Commit 60327468 authored by Paul Yang's avatar Paul Yang Committed by GitHub

Reserve unknown fields in php (#3659)

* Reserve unknown fields in upb
1) For decoding, an unknownfields will be lazily created on message,
which contains bytes of unknown fields.
2) For encoding, if the unknownfields is present on message, all bytes
contained in it will be serialized.

* Register the function to encode unknown field at decode time.

* Remove upb_handlers_setaddunknown

* Use upb_sink_putunknown in decoder

* Remove upb_pb_encoder_encode_unknown

* Do not expose encode_unknown

* Implement reserve unknown field in php Implement.

* Make buffer private to CodedInputStream
parent 77f64bb7
......@@ -142,6 +142,23 @@ static const void* newhandlerdata(upb_handlers* h, uint32_t ofs) {
return hd_ofs;
typedef size_t (*encodeunknown_handlerfunc)(void* _sink, const void* hd,
const char* ptr, size_t len,
const upb_bufhandle* handle);
typedef struct {
encodeunknown_handlerfunc handler;
} unknownfields_handlerdata_t;
// Creates a handlerdata for unknown fields.
static const void *newunknownfieldshandlerdata(upb_handlers* h) {
unknownfields_handlerdata_t* hd =
hd->handler = stringsink_string;
upb_handlers_addcleanup(h, hd, free);
return hd;
typedef struct {
size_t ofs;
const upb_msgdef *md;
......@@ -944,6 +961,24 @@ static void add_handlers_for_oneof_field(upb_handlers *h,
static bool add_unknown_handler(void* closure, const void* hd, const char* buf,
size_t size) {
encodeunknown_handlerfunc handler =
MessageHeader* msg = (MessageHeader*)closure;
stringsink* unknown = DEREF(message_data(msg), 0, stringsink*);
if (unknown == NULL) {
DEREF(message_data(msg), 0, stringsink*) = ALLOC(stringsink);
unknown = DEREF(message_data(msg), 0, stringsink*);
handler(unknown, NULL, buf, size, NULL);
return true;
static void add_handlers_for_message(const void* closure,
upb_handlers* h) {
const upb_msgdef* msgdef = upb_handlers_msgdef(h);
......@@ -967,6 +1002,10 @@ static void add_handlers_for_message(const void* closure,
desc->layout = create_layout(desc->msgdef);
upb_handlerattr attr = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER;
upb_handlerattr_sethandlerdata(&attr, newunknownfieldshandlerdata(h));
upb_handlers_setunknown(h, add_unknown_handler, &attr);
for (upb_msg_field_begin(&i, desc->msgdef);
upb_msg_field_next(&i)) {
......@@ -1278,6 +1317,11 @@ static void putrawmsg(MessageHeader* msg, const Descriptor* desc,
stringsink* unknown = DEREF(message_data(msg), 0, stringsink*);
if (unknown != NULL) {
upb_sink_putunknown(sink, unknown->ptr, unknown->len);
upb_sink_endmsg(sink, &status);
......@@ -81,6 +81,10 @@ static HashTable* message_get_properties(zval* object TSRMLS_DC);
// Define object free method.
PHP_PROTO_OBJECT_FREE_START(MessageHeader, message)
if (*(void**)intern->data != NULL) {
......@@ -583,9 +583,12 @@ MessageLayout* create_layout(const upb_msgdef* msgdef) {
upb_msg_oneof_iter oit;
size_t off = 0;
int i = 0;
// Reserve space for unknown fields.
off += sizeof(void*);
Descriptor* desc = UNBOX_HASHTABLE_VALUE(Descriptor, get_def_obj(msgdef));
layout->fields = ALLOC_N(MessageField, nfields);
for (upb_msg_field_begin(&it, msgdef); !upb_msg_field_done(&it);
......@@ -744,6 +747,10 @@ void layout_init(MessageLayout* layout, void* storage,
zend_object* object PHP_PROTO_TSRMLS_DC) {
int i;
upb_msg_field_iter it;
// Init unknown fields
memset(storage, 0, sizeof(void*));
for (upb_msg_field_begin(&it, layout->msgdef), i = 0; !upb_msg_field_done(&it);
upb_msg_field_next(&it), i++) {
const upb_fielddef* field = upb_msg_iter_field(&it);
