Commit 71edc31f authored by Tres Seaver's avatar Tres Seaver

Compatibility with Python2.6 unittest.

parent 47ee4d37
......@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ class MessageFactoryTest(unittest.TestCase):
factory = message_factory.MessageFactory()
cls = factory.GetPrototype(pool.FindMessageTypeByName(
self.assertIsNot(cls, factory_test2_pb2.Factory2Message)
self.assertFalse(cls is factory_test2_pb2.Factory2Message)
cls2 = factory.GetPrototype(pool.FindMessageTypeByName(
self.assertIs(cls, cls2)
self.assertTrue(cls is cls2)
def testGetMessages(self):
# performed twice because multiple calls with the same input must be allowed
......@@ -40,6 +40,17 @@ import gc
import operator
import struct
import unittest
from unittest import skipIf
except ImportError:
def skipIf(predicate, message):
def decorator(wrapped):
if predicate:
def _noop(*args, **kw):
return _noop
return wrapped
return decorator
import six
......@@ -1623,7 +1634,7 @@ class ReflectionTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(errors, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
api_implementation.Type() != 'cpp' or api_implementation.Version() != 2,
'Errors are only available from the most recent C++ implementation.')
def testFileDescriptorErrors(self):
......@@ -1644,18 +1655,17 @@ class ReflectionTest(unittest.TestCase): = another_file_name
m2 = file_descriptor_proto.message_type.add() = 'msg2'
with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm:
self.assertTrue(hasattr(cm, 'exception'), '%s not raised' %
getattr(cm.expected, '__name__', cm.expected))
self.assertIn('test_file_descriptor_errors.proto', str(cm.exception))
# Error message will say something about this definition being a
# duplicate, though we don't check the message exactly to avoid a
# dependency on the C++ logging code.
self.assertIn('test_file_descriptor_errors.msg1', str(cm.exception))
except TypeError as e:
message = str(e)
else:"Did not raise TypeError")
self.assertTrue('test_file_descriptor_errors.proto' in message)
def testStringUTF8Encoding(self):
proto = unittest_pb2.TestAllTypes()
......@@ -2824,7 +2834,7 @@ class OptionsTest(unittest.TestCase):
class ClassAPITest(unittest.TestCase):
api_implementation.Type() == 'cpp' and api_implementation.Version() == 2,
'C++ implementation requires a call to MakeDescriptor()')
def testMakeClassWithNestedDescriptor(self):
......@@ -36,6 +36,17 @@
__author__ = ' (Bohdan Koval)'
import unittest
from unittest import skipIf
except ImportError:
def skipIf(predicate, message):
def decorator(wrapped):
if predicate:
def _noop(*args, **kw):
return _noop
return wrapped
return decorator
from google.protobuf import unittest_mset_pb2
from google.protobuf import unittest_pb2
......@@ -46,7 +57,7 @@ from google.protobuf.internal import test_util
from google.protobuf.internal import type_checkers
api_implementation.Type() == 'cpp' and api_implementation.Version() == 2,
'C++ implementation does not expose unknown fields to Python')
class UnknownFieldsTest(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -180,7 +191,7 @@ class UnknownFieldsTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotEqual(self.empty_message, message)
api_implementation.Type() == 'cpp' and api_implementation.Version() == 2,
'C++ implementation does not expose unknown fields to Python')
class UnknownEnumValuesTest(unittest.TestCase):
......@@ -135,13 +135,6 @@ class build_py(_build_py):
# _build_py is an old-style class, so super() doesn't work.
# TODO(mrovner): Subclass to run 2to3 on some files only.
# Tracing what's "Approach 2"
# section on how to get 2to3 to run on source files during install under
# Python 3. This class seems like a good place to put logic that calls
# python3's distutils.util.run_2to3 on the subset of the files we have in our
# release that are subject to conversion.
# See code reference in previous code review.
if __name__ == '__main__':
ext_module_list = []
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