Commit 6a51c038 authored by michaelbausor's avatar michaelbausor Committed by Paul Yang

PHP: Add support for primitive types in setters (#5126)

* Add support for primitive types in setters

* Update to address PR feedback

* Add tests and fixes for repeated fields

* Remove repeated field code, add getters

* Cleanup, test getters and oneofs

* Move boxing logic into separate class

* Add tests for wrapper type constructor args

* Update to add new setXXXValue methods

* Fix tests for invalid values

* Fix c extension for wrapper accessors

* Fix the bug that well known types didn't call Message_construct

* Address PR comments

* Refactoring init message with array logic

* Add include path to protoc

* Add missing TSRM_LS defintion


* Fix dist check
parent 9e69594a
......@@ -194,3 +194,7 @@ cmake/cmake-build-debug/
# Visual Studio 2017
# IntelliJ
......@@ -749,11 +749,13 @@ php_EXTRA_DIST= \
php/tests/proto/test_reserved_message_upper.proto \
php/tests/proto/test_service.proto \
php/tests/proto/test_service_namespace.proto \
php/tests/proto/test_wrapper_type_setters.proto \
php/tests/ \
php/tests/test_base.php \
php/tests/test_util.php \
php/tests/undefined_test.php \
php/tests/well_known_test.php \
python_EXTRA_DIST= \
python/ \
......@@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
"scripts": {
"test": "(cd tests && rm -rf generated && mkdir -p generated && ../../src/protoc --php_out=generated proto/empty/echo.proto proto/test.proto proto/test_include.proto proto/test_no_namespace.proto proto/test_prefix.proto proto/test_php_namespace.proto proto/test_empty_php_namespace.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_upper.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_value_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_value_upper.proto proto/test_reserved_message_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_message_upper.proto proto/test_service.proto proto/test_service_namespace.proto proto/test_descriptors.proto) && (cd ../src && ./protoc --php_out=../php/tests/generated -I../php/tests -I. ../php/tests/proto/test_import_descriptor_proto.proto) && vendor/bin/phpunit"
"test": "(cd tests && rm -rf generated && mkdir -p generated && ../../src/protoc --php_out=generated -I../../src -I. proto/empty/echo.proto proto/test.proto proto/test_include.proto proto/test_no_namespace.proto proto/test_prefix.proto proto/test_php_namespace.proto proto/test_empty_php_namespace.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_upper.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_value_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_enum_value_upper.proto proto/test_reserved_message_lower.proto proto/test_reserved_message_upper.proto proto/test_service.proto proto/test_service_namespace.proto proto/test_wrapper_type_setters.proto proto/test_descriptors.proto) && (cd ../src && ./protoc --php_out=../php/tests/generated -I../php/tests -I. ../php/tests/proto/test_import_descriptor_proto.proto) && vendor/bin/phpunit"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
......@@ -187,6 +187,25 @@ class FieldDescriptor
$this->getMessageType()->getClass() === "Google\Protobuf\Timestamp";
public function isWrapperType()
if ($this->getType() == GPBType::MESSAGE) {
$class = $this->getMessageType()->getClass();
return in_array($class, [
return false;
private static function isTypePackable($field_type)
return ($field_type !== GPBType::STRING &&
......@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ class Message
* @param array $array An array containing message properties and values.
* @return null.
* @throws Exception Invalid data.
* @throws \Exception Invalid data.
protected function mergeFromArray(array $array)
......@@ -987,10 +987,47 @@ class Message
'Invalid message property: ' . $key);
$setter = $field->getSetter();
if ($field->isWrapperType()) {
self::normalizeToMessageType($value, $field->getMessageType()->getClass());
* Tries to normalize $value into a provided protobuf wrapper type $class.
* If $value is any type other than an object, we attempt to construct an
* instance of $class and assign $value to it using the setValue method
* shared by all wrapper types.
* @param mixed $value The value to normalize.
* @param string $class The expected wrapper class name
* @throws \Exception If $value cannot be converted to a wrapper type
private static function normalizeToMessageType(&$value, $class)
if (is_null($value) || is_object($value)) {
// This handles the case that $value is an instance of $class. We
// choose not to do any more strict checking here, relying on the
// existing type checking done by GPBUtil.
} else {
// Try to instantiate $class and set the value
try {
$msg = new $class;
$value = $msg;
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new \Exception(
"Error normalizing value to type '$class': " . $exception->getMessage(),
protected function mergeFromJsonArray($array)
if (is_a($this, "Google\Protobuf\Any")) {
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
package foo;
message TestWrapperSetters {
google.protobuf.DoubleValue double_value = 1;
google.protobuf.FloatValue float_value = 2;
google.protobuf.Int64Value int64_value = 3;
google.protobuf.UInt64Value uint64_value = 4;
google.protobuf.Int32Value int32_value = 5;
google.protobuf.UInt32Value uint32_value = 6;
google.protobuf.BoolValue bool_value = 7;
google.protobuf.StringValue string_value = 8;
google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes_value = 9;
oneof wrapped_oneofs {
google.protobuf.DoubleValue double_value_oneof = 10;
google.protobuf.StringValue string_value_oneof = 11;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ set -e
phpize && ./configure CFLAGS='-g -O0' && make
tests=( array_test.php encode_decode_test.php generated_class_test.php map_field_test.php well_known_test.php descriptors_test.php )
