Commit 5517168f authored by Laszlo Csomor's avatar Laszlo Csomor

Windows: expand wildcard arguments

parent dd2dc0f1
# Bazel ( BUILD file for Protobuf.
# Bazel ( BUILD file for Protobuf.
......@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ config_setting(
LINK_OPTS = select({
":android": [],
":msvc": [],
# Linking to setargv.obj makes the default command line argument
# parser expand wildcards, so the main method's argv will contain the
# expanded list instead of the wildcards.
# Using -WHOLEARCHIVE, because:
# - Microsoft ships this object file next to default libraries
# - but this file is not a library, just a precompiled object
# - just listing the name here without "-WHOLEARCHIVE:" would make Bazel
# believe that "setargv.obj" is a source or rule output in this
# package, which it is not.
# See
"//conditions:default": ["-lpthread", "-lm"],
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