Unverified Commit 6adc3d74 authored by Yilun Chong's avatar Yilun Chong Committed by GitHub

Fix benchmark to use docker image on kokoro (#5481)

* Fix benchmark to use docker image on kokoro

* Deleted pure php benchmark and fix long time benchmark
parent cbf89a64
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Benchmark
$t = $this->runBenchmarkWithTimes(1);
$times = ceil($this->benchmark_time / $t);
return $this->total_bytes * $times /
$this->runBenchmarkWithTimes($times) *
($times == 1 ? $t : $this->runBenchmarkWithTimes($times)) *
......@@ -134,9 +134,10 @@ class Benchmark:
t = self.dry_run(test_method_args, setup_method_args);
if t < 3 :
reps = int(math.ceil(3 / t)) * self.full_iteration
t = timeit.timeit(stmt="%s(%s)" % (self.test_method, test_method_args),
if reps != self.full_iteration:
t = timeit.timeit(stmt="%s(%s)" % (self.test_method, test_method_args),
return self.total_bytes * 1.0 / 2 ** 20 / (1.0 * t / reps)
......@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ def upload_result(result_list, metadata):
new_result["timestamp"] = _INITIAL_TIME
bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query()
row = big_query_utils.make_row(str(uuid.uuid4()), new_result)
if not big_query_utils.insert_rows(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET,
bq = big_query_utils.create_big_query()
row = big_query_utils.make_row(str(uuid.uuid4()), new_result)
if not big_query_utils.insert_rows(bq, _PROJECT_ID, _DATASET,
_TABLE + "$" + _NOW,
print('Error when uploading result', new_result)
print('Error when uploading result', new_result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
export DOCKERFILE_DIR=kokoro/linux/64-bit
export DOCKER_RUN_SCRIPT=kokoro/linux/pull_request_in_docker.sh
export OUTPUT_DIR=testoutput
# tcmalloc
if [ ! -f gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so ]; then
git clone https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools.git
cd gperftools
make -j8
cd ..
# download datasets for benchmark
cd benchmarks
datasets=$(for file in $(find . -type f -name "dataset.*.pb" -not -path "./tmp/*"); do echo "$(pwd)/$file"; done | xargs)
echo $datasets
cd $oldpwd
# build Python protobuf
./configure CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -O2"
make -j8
cd python
python setup.py build --cpp_implementation
pip install . --user
# build and run Python benchmark
cd ../benchmarks
make python-pure-python-benchmark
make python-cpp-reflection-benchmark
make -j8 python-cpp-generated-code-benchmark
echo "[" > tmp/python_result.json
echo "benchmarking pure python..."
./python-pure-python-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="pure-python-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "," >> "tmp/python_result.json"
echo "benchmarking python cpp reflection..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" ./python-cpp-reflection-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="cpp-reflection-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "," >> "tmp/python_result.json"
echo "benchmarking python cpp generated code..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" ./python-cpp-generated-code-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="cpp-generated-code-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "]" >> "tmp/python_result.json"
cd $oldpwd
# build CPP protobuf
make clean && make -j8
# build Java protobuf
cd java
mvn package
cd ..
# build CPP benchmark
cd benchmarks
mv tmp/python_result.json . && make clean && make -j8 cpp-benchmark && mv python_result.json tmp
echo "benchmarking cpp..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" ./cpp-benchmark --benchmark_min_time=5.0 --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_out="tmp/cpp_result.json" $datasets
cd $oldpwd
# build go protobuf
export PATH="`pwd`/src:$PATH"
export GOPATH="$HOME/gocode"
mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/github.com/google"
rm -f "$GOPATH/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf"
ln -s "`pwd`" "$GOPATH/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf"
export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
# build go benchmark
cd benchmarks
make go-benchmark
echo "benchmarking go..."
./go-benchmark $datasets > tmp/go_result.txt
# build java benchmark
make java-benchmark
echo "benchmarking java..."
./java-benchmark -Cresults.file.options.file="tmp/java_result.json" $datasets
make js-benchmark
echo "benchmarking js..."
./js-benchmark $datasets --json_output=$(pwd)/tmp/node_result.json
make -j8 generate_proto3_data
proto3_datasets=$(for file in $datasets; do echo $(pwd)/tmp/proto3_data/${file#$(pwd)}; done | xargs)
