_*);
template<typename U>
static double ArenaConstructable(...);
// This will resolve to either google::protobuf::internal::true_type or google::protobuf::internal::false_type.
typedef google::protobuf::internal::integral_constant<bool,
sizeof(ArenaConstructable<const T>(static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
sizeof(char)> type;
static const type value;
// Helper typetrait that indicates support for arenas in a type T at compile
// time. This is public only to allow construction of higher-level templated
// utilities. is_arena_constructable<T>::value is true if the message type T
// has arena support enabled, and false otherwise.
// This is inside Arena because only Arena has the friend relationships
// necessary to see the underlying generated code traits.
template<typename T>
struct is_arena_constructable :
public google::protobuf::internal::integral_constant<bool,
const T>(static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
sizeof(char)> {
......@@ -572,32 +574,28 @@ class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Arena {
return google::protobuf::internal::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value;
// Helper typetrait that indicates whether the desctructor of type T should be
// called when arena is destroyed at compile time. This is only to allow
// construction of higher-level templated utilities.
// is_destructor_skippable<T>::value is an instance of google::protobuf::internal::true_type if the
// destructor of the message type T should not be called when arena is
// destroyed or google::protobuf::internal::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value == true, and
// google::protobuf::internal::false_type otherwise.
// This is inside Arena because only Arena has the friend relationships
// necessary to see the underlying generated code traits.
template<typename T>
struct is_destructor_skippable {
struct InternalIsDestructorSkippableHelper {
template<typename U>
static char DestructorSkippable(
const typename U::DestructorSkippable_*);
template<typename U>
static double DestructorSkippable(...);
// The raw_skippable_value const bool variable is separated from the typedef
// line below as a work-around of an NVCC 7.0 (and earlier) compiler bug.
static const bool raw_skippable_value =
sizeof(DestructorSkippable<const T>(static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
sizeof(char) || google::protobuf::internal::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value == true;
// This will resolve to either google::protobuf::internal::true_type or google::protobuf::internal::false_type.
typedef google::protobuf::internal::integral_constant<bool, raw_skippable_value> type;
static const type value;
// Helper typetrait that indicates whether the desctructor of type T should be
// called when arena is destroyed at compile time. This is only to allow
// construction of higher-level templated utilities.
// is_destructor_skippable<T>::value is true if the destructor of the message
// type T should not be called when arena is destroyed or false otherwise.
// This is inside Arena because only Arena has the friend relationships
// necessary to see the underlying generated code traits.
template<typename T>
struct is_destructor_skippable :
public google::protobuf::internal::integral_constant<bool,
const T>(static_cast<const T*>(0))) ==
sizeof(char) ||
google::protobuf::internal::has_trivial_destructor<T>::value> {
......@@ -780,8 +778,10 @@ class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Arena {
// which needs to declare google::protobuf::Map as friend of generated message.
template <typename T>
static void CreateInArenaStorage(T* ptr, Arena* arena) {
CreateInArenaStorageInternal(ptr, arena, is_arena_constructable<T>::value);
RegisterDestructorInternal(ptr, arena, is_destructor_skippable<T>::value);
ptr, arena, typename is_arena_constructable<T>::type());
ptr, arena, typename is_destructor_skippable<T>::type());
template <typename T>
......@@ -910,16 +910,6 @@ class LIBPROTOBUF_EXPORT Arena {
// Defined above for supporting environments without RTTI.
template<typename T>
const typename Arena::is_arena_constructable<T>::type
Arena::is_arena_constructable<T>::value =
typename Arena::is_arena_constructable<T>::type();
template<typename T>
const typename Arena::is_destructor_skippable<T>::type
Arena::is_destructor_skippable<T>::value =
typename Arena::is_destructor_skippable<T>::type();
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
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