Unverified Commit 62246b91 authored by haoyuanli's avatar haoyuanli Committed by GitHub

Fix typo 'pythong'

Changed 'pythong' to 'python'
parent 5f3f3d64
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ This table contains 3 languages' results:
* **ByteString** - This is for parsing from a
* **InputStream** - This is for parsing from a InputStream
* **Python** - For Pythong there're 3 kinds of python protobuf for testing:
* **Python** - For Python there're 3 kinds of python protobuf for testing:
* **C++-genereated-code** - This is for using cpp generated code of the
proto file as dynamic linked library.
* **C++-reflection** - This is for using cpp reflection, which there's no
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