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
// Amalgamated source file
** Defs are upb's internal representation of the constructs that can appear
** in a .proto file:
** - upb::MessageDef (upb_msgdef): describes a "message" construct.
** - upb::FieldDef (upb_fielddef): describes a message field.
** - upb::FileDef (upb_filedef): describes a .proto file and its defs.
** - upb::EnumDef (upb_enumdef): describes an enum.
** - upb::OneofDef (upb_oneofdef): describes a oneof.
** - upb::Def (upb_def): base class of all the others.
** TODO: definitions of services.
** Like upb_refcounted objects, defs are mutable only until frozen, and are
** only thread-safe once frozen.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifndef UPB_DEF_H_
#define UPB_DEF_H_
** upb::RefCounted (upb_refcounted)
** A refcounting scheme that supports circular refs. It accomplishes this by
** partitioning the set of objects into groups such that no cycle spans groups;
** we can then reference-count the group as a whole and ignore refs within the
** group. When objects are mutable, these groups are computed very
** conservatively; we group any objects that have ever had a link between them.
** When objects are frozen, we compute strongly-connected components which
** allows us to be precise and only group objects that are actually cyclic.
** This file contains shared definitions that are widely used across upb.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
** upb_table
** This header is INTERNAL-ONLY! Its interfaces are not public or stable!
** This file defines very fast int->upb_value (inttable) and string->upb_value
** (strtable) hash tables.
** The table uses chained scatter with Brent's variation (inspired by the Lua
** implementation of hash tables). The hash function for strings is Austin
** Appleby's "MurmurHash."
** The inttable uses uintptr_t as its key, which guarantees it can be used to
** store pointers or integers of at least 32 bits (upb isn't really useful on
** systems where sizeof(void*) < 4).
** The table must be homogenous (all values of the same type). In debug
** mode, we check this on insert and lookup.
#ifndef UPB_TABLE_H_
#define UPB_TABLE_H_
#ifndef UPB_H_
#define UPB_H_
// php.h intentionally defined NDEBUG. We have to define this macro in order to
// be used together with php.h
......@@ -68,18 +15,6 @@
#define NDEBUG
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
** This file contains shared definitions that are widely used across upb.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifndef UPB_H_
#define UPB_H_
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
......@@ -106,6 +41,9 @@ template <int N> class InlinedEnvironment;
#define UPB_INLINE static
/* Hints to the compiler about likely/unlikely branches. */
#define UPB_LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
/* Define UPB_BIG_ENDIAN manually if you're on big endian and your compiler
* doesn't provide these preprocessor symbols. */
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
......@@ -367,6 +305,16 @@ class PointerBase2 : public PointerBase<T, Base> {
/* A list of types as they are encoded on-the-wire. */
typedef enum {
} upb_wiretype_t;
/* upb::ErrorSpace ************************************************************/
......@@ -695,7 +643,7 @@ void upb_env_uninit(upb_env *e);
void upb_env_initonly(upb_env *e);
upb_arena *upb_env_arena(upb_env *e);
UPB_INLINE upb_arena *upb_env_arena(upb_env *e) { return (upb_arena*)e; }
bool upb_env_ok(const upb_env *e);
void upb_env_seterrorfunc(upb_env *e, upb_error_func *func, void *ud);
......@@ -795,6 +743,106 @@ template <int N> class upb::InlinedEnvironment : public upb::Environment {
