Commit 8b6554ce authored by Jon Skeet's avatar Jon Skeet

Improve distribution target

parent 7f419b13
......@@ -281,11 +281,24 @@
<target name="dist"
description="Copies all binaries into the output directory">
<delete dir="${output-dir}" />
<copy todir="${output-dir}">
<fileset basedir="${project::get-base-directory()}">
<include name="readme.txt" />
<include name="license.txt" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/Protoc" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/Debug" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/Release" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/Silverlight2" />
<mkdir dir="${output-dir}/CompactFramework35" />
<copy todir="${output-dir}/Protoc">
<fileset basedir="${project::get-base-directory()}/lib">
<include name="protoc.exe" />
<include name="protoc-license.txt" />
<copy todir="${output-dir}/Debug"
<fileset basedir="${src}">
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