tests=( array_test.php encode_decode_test.php generated_class_test.php map_field_test.php well_known_test.php descriptors_test.php wrapper_type_setters_test.php)
for t in "${tests[@]}"
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ void GenerateMessageConstructorDocComment(io::Printer* printer,
int is_descriptor);
void GenerateFieldDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field,
int is_descriptor, int function_type);
void GenerateWrapperFieldGetterDocComment(io::Printer* printer,
const FieldDescriptor* field);
void GenerateWrapperFieldSetterDocComment(io::Printer* printer,
const FieldDescriptor* field);
void GenerateEnumDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const EnumDescriptor* enum_,
int is_descriptor);
void GenerateEnumValueDocComment(io::Printer* printer,
......@@ -674,6 +678,21 @@ void GenerateFieldAccessor(const FieldDescriptor* field, bool is_descriptor,
// For wrapper types, generate an additional getXXXValue getter
if (!field->is_map() &&
!field->is_repeated() &&
field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
IsWrapperType(field)) {
GenerateWrapperFieldGetterDocComment(printer, field);
"public function get^camel_name^Value()\n"
" $wrapper = $this->get^camel_name^();\n"
" return is_null($wrapper) ? null : $wrapper->getValue();\n"
"camel_name", UnderscoresToCamelCase(field->name(), true));
// Generate setter.
GenerateFieldDocComment(printer, field, is_descriptor, kFieldSetter);
......@@ -772,6 +791,22 @@ void GenerateFieldAccessor(const FieldDescriptor* field, bool is_descriptor,
// For wrapper types, generate an additional setXXXValue getter
if (!field->is_map() &&
!field->is_repeated() &&
field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
IsWrapperType(field)) {
GenerateWrapperFieldSetterDocComment(printer, field);
"public function set^camel_name^Value($var)\n"
" $wrappedVar = is_null($var) ? null : new \\^wrapper_type^(['value' => $var]);\n"
" return $this->set^camel_name^($wrappedVar);\n"
"camel_name", UnderscoresToCamelCase(field->name(), true),
"wrapper_type", LegacyFullClassName(field->message_type(), is_descriptor));
// Generate has method for proto2 only.
if (is_descriptor) {
......@@ -988,14 +1023,16 @@ void GenerateUseDeclaration(bool is_descriptor, io::Printer* printer) {
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBType;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\RepeatedField;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBUtil;\n\n");
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBUtil;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBWrapperUtils;\n\n");
} else {
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBType;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBWire;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\RepeatedField;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\InputStream;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBUtil;\n\n");
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBUtil;\n"
"use Google\\Protobuf\\Internal\\GPBWrapperUtils;\n\n");
......@@ -1497,6 +1534,41 @@ void GenerateFieldDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field,
printer->Print(" */\n");
void GenerateWrapperFieldGetterDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
// Generate a doc comment for the special getXXXValue methods that are
// generated for wrapper types.
const FieldDescriptor* primitiveField = field->message_type()->FindFieldByName("value");
" * Returns the unboxed value from <code>get^camel_name^()</code>\n\n",
"camel_name", UnderscoresToCamelCase(field->name(), true));
GenerateDocCommentBody(printer, field);
" * Generated from protobuf field <code>^def^</code>\n",
"def", EscapePhpdoc(FirstLineOf(field->DebugString())));
printer->Print(" * @return ^php_type^|null\n",
"php_type", PhpGetterTypeName(primitiveField, false));
printer->Print(" */\n");
void GenerateWrapperFieldSetterDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const FieldDescriptor* field) {
// Generate a doc comment for the special setXXXValue methods that are
// generated for wrapper types.
const FieldDescriptor* primitiveField = field->message_type()->FindFieldByName("value");
" * Sets the field by wrapping a primitive type in a ^message_name^ object.\n\n",
"message_name", LegacyFullClassName(field->message_type(), false));
GenerateDocCommentBody(printer, field);
" * Generated from protobuf field <code>^def^</code>\n",
"def", EscapePhpdoc(FirstLineOf(field->DebugString())));
printer->Print(" * @param ^php_type^|null $var\n",
"php_type", PhpSetterTypeName(primitiveField, false));
printer->Print(" * @return $this\n");
printer->Print(" */\n");
void GenerateEnumDocComment(io::Printer* printer, const EnumDescriptor* enum_,
int is_descriptor) {
......@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ PROTOC_EXPORT std::string GeneratedClassName(
PROTOC_EXPORT std::string GeneratedClassName(
const google::protobuf::ServiceDescriptor* desc);
inline bool IsWrapperType(const FieldDescriptor* descriptor) {
return descriptor->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE &&
descriptor->message_type()->file()->name() == "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
} // namespace php
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace protobuf
......@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ generate_php_test_proto() {
rm -rf generated
mkdir generated
../../src/protoc --php_out=generated \
-I../../src -I. \
proto/empty/echo.proto \
proto/test.proto \
proto/test_include.proto \
......@@ -300,6 +301,7 @@ generate_php_test_proto() {
proto/test_reserved_message_upper.proto \
proto/test_service.proto \
proto/test_service_namespace.proto \
proto/test_wrapper_type_setters.proto \
pushd ../../src
./protoc --php_out=../php/tests/generated -I../php/tests -I. \
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