#endif /* UPB_H_ */
** upb_decode: parsing into a upb_msg using a upb_msglayout.
#ifndef UPB_DECODE_H_
#define UPB_DECODE_H_
** upb::Message is a representation for protobuf messages.
** However it differs from other common representations like
** google::protobuf::Message in one key way: it does not prescribe any
** ownership between messages and submessages, and it relies on the
** client to delete each message/submessage/array/map at the appropriate
** time.
** A client can access a upb::Message without knowing anything about
** ownership semantics, but to create or mutate a message a user needs
** to implement the memory management themselves.
** Currently all messages, arrays, and maps store a upb_alloc* internally.
** Mutating operations use this when they require dynamically-allocated
** memory. We could potentially eliminate this size overhead later by
** letting the user flip a bit on the factory that prevents this from
** being stored. The user would then need to use separate functions where
** the upb_alloc* is passed explicitly. However for handlers to populate
** such structures, they would need a place to store this upb_alloc* during
** parsing; upb_handlers don't currently have a good way to accommodate this.
** TODO: UTF-8 checking?
#ifndef UPB_MSG_H_
#define UPB_MSG_H_
** Defs are upb's internal representation of the constructs that can appear
** in a .proto file:
** - upb::MessageDef (upb_msgdef): describes a "message" construct.
** - upb::FieldDef (upb_fielddef): describes a message field.
** - upb::FileDef (upb_filedef): describes a .proto file and its defs.
** - upb::EnumDef (upb_enumdef): describes an enum.
** - upb::OneofDef (upb_oneofdef): describes a oneof.
** - upb::Def (upb_def): base class of all the others.
** TODO: definitions of services.
** Like upb_refcounted objects, defs are mutable only until frozen, and are
** only thread-safe once frozen.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifndef UPB_DEF_H_
#define UPB_DEF_H_
** upb::RefCounted (upb_refcounted)
** A refcounting scheme that supports circular refs. It accomplishes this by
** partitioning the set of objects into groups such that no cycle spans groups;
** we can then reference-count the group as a whole and ignore refs within the
** group. When objects are mutable, these groups are computed very
** conservatively; we group any objects that have ever had a link between them.
** When objects are frozen, we compute strongly-connected components which
** allows us to be precise and only group objects that are actually cyclic.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
** upb_table
** This header is INTERNAL-ONLY! Its interfaces are not public or stable!
** This file defines very fast int->upb_value (inttable) and string->upb_value
** (strtable) hash tables.
** The table uses chained scatter with Brent's variation (inspired by the Lua
** implementation of hash tables). The hash function for strings is Austin
** Appleby's "MurmurHash."
** The inttable uses uintptr_t as its key, which guarantees it can be used to
** store pointers or integers of at least 32 bits (upb isn't really useful on
** systems where sizeof(void*) < 4).
** The table must be homogenous (all values of the same type). In debug
** mode, we check this on insert and lookup.
#ifndef UPB_TABLE_H_
#define UPB_TABLE_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -3857,265 +3905,75 @@ inline bool FileDef::AddDependency(const FileDef* file) {
#endif /* UPB_DEF_H_ */
** This file contains definitions of structs that should be considered private
** and NOT stable across versions of upb.
** upb::Handlers (upb_handlers)
** The only reason they are declared here and not in .c files is to allow upb
** and the application (if desired) to embed statically-initialized instances
** of structures like defs.
** A upb_handlers is like a virtual table for a upb_msgdef. Each field of the
** message can have associated functions that will be called when we are
** parsing or visiting a stream of data. This is similar to how handlers work
** in SAX (the Simple API for XML).
** If you include this file, all guarantees of ABI compatibility go out the
** window! Any code that includes this file needs to recompile against the
** exact same version of upb that they are linking against.
** The handlers have no idea where the data is coming from, so a single set of
** handlers could be used with two completely different data sources (for
** example, a parser and a visitor over in-memory objects). This decoupling is
** the most important feature of upb, because it allows parsers and serializers
** to be highly reusable.
** You also need to recompile if you change the value of the UPB_DEBUG_REFS
** flag.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Because of how we do our typedefs, this header can't be included from C++. */
#error This file cannot be included from C++
namespace upb {
class BufferHandle;
class BytesHandler;
class HandlerAttributes;
class Handlers;
template <class T> class Handler;
template <class T> struct CanonicalType;
} /* namespace upb */
/* upb_refcounted *************************************************************/
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BufferHandle, upb_bufhandle)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BytesHandler, upb_byteshandler)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::HandlerAttributes, upb_handlerattr)
UPB_DECLARE_DERIVED_TYPE(upb::Handlers, upb::RefCounted,
upb_handlers, upb_refcounted)
/* The maximum depth that the handler graph can have. This is a resource limit
* for the C stack since we sometimes need to recursively traverse the graph.
* Cycles are ok; the traversal will stop when it detects a cycle, but we must
* hit the cycle before the maximum depth is reached.
* If having a single static limit is too inflexible, we can add another variant
* of Handlers::Freeze that allows specifying this as a parameter. */
/* upb_def ********************************************************************/
/* All the different types of handlers that can be registered.
* Only needed for the advanced functions in upb::Handlers. */
typedef enum {
} upb_handlertype_t;
struct upb_def {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *fullname;
const upb_filedef* file;
char type; /* A upb_deftype_t (char to save space) */
/* Used as a flag during the def's mutable stage. Must be false unless
* it is currently being used by a function on the stack. This allows
* us to easily determine which defs were passed into the function's
* current invocation. */
bool came_from_user;
#define UPB_DEF_INIT(name, type, vtbl, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(vtbl, refs, ref2s), name, NULL, type, false }
/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_fielddef {
upb_def base;
union {
int64_t sint;
uint64_t uint;
double dbl;
float flt;
void *bytes;
} defaultval;
union {
const upb_msgdef *def; /* If !msg_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If msg_is_symbolic. */
} msg;
union {
const upb_def *def; /* If !subdef_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If subdef_is_symbolic. */