echo $proto3_datasets
# build php benchmark
make -j8 php-benchmark
echo "benchmarking php..."
./php-benchmark $proto3_datasets --json --behavior_prefix="php" > tmp/php_result.json
make -j8 php-c-benchmark
echo "benchmarking php_c..."
./php-c-benchmark $proto3_datasets --json --behavior_prefix="php_c" > tmp/php_c_result.json
# upload result to bq
make python_add_init
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" python -m util.result_uploader -php="../tmp/php_result.json" -php_c="../tmp/php_c_result.json" \
-cpp="../tmp/cpp_result.json" -java="../tmp/java_result.json" -go="../tmp/go_result.txt" -python="../tmp/python_result.json" -node="../tmp/node_result.json"
cd $oldpwd
export TEST_SET="benchmark"
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
export OUTPUT_DIR=testoutput
# tcmalloc
if [ ! -f gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so ]; then
git clone https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools.git
cd gperftools
make -j8
cd ..
# download datasets for benchmark
cd benchmarks
datasets=$(for file in $(find . -type f -name "dataset.*.pb" -not -path "./tmp/*"); do echo "$(pwd)/$file"; done | xargs)
echo $datasets
cd $oldpwd
# build Python protobuf
./configure CXXFLAGS="-fPIC -O2"
make -j8
cd python
python setup.py build --cpp_implementation
pip install . --user
# build and run Python benchmark
cd ../benchmarks
make python-pure-python-benchmark
make python-cpp-reflection-benchmark
make -j8 python-cpp-generated-code-benchmark
echo "[" > tmp/python_result.json
echo "benchmarking pure python..."
./python-pure-python-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="pure-python-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "," >> "tmp/python_result.json"
echo "benchmarking python cpp reflection..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" ./python-cpp-reflection-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="cpp-reflection-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "," >> "tmp/python_result.json"
echo "benchmarking python cpp generated code..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" ./python-cpp-generated-code-benchmark --json --behavior_prefix="cpp-generated-code-benchmark" $datasets >> tmp/python_result.json
echo "]" >> "tmp/python_result.json"
cd $oldpwd
# build CPP protobuf
make clean && make -j8
# build Java protobuf
cd java
mvn package
cd ..
# build CPP benchmark
cd benchmarks
mv tmp/python_result.json . && make clean && make -j8 cpp-benchmark && mv python_result.json tmp
echo "benchmarking cpp..."
env LD_PRELOAD="$oldpwd/gperftools/.libs/libtcmalloc.so" ./cpp-benchmark --benchmark_min_time=5.0 --benchmark_out_format=json --benchmark_out="tmp/cpp_result.json" $datasets
cd $oldpwd
# build go protobuf
export PATH="`pwd`/src:$PATH"
export GOPATH="$HOME/gocode"
mkdir -p "$GOPATH/src/github.com/google"
rm -f "$GOPATH/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf"
ln -s "`pwd`" "$GOPATH/src/github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf"
export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH"
go get github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
# build go benchmark
cd benchmarks
make go-benchmark
echo "benchmarking go..."
./go-benchmark $datasets > tmp/go_result.txt
# build java benchmark
make java-benchmark
echo "benchmarking java..."
./java-benchmark -Cresults.file.options.file="tmp/java_result.json" $datasets
make js-benchmark
echo "benchmarking js..."
./js-benchmark $datasets --json_output=$(pwd)/tmp/node_result.json
make -j8 generate_proto3_data
proto3_datasets=$(for file in $datasets; do echo $(pwd)/tmp/proto3_data/${file#$(pwd)}; done | xargs)
echo $proto3_datasets
# build php benchmark
make -j8 php-c-benchmark
echo "benchmarking php_c..."
./php-c-benchmark $proto3_datasets --json --behavior_prefix="php_c" > tmp/php_c_result.json
# upload result to bq
make python_add_init
env LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$oldpwd/src/.libs" python -m util.result_uploader -php_c="../tmp/php_c_result.json" \
-cpp="../tmp/cpp_result.json" -java="../tmp/java_result.json" -go="../tmp/go_result.txt" -python="../tmp/python_result.json" -node="../tmp/node_result.json"
cd $oldpwd
......@@ -524,6 +524,11 @@ build_php_all() {
build_benchmark() {
use_php 7.1
cd kokoro/linux/benchmark && ./run.sh
# -------- main --------
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
......@@ -556,7 +561,8 @@ Usage: $0 { cpp |
php_compatibility |
php7.1 |
php7.1_c |
php_all |
exit 1
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