Commit 60df829a authored by Kenton Varda's avatar Kenton Varda

Delete "SEBS" (aka: Clean up Kenton's old trash)

The file `SEBS` is a build file for a toy build system I was writing in my spare time six years ago, back when I maintained protobufs. Arguably it was never appropriate for me to have placed this file in the protobuf tree, but it was convenient at the time and didn't seem to hurt anything. It clearly doesn't belong here now, though.
parent 0a1763b6
# See
# This is an experimental build definition file using the SEBS build system.
# I (Kenton Varda, maintainer of Protocol Buffers) happen to be the author of
# SEBS, though SEBS is not a Google project. I'm sticking this file in
# protobuf's SVN because that's the easiest place for me to put it, and it
# shouldn't harm anyone. This file is not included in the distribution.
# Currently, to use this file, you must generate config.h and put it at the
# top level of the source tree.
_cpp = sebs.import_("//sebs/cpp.sebs")
# ====================================================================
# Public targets
protobuf_lite = _cpp.Library(
name = "protobuf-lite",
srcs = [ "stubs/",
"io/" ],
deps = [ _cpp.SystemLibrary(name = "pthread") ])
protobuf = _cpp.Library(
name = "protobuf",
srcs = [ "stubs/",
"compiler/" ],
deps = [ protobuf_lite,
_cpp.SystemLibrary(name = "z") ])
libprotoc = _cpp.Library(
name = "protoc",
srcs = [ "compiler/",
"compiler/python/" ],
deps = [ protobuf ])
protoc = _cpp.Binary(
name = "protoc",
srcs = [ "compiler/" ],
deps = [ libprotoc ])
# ====================================================================
# ProtobufLibrary rule class
class ProtobufLibrary(sebs.Rule):
argument_spec = sebs.ArgumentSpec(srcs = [sebs.Artifact],
deps = ([sebs.Rule], []),
lite = (bool, False))
def _expand(self, args):
for dep in args.deps:
if not isinstance(dep, ProtobufLibrary):
raise sebs.DefinitionError(
"Dependency of ProtobufLibrary is not a ProtobufLibrary: %s" % dep)
# We must build protoc for the host configuration to allow cross-compiling.
host_protoc = self.context.configured_artifact(protoc.binary, "host")
protoc_action = self.context.action(self, "protobuf")
protoc_args = [host_protoc, "-Isrc", "-Itmp", "-Iinclude","--cpp_out=tmp"]
cpp_srcs = []
for src in args.srcs:
# We cannot build .proto files from other packages because the
# and .pb.h files would be written to that package, and we aren't allowed
# to write to other packages.
if self.context.local_filename(src) is None:
raise sebs.DefinitionError(
"Source file is not in this package: %s" % src)
cc_artifact = self.context.derived_artifact(src, "", protoc_action)
header_artifact = self.context.derived_artifact(
src, ".pb.h", protoc_action)
sebs.SubprocessCommand(protoc_action, protoc_args, implicit = cpp_srcs))
deps = list(args.deps)
if args.lite:
self.__cpp_library = _cpp.Library(srcs = cpp_srcs, deps = deps,
context = self.context)
self.__cpp_library.label = self.label
self.outputs = []
def as_cpp_library(self):
return self.__cpp_library
# ====================================================================
# Tests
_lite_test_protos = ProtobufLibrary(
srcs = [ "unittest_lite.proto",
"unittest_import_lite.proto" ],
lite = True)
_test_protos = ProtobufLibrary(
srcs = [ "unittest.proto",
"compiler/cpp/cpp_test_bad_identifiers.proto" ],
deps = [ _lite_test_protos ])
_test_util = _cpp.Library(
name = "test_util",
srcs = [ "",
"testing/file.h" ],
deps = [ protobuf, _test_protos, _cpp.SystemLibrary(name = "gtest")] )
protobuf_lite_test = _cpp.Test(
srcs = [ "",
"test_util_lite.h" ],
deps = [ _lite_test_protos ])
protobuf_test = _cpp.Test(
srcs = [ "stubs/",
"compiler/cpp/" ],
deps = [ protobuf, libprotoc, _test_util,
_cpp.SystemLibrary(name = "gtest_main") ])
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