} sub; /* The msgdef or enumdef for this field, if upb_hassubdef(f). */
bool subdef_is_symbolic;
bool msg_is_symbolic;
const upb_oneofdef *oneof;
bool default_is_string;
bool type_is_set_; /* False until type is explicitly set. */
bool is_extension_;
bool lazy_;
bool packed_;
upb_intfmt_t intfmt;
bool tagdelim;
upb_fieldtype_t type_;
upb_label_t label_;
uint32_t number_;
uint32_t selector_base; /* Used to index into a upb::Handlers table. */
uint32_t index_;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_fielddef_vtbl;
#define UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(label, type, intfmt, tagdelim, is_extension, lazy, \
packed, name, num, msgdef, subdef, selector_base, \
index, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_FIELD, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
defaultval, {msgdef}, {subdef}, NULL, false, false, \
type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES, true, is_extension, \
lazy, packed, intfmt, tagdelim, type, label, num, selector_base, index \
/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
struct upb_msgdef {
upb_def base;
size_t selector_count;
uint32_t submsg_field_count;
/* Tables for looking up fields by number and name. */
upb_inttable itof; /* int to field */
upb_strtable ntof; /* name to field/oneof */
/* Is this a map-entry message? */
bool map_entry;
/* Whether this message has proto2 or proto3 semantics. */
upb_syntax_t syntax;
/* TODO(haberman): proper extension ranges (there can be multiple). */
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_msgdef_vtbl;
/* TODO: also support static initialization of the oneofs table. This will be
* needed if we compile in descriptors that contain oneofs. */
#define UPB_MSGDEF_INIT(name, selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, \
map_entry, syntax, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_MSG, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, map_entry, syntax \
/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
struct upb_enumdef {
upb_def base;
upb_strtable ntoi;
upb_inttable iton;
int32_t defaultval;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_enumdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT(name, ntoi, iton, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_ENUM, &upb_enumdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), ntoi, \
iton, defaultval }
/* upb_oneofdef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_oneofdef {
upb_refcounted base;
uint32_t index; /* Index within oneofs. */
const char *name;
upb_strtable ntof;
upb_inttable itof;
const upb_msgdef *parent;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_oneofdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ONEOFDEF_INIT(name, ntof, itof, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(&upb_oneofdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), 0, name, ntof, itof }
/* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/
struct upb_symtab {
upb_refcounted base;
upb_strtable symtab;
struct upb_filedef {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *name;
const char *package;
const char *phpprefix;
const char *phpnamespace;
upb_syntax_t syntax;
upb_inttable defs;
upb_inttable deps;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_filedef_vtbl;
#endif /* UPB_STATICINIT_H_ */
** upb::Handlers (upb_handlers)
** A upb_handlers is like a virtual table for a upb_msgdef. Each field of the
** message can have associated functions that will be called when we are
** parsing or visiting a stream of data. This is similar to how handlers work
** in SAX (the Simple API for XML).
** The handlers have no idea where the data is coming from, so a single set of
** handlers could be used with two completely different data sources (for
** example, a parser and a visitor over in-memory objects). This decoupling is
** the most important feature of upb, because it allows parsers and serializers
** to be highly reusable.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace upb {
class BufferHandle;
class BytesHandler;
class HandlerAttributes;
class Handlers;
template <class T> class Handler;
template <class T> struct CanonicalType;
} /* namespace upb */
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BufferHandle, upb_bufhandle)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BytesHandler, upb_byteshandler)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::HandlerAttributes, upb_handlerattr)
UPB_DECLARE_DERIVED_TYPE(upb::Handlers, upb::RefCounted,
upb_handlers, upb_refcounted)
/* The maximum depth that the handler graph can have. This is a resource limit
* for the C stack since we sometimes need to recursively traverse the graph.
* Cycles are ok; the traversal will stop when it detects a cycle, but we must
* hit the cycle before the maximum depth is reached.
* If having a single static limit is too inflexible, we can add another variant
* of Handlers::Freeze that allows specifying this as a parameter. */
/* All the different types of handlers that can be registered.
* Only needed for the advanced functions in upb::Handlers. */
typedef enum {
} upb_handlertype_t;
/* A convenient definition for when no closure is needed. */
extern char _upb_noclosure;
......@@ -4150,7 +4008,8 @@ UPB_END_EXTERN_C
/* Static selectors for upb::Handlers. */
/* Static selectors for upb::BytesHandler. */
......@@ -4679,6 +4538,8 @@ UPB_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
/* Native C API. */
/* Handler function typedefs. */
typedef bool upb_unknown_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *hd, const char *buf,
size_t n);
typedef bool upb_startmsg_handlerfunc(void *c, const void*);
typedef bool upb_endmsg_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *, upb_status *status);
typedef void* upb_startfield_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *hd);
......@@ -4732,6 +4593,8 @@ const upb_status *upb_handlers_status(upb_handlers *h);
void upb_handlers_clearerr(upb_handlers *h);
const upb_msgdef *upb_handlers_msgdef(const upb_handlers *h);
bool upb_handlers_addcleanup(upb_handlers *h, void *p, upb_handlerfree *hfree);
bool upb_handlers_setunknown(upb_handlers *h, upb_unknown_handlerfunc *func,
upb_handlerattr *attr);
bool upb_handlers_setstartmsg(upb_handlers *h, upb_startmsg_handlerfunc *func,
upb_handlerattr *attr);
......@@ -6301,6 +6164,18 @@ UPB_INLINE size_t upb_sink_putstring(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel,
return handler(s->closure, hd, buf, n, handle);
UPB_INLINE bool upb_sink_putunknown(upb_sink *s, const char *buf, size_t n) {
typedef upb_unknown_handlerfunc func;
func *handler;
const void *hd;
if (!s->handlers) return true;
handler = (func *)upb_handlers_gethandler(s->handlers, UPB_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR);
if (!handler) return n;
hd = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(s->handlers, UPB_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR);
return handler(s->closure, hd, buf, n);
UPB_INLINE bool upb_sink_startmsg(upb_sink *s) {
typedef upb_startmsg_handlerfunc func;
func *startmsg;
......@@ -6505,34 +6380,6 @@ inline bool BufferSource::PutBuffer(const char *buf, size_t len,
