Commit 95ee8fb8 authored by Josh Haberman's avatar Josh Haberman

Exclude JRuby from conformance tests for now.

Change-Id: Id008ebac5159f773e1bde8b85acb2626cbd16de8
parent 181c7f26
......@@ -5,13 +5,22 @@ set -e
test_version() {
bash --login -c \
"rvm install $version && rvm use $version && \
which ruby && \
gem install bundler && bundle && \
rake test && \
cd ../conformance && \
make test_ruby"
if [ "$version" == "jruby" ] ; then
# No conformance tests yet -- JRuby is too broken to run them.
bash --login -c \
"rvm install $version && rvm use $version && \
which ruby && \
gem install bundler && bundle && \
rake test"
bash --login -c \
"rvm install $version && rvm use $version && \
which ruby && \
gem install bundler && bundle && \
rake test && \
cd ../conformance && \
make test_ruby"
test_version $1
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