Commit 7ad8e7ad authored by Jisi Liu's avatar Jisi Liu

Disable pip cache when testing uploaded packages

Otherwise, pip complains "cannot find a version satisfies the
requirement." I suspect it was due to caching issues. I usued to
manually add a `sleep 30` between the upload and the installation test
which is quite unstable.
parent 106ffc04
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function run_install_test() {
chmod +x test-venv/bin/protoc
source test-venv/bin/activate
pip install -i ${PYPI} protobuf==${VERSION}
pip install -i ${PYPI} protobuf==${VERSION} --no-cache-dir
rm -fr test-venv
......@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ run_install_test ${TESTING_VERSION} python3.4
# Deploy egg/wheel packages to testing PyPI and test again.
python bdist_egg bdist_wheel upload -r
run_install_test ${TESTING_VERSION} python2.7
run_install_test ${TESTING_VERSION} python3.4
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