** upb::Message is a representation for protobuf messages.
** However it differs from other common representations like
** google::protobuf::Message in one key way: it does not prescribe any
** ownership between messages and submessages, and it relies on the
** client to delete each message/submessage/array/map at the appropriate
** time.
** A client can access a upb::Message without knowing anything about
** ownership semantics, but to create or mutate a message a user needs
** to implement the memory management themselves.
** Currently all messages, arrays, and maps store a upb_alloc* internally.
** Mutating operations use this when they require dynamically-allocated
** memory. We could potentially eliminate this size overhead later by
** letting the user flip a bit on the factory that prevents this from
** being stored. The user would then need to use separate functions where
** the upb_alloc* is passed explicitly. However for handlers to populate
** such structures, they would need a place to store this upb_alloc* during
** parsing; upb_handlers don't currently have a good way to accommodate this.
** TODO: UTF-8 checking?
#ifndef UPB_MSG_H_
#define UPB_MSG_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -6569,21 +6416,6 @@ typedef void upb_msg;
* instances of this from a upb_msgfactory, and the factory always owns the
* msglayout. */
/* Gets the factory for this layout */
upb_msgfactory *upb_msglayout_factory(const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Get the msglayout for a submessage. This requires that this field is a
* submessage, ie. upb_fielddef_issubmsg(upb_msglayout_msgdef(l)) == true.
* Since map entry messages don't have layouts, if upb_fielddef_ismap(f) == true
* then this function will return the layout for the map's value. It requires
* that the value type of the map field is a submessage. */
const upb_msglayout *upb_msglayout_sublayout(const upb_msglayout *l,
const upb_fielddef *f);
/* Returns the msgdef for this msglayout. */
const upb_msgdef *upb_msglayout_msgdef(const upb_msglayout *l);
/** upb_visitor ***************************************************************/
......@@ -6629,6 +6461,23 @@ const upb_visitorplan *upb_msgfactory_getvisitorplan(upb_msgfactory *f,
const upb_handlers *h);
/** upb_stringview ************************************************************/
typedef struct {
const char *data;
size_t size;
} upb_stringview;
UPB_INLINE upb_stringview upb_stringview_make(const char *data, size_t size) {
upb_stringview ret; = data;
ret.size = size;
return ret;
#define UPB_STRINGVIEW_INIT(ptr, len) {ptr, len}
/** upb_msgval ****************************************************************/
/* A union representing all possible protobuf values. Used for generic get/set
......@@ -6646,10 +6495,7 @@ typedef union {
const upb_msg* msg;
const upb_array* arr;
const void* ptr;
struct {
const char *ptr;
size_t len;
} str;
upb_stringview str;
} upb_msgval;
#define ACCESSORS(name, membername, ctype) \
......@@ -6676,22 +6522,12 @@ ACCESSORS(map, map, const upb_map*)
ACCESSORS(msg, msg, const upb_msg*)
ACCESSORS(ptr, ptr, const void*)
ACCESSORS(arr, arr, const upb_array*)
ACCESSORS(str, str, upb_stringview)
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_str(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
upb_msgval ret;
ret.str.ptr = ptr;
ret.str.len = len;
return ret;
UPB_INLINE const char* upb_msgval_getstr(upb_msgval val) {
return val.str.ptr;
UPB_INLINE size_t upb_msgval_getstrlen(upb_msgval val) {
return val.str.len;
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_makestr(const char *data, size_t size) {
return upb_msgval_str(upb_stringview_make(data, size));
......@@ -6716,19 +6552,29 @@ size_t upb_msg_sizeof(const upb_msglayout *l);
* upb_msg_uninit() must be called to release internally-allocated memory
* unless the allocator is an arena that does not require freeing.
* Please note that upb_msg_init() may return a value that is different than
* |msg|, so you must assign the return value and not cast your memory block
* to upb_msg* directly!
