Commit 52db5139 authored by Jon Skeet's avatar Jon Skeet

Change handling of unknown enums: we now write out the value as a number.

parent f437b67f
......@@ -165,34 +165,31 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
public void UnknownEnumValueOmitted_SingleField()
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_SingleField()
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleForeignEnum = (ForeignEnum) 100 };
AssertJson("{ }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
AssertJson("{ 'singleForeignEnum': 100 }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValueOmitted_RepeatedField()
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_RepeatedField()
var message = new TestAllTypes { RepeatedForeignEnum = { ForeignEnum.FOREIGN_BAZ, (ForeignEnum) 100, ForeignEnum.FOREIGN_FOO } };
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 'FOREIGN_BAZ', 'FOREIGN_FOO' ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 'FOREIGN_BAZ', 100, 'FOREIGN_FOO' ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValueOmitted_MapField()
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_MapField()
// This matches the C++ behaviour.
var message = new TestMap { MapInt32Enum = { { 1, MapEnum.MAP_ENUM_FOO }, { 2, (MapEnum) 100 }, { 3, MapEnum.MAP_ENUM_BAR } } };
AssertJson("{ 'mapInt32Enum': { '1': 'MAP_ENUM_FOO', '3': 'MAP_ENUM_BAR' } }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
AssertJson("{ 'mapInt32Enum': { '1': 'MAP_ENUM_FOO', '2': 100, '3': 'MAP_ENUM_BAR' } }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValueOmitted_RepeatedField_AllEntriesUnknown()
public void UnknownEnumValue_RepeatedField_AllEntriesUnknown()
// *Maybe* we should hold off on writing the "[" until we find that we've got at least one value to write...
// but this is what happens at the moment, and it doesn't seem too awful.
var message = new TestAllTypes { RepeatedForeignEnum = { (ForeignEnum) 200, (ForeignEnum) 100 } };
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 200, 100 ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
......@@ -876,18 +876,18 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
public void EnumValid(string value)
[TestCase("\"FOREIGN_BAR\"", ForeignEnum.FOREIGN_BAR)]
[TestCase("5", ForeignEnum.FOREIGN_BAR)]
[TestCase("100", (ForeignEnum) 100)]
public void EnumValid(string value, ForeignEnum expectedValue)
string json = "{ \"singleForeignEnum\": " + value + " }";
var parsed = TestAllTypes.Parser.ParseJson(json);
Assert.AreEqual(new TestAllTypes { SingleForeignEnum = ForeignEnum.FOREIGN_BAR }, parsed);
Assert.AreEqual(new TestAllTypes { SingleForeignEnum = expectedValue