Commit 79c32b17 authored by Jan Tattermusch's avatar Jan Tattermusch

add scripts for C# windows tests

parent 70dc39ed
@rem Builds Google.Protobuf and runs the tests
dotnet build src/Google.Protobuf.sln || goto :error
echo Running tests.
dotnet test -f netcoreapp1.0 src/Google.Protobuf.Test/Google.Protobuf.Test.csproj || goto :error
goto :EOF
echo Failed!
exit /b %errorlevel%
@rem enter repo root
cd /d %~dp0\..\..\..
cd csharp
@rem Install dotnet SDK
powershell -File install_dotnet_sdk.ps1
set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\dotnet;%PATH%
call buildall.bat
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/windows/csharp/build.bat"
timeout_mins: 1440
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