* Please note that upb_msg_uninit() does *not* free any submessages, maps,
* or arrays referred to by this message's fields. You must free them manually
* yourself. */
void upb_msg_init(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msg_uninit(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
* yourself.
* upb_msg_uninit returns the original memory block, which may be useful if
* you dynamically allocated it (though upb_msg_new() would normally be more
* appropriate in this case). */
upb_msg *upb_msg_init(void *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void *upb_msg_uninit(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Like upb_msg_init() / upb_msg_uninit(), except the message's memory is
* allocated / freed from the given upb_alloc. */
upb_msg *upb_msg_new(const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msg_free(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns the upb_alloc for the given message. */
upb_alloc *upb_msg_alloc(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns the upb_alloc for the given message.
* TODO(haberman): get rid of this? Not sure we want to be storing this
* for every message. */
upb_alloc *upb_msg_alloc(const upb_msg *msg);
/* Packs the tree of messages rooted at "msg" into a single hunk of memory,
* allocated from the given allocator. */
......@@ -6748,25 +6594,14 @@ void *upb_msg_pack(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l,
* arenas).
upb_msgval upb_msg_get(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* May only be called for fields where upb_fielddef_haspresence(f) == true. */
bool upb_msg_has(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns NULL if no field in the oneof is set. */
const upb_fielddef *upb_msg_getoneofcase(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns true if any field in the oneof is set. */
bool upb_msg_hasoneof(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Mutable message API. May only be called by the owner of the message who
* knows its ownership scheme and how to keep it consistent. */
......@@ -6774,8 +6609,8 @@ bool upb_msg_hasoneof(const upb_msg *msg,
* management: if you overwrite a pointer to a msg/array/map/string without
* cleaning it up (or using an arena) it will leak.
bool upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
void upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
int field_index,
upb_msgval val,
const upb_msglayout *l);
......@@ -6786,12 +6621,7 @@ bool upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
* arrays/maps/strings/msgs that this field may have pointed to.
bool upb_msg_clearfield(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Clears all fields in the oneof such that none of them are set. */
bool upb_msg_clearoneof(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* TODO(haberman): copyfrom()/mergefrom()? */
......@@ -6904,9 +6734,288 @@ bool upb_msg_getscalarhandlerdata(const upb_handlers *h,
size_t *offset,
int32_t *hasbit);
/** Interfaces for generated code *********************************************/
typedef struct {
uint32_t number;
uint32_t offset; /* If in a oneof, offset of default in default_msg below. */
uint16_t hasbit; /* UPB_NO_HASBIT if no hasbit. */
uint16_t oneof_index; /* UPB_NOT_IN_ONEOF if not in a oneof. */
uint16_t submsg_index; /* UPB_NO_SUBMSG if no submsg. */
uint8_t type;
uint8_t label;
} upb_msglayout_fieldinit_v1;
typedef struct {
uint32_t data_offset;
uint32_t case_offset;
} upb_msglayout_oneofinit_v1;
typedef struct upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 {
const struct upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *const* submsgs;
const upb_msglayout_fieldinit_v1 *fields;
const upb_msglayout_oneofinit_v1 *oneofs;
void *default_msg;
/* Must be aligned to sizeof(void*). Doesn't include internal members like
* unknown fields, extension dict, pointer to msglayout, etc. */
uint32_t size;
uint16_t field_count;
uint16_t oneof_count;
bool extendable;
bool is_proto2;
} upb_msglayout_msginit_v1;
#define UPB_ALIGN_UP_TO(val, align) ((val + (align - 1)) & -align)
#define UPB_ALIGNED_SIZEOF(type) UPB_ALIGN_UP_TO(sizeof(type), sizeof(void*))
/* Initialize/uninitialize a msglayout from a msginit. If upb uses v1
* internally, this will not allocate any memory. Should only be used by
* generated code. */
upb_msglayout *upb_msglayout_frominit_v1(
const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *init, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msglayout_uninit_v1(upb_msglayout *layout, upb_alloc *a);
#endif /* UPB_MSG_H_ */
bool upb_decode(upb_stringview buf, void *msg,
const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *l, upb_env *env);
#endif /* UPB_DECODE_H_ */
** structures definitions that are internal to upb.
#ifndef UPB_STRUCTS_H_
#define UPB_STRUCTS_H_
struct upb_array {
upb_fieldtype_t type;
uint8_t element_size;
void *data; /* Each element is element_size. */
size_t len; /* Measured in elements. */
size_t size; /* Measured in elements. */
upb_alloc *alloc;
