Commit b32c2a80 authored by Jeffrey Quesnelle's avatar Jeffrey Quesnelle

fix undefined behavior in C++03

parent 9021f623
......@@ -155,12 +155,13 @@ string normalize(string path) {
static const string dot(".");
static const string dotdot("..");
const string& cpath = path;
std::vector<string> segments;
int segment_start = -1;
// Find the path segments in `path` (separated by "/").
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
if (!is_separator(path[i]) && path[i] != '\0') {
if (!is_separator(cpath[i]) && cpath[i] != '\0') {
// The current character does not end a segment, so start one unless it's
// already started.
if (segment_start < 0) {
......@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ string normalize(string path) {
} else if (segment_start >= 0 && i > segment_start) {
// The current character is "/" or "\0", so this ends a segment.
// Add that to `segments` if there's anything to add; handle "." and "..".
string segment(path, segment_start, i - segment_start);
string segment(cpath, segment_start, i - segment_start);
segment_start = -1;
if (segment == dotdot) {
if (!segments.empty() &&
......@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ string normalize(string path) {
if (path[i] == '\0') {
if (cpath[i] == '\0') {
......@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ string normalize(string path) {
result << segments[i];
// Preserve trailing separator if the input contained it.
if (!path.empty() && is_separator(path[path.size() - 1])) {
if (!cpath.empty() && is_separator(cpath[cpath.size() - 1])) {
result << '\\';
return result.str();
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