Commit 82aa6bbd authored by Jan Tattermusch's avatar Jan Tattermusch

Merge pull request #668 from jskeet/json_ordering

Fix C# JSON field ordering
parents bfbf35da 4fed0b51
......@@ -88,4 +88,29 @@ message ReservedNames {
int32 types = 1;
int32 descriptor = 2;
message TestJsonFieldOrdering {
// These fields are deliberately not declared in numeric
// order, and the oneof fields aren't contiguous either.
// This allows for reasonably robust tests of JSON output
// ordering.
// TestFieldOrderings in unittest_proto3.proto is similar,
// but doesn't include oneofs.
// TODO: Consider adding
int32 plain_int32 = 4;
oneof o1 {
string o1_string = 2;
int32 o1_int32 = 5;
string plain_string = 1;
oneof o2 {
int32 o2_int32 = 6;
string o2_string = 3;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Google.Protobuf.TestProtos;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos;
namespace Google.Protobuf
......@@ -284,5 +285,29 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
Assert.IsTrue(actualJson.Contains("\"int64Field\": null"));
Assert.IsFalse(actualJson.Contains("\"int32Field\": null"));
public void OutputIsInNumericFieldOrder_NoDefaults()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(new JsonFormatter.Settings(false));
var message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { PlainString = "p1", PlainInt32 = 2 };
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"p1\", \"plainInt32\": 2 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1Int32 = 5, O2String = "o2", PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"plain\", \"o2String\": \"o2\", \"plainInt32\": 10, \"o1Int32\": 5 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1String = "", O2Int32 = 0, PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"plain\", \"o1String\": \"\", \"plainInt32\": 10, \"o2Int32\": 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
public void OutputIsInNumericFieldOrder_WithDefaults()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(new JsonFormatter.Settings(true));
var message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering();
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"\", \"plainInt32\": 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1Int32 = 5, O2String = "o2", PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"plain\", \"o2String\": \"o2\", \"plainInt32\": 10, \"o1Int32\": 5 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1String = "", O2Int32 = 0, PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
Assert.AreEqual("{ \"plainString\": \"plain\", \"o1String\": \"\", \"plainInt32\": 10, \"o2Int32\": 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
......@@ -145,13 +145,14 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
var accessor = field.Accessor;
// Oneofs are written later
// TODO: Change to write out fields in order, interleaving oneofs appropriately (as per binary format)
if (field.ContainingOneof != null)
if (field.ContainingOneof != null && field.ContainingOneof.Accessor.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message) != field)
// Omit default values unless we're asked to format them
// Omit default values unless we're asked to format them, or they're oneofs (where the default
// value is still formatted regardless, because that's how we preserve the oneof case).
object value = accessor.GetValue(message);
if (!settings.FormatDefaultValues && IsDefaultValue(accessor, value))
if (field.ContainingOneof == null && !settings.FormatDefaultValues && IsDefaultValue(accessor, value))
......@@ -170,33 +171,7 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
builder.Append(": ");
WriteValue(builder, accessor, value);
first = false;
// Now oneofs
foreach (var oneof in message.Descriptor.Oneofs)
var accessor = oneof.Accessor;
var fieldDescriptor = accessor.GetCaseFieldDescriptor(message);
if (fieldDescriptor == null)
object value = fieldDescriptor.Accessor.GetValue(message);
// Omit awkward (single) values such as unknown enum values
if (!fieldDescriptor.IsRepeated && !fieldDescriptor.IsMap && !CanWriteSingleValue(fieldDescriptor, value))
if (!first)
builder.Append(", ");
WriteString(builder, ToCamelCase(fieldDescriptor.Name));
builder.Append(": ");
WriteValue(builder, fieldDescriptor.Accessor, value);
first = false;
builder.Append(first ? "}" : " }");
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