#endif /* UPB_STRUCTS_H_ */
** This file contains definitions of structs that should be considered private
** and NOT stable across versions of upb.
** The only reason they are declared here and not in .c files is to allow upb
** and the application (if desired) to embed statically-initialized instances
** of structures like defs.
** If you include this file, all guarantees of ABI compatibility go out the
** window! Any code that includes this file needs to recompile against the
** exact same version of upb that they are linking against.
** You also need to recompile if you change the value of the UPB_DEBUG_REFS
** flag.
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Because of how we do our typedefs, this header can't be included from C++. */
#error This file cannot be included from C++
/* upb_refcounted *************************************************************/
/* upb_def ********************************************************************/
struct upb_def {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *fullname;
const upb_filedef* file;
char type; /* A upb_deftype_t (char to save space) */
/* Used as a flag during the def's mutable stage. Must be false unless
* it is currently being used by a function on the stack. This allows
* us to easily determine which defs were passed into the function's
* current invocation. */
bool came_from_user;
#define UPB_DEF_INIT(name, type, vtbl, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(vtbl, refs, ref2s), name, NULL, type, false }
/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_fielddef {
upb_def base;
union {
int64_t sint;
uint64_t uint;
double dbl;
float flt;
void *bytes;
} defaultval;
union {
const upb_msgdef *def; /* If !msg_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If msg_is_symbolic. */
} msg;
union {
const upb_def *def; /* If !subdef_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If subdef_is_symbolic. */
} sub; /* The msgdef or enumdef for this field, if upb_hassubdef(f). */
bool subdef_is_symbolic;
bool msg_is_symbolic;
const upb_oneofdef *oneof;
bool default_is_string;
bool type_is_set_; /* False until type is explicitly set. */
bool is_extension_;
bool lazy_;
bool packed_;
upb_intfmt_t intfmt;
bool tagdelim;
upb_fieldtype_t type_;
upb_label_t label_;
uint32_t number_;
uint32_t selector_base; /* Used to index into a upb::Handlers table. */
uint32_t index_;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_fielddef_vtbl;
#define UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(label, type, intfmt, tagdelim, is_extension, lazy, \
packed, name, num, msgdef, subdef, selector_base, \
index, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_FIELD, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
defaultval, {msgdef}, {subdef}, NULL, false, false, \
type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES, true, is_extension, \
lazy, packed, intfmt, tagdelim, type, label, num, selector_base, index \
/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
struct upb_msgdef {
upb_def base;
size_t selector_count;
uint32_t submsg_field_count;
/* Tables for looking up fields by number and name. */
upb_inttable itof; /* int to field */
upb_strtable ntof; /* name to field/oneof */
/* Is this a map-entry message? */
bool map_entry;
/* Whether this message has proto2 or proto3 semantics. */
upb_syntax_t syntax;
/* TODO(haberman): proper extension ranges (there can be multiple). */
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_msgdef_vtbl;
/* TODO: also support static initialization of the oneofs table. This will be
* needed if we compile in descriptors that contain oneofs. */
#define UPB_MSGDEF_INIT(name, selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, \
map_entry, syntax, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_MSG, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, map_entry, syntax \
/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
struct upb_enumdef {
upb_def base;
upb_strtable ntoi;
upb_inttable iton;
int32_t defaultval;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_enumdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT(name, ntoi, iton, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_ENUM, &upb_enumdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), ntoi, \
iton, defaultval }
/* upb_oneofdef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_oneofdef {
upb_refcounted base;
uint32_t index; /* Index within oneofs. */
const char *name;
upb_strtable ntof;
upb_inttable itof;
const upb_msgdef *parent;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_oneofdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ONEOFDEF_INIT(name, ntof, itof, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(&upb_oneofdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), 0, name, ntof, itof }
/* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/
struct upb_symtab {
upb_refcounted base;
upb_strtable symtab;
struct upb_filedef {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *name;
const char *package;
const char *phpprefix;
const char *phpnamespace;
upb_syntax_t syntax;
upb_inttable defs;
upb_inttable deps;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_filedef_vtbl;
#endif /* UPB_STATICINIT_H_ */
** upb_encode: parsing into a upb_msg using a upb_msglayout.
#ifndef UPB_ENCODE_H_
#define UPB_ENCODE_H_
char *upb_encode(const void *msg, const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *l,
upb_env *env, size_t *size);
#endif /* UPB_ENCODE_H_ */
** upb::descriptor::Reader (upb_descreader)
......@@ -8296,21 +8405,9 @@ UPB_INLINE void upb_pbdecoder_unpackdispatch(uint64_t dispatch, uint64_t *ofs,
extern "C" {
/* A list of types as they are encoded on-the-wire. */
typedef enum {
} upb_wiretype_t;
/* The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint.
