Commit 957e877d authored by Jon Skeet's avatar Jon Skeet

Generate C# code whenever descriptor.proto changes

This is a start to fixing issue #1212. It won't help for test protos,
conformance etc, but it will definitely be better than nothing, and
would have highlighted a change in descriptor.proto which broken C#
parent e35e2480
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
set -ex
# cd to repository root
cd $(dirname $0)/..
pushd $(dirname $0)/..
# Protocol buffer compiler to use. If the PROTOC variable is set,
# use that. Otherwise, probe for expected locations under both
......@@ -96,3 +96,8 @@ if test -x objectivec/; then
echo "Generating messages for objc."
objectivec/ $@
if test -x csharp/; then
echo "Generating messages for C#."
csharp/ $@
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