* Note that with a better encoding this could be 9 (TODO: write up a
* wiki document about this). */
/* The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint. */
/* Array of the "native" (ie. non-packed-repeated) wire type for the given a
......@@ -78,13 +78,18 @@ class CodedInputStream
return $this->buffer_end - $this->current;
private function current()
public function current()
return $this->total_bytes_read -
($this->buffer_end - $this->current +
public function substr($start, $end)
return substr($this->buffer, $start, $end - $start);
private function recomputeBufferLimits()
$this->buffer_end += $this->buffer_size_after_limit;
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class CodedOutputStream
return true;
private static function writeVarintToArray($value, &$buffer, $trim = false)
public static function writeVarintToArray($value, &$buffer, $trim = false)
$current = 0;
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ class Message
* @ignore
private $desc;
private $unknown = "";
* @ignore
......@@ -226,13 +227,14 @@ class Message
* @ignore
private static function skipField($input, $tag)
private function skipField($input, $tag)
$number = GPBWire::getTagFieldNumber($tag);
if ($number === 0) {
throw new GPBDecodeException("Illegal field number zero.");
$start = $input->current();
switch (GPBWire::getTagWireType($tag)) {
case GPBWireType::VARINT:
$uint64 = 0;
......@@ -240,21 +242,21 @@ class Message
throw new GPBDecodeException(
"Unexpected EOF inside varint.");
case GPBWireType::FIXED64:
$uint64 = 0;
if (!$input->readLittleEndian64($uint64)) {
throw new GPBDecodeException(
"Unexpected EOF inside fixed64.");
case GPBWireType::FIXED32:
$uint32 = 0;
if (!$input->readLittleEndian32($uint32)) {
throw new GPBDecodeException(
"Unexpected EOF inside fixed32.");
$length = 0;
if (!$input->readVarint32($length)) {
......@@ -266,13 +268,18 @@ class Message
throw new GPBDecodeException(
"Unexpected EOF inside length delimited data.");
case GPBWireType::START_GROUP:
case GPBWireType::END_GROUP:
throw new GPBDecodeException("Unexpected wire type.");
throw new GPBDecodeException("Unexpected wire type.");
$end = $input->current();
$bytes = str_repeat(chr(0), CodedOutputStream::MAX_VARINT64_BYTES);
$size = CodedOutputStream::writeVarintToArray($tag, $bytes, true);
$this->unknown .= substr($bytes, 0, $size) . $input->substr($start, $end);
......@@ -423,7 +430,7 @@ class Message
if ($value_format === GPBWire::UNKNOWN) {
self::skipField($input, $tag);
$this->skipField($input, $tag);
} elseif ($value_format === GPBWire::NORMAL_FORMAT) {
self::parseFieldFromStreamNoTag($input, $field, $value);
......@@ -461,6 +468,7 @@ class Message
public function clear()
$this->unknown = "";
foreach ($this->desc->getField() as $field) {
$setter = $field->getSetter();
if ($field->isMap()) {
......@@ -1043,6 +1051,7 @@ class Message
return false;
$output->writeRaw($this->unknown, strlen($this->unknown));
return true;
......@@ -1428,6 +1437,7 @@ class Message
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$size += $this->fieldByteSize($field);
$size += strlen($this->unknown);
return $size;
......@@ -441,6 +441,33 @@ class EncodeDecodeTest extends TestBase
public function testUnknown()
$m = new TestMessage();
$from = hex2bin('F80601');
$to = $m->serializeToString();
$this->assertSame(bin2hex($from), bin2hex($to));
$m = new TestMessage();
$from = hex2bin('F9060000000000000000');
$to = $m->serializeToString();
$this->assertSame(bin2hex($from), bin2hex($to));
$m = new TestMessage();
$from = hex2bin('FA0600');
$to = $m->serializeToString();
$this->assertSame(bin2hex($from), bin2hex($to));
$m = new TestMessage();
$from = hex2bin('FD0600000000');
$to = $m->serializeToString();
$this->assertSame(bin2hex($from), bin2hex($to));
public function testJsonEncode()
$from = new TestMessage();
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# gdb --args php -dextension=../ext/google/protobuf/modules/ `which
# phpunit` --bootstrap autoload.php tmp_test.php
gdb --args php -dextension=../ext/google/protobuf/modules/ `which phpunit` --bootstrap autoload.php well_known_test.php
gdb --args php -dextension=../ext/google/protobuf/modules/ `which phpunit` --bootstrap autoload.php encode_decode_test.php
# gdb --args php -dextension=../ext/google/protobuf/modules/ memory_leak_test.php
......@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ $n = new TestMessage();
assert(1 === $n->getOneofMessage()->getA());
$m = new TestMessage();
assert('F80601', bin2hex($m->serializeToString()));
# $from = new TestMessage();
# $to = new TestMessage();
# TestUtil::setTestMessage($from);
......@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ message TestMessage {
message Empty {
int32 a = 1;
reserved 111;
enum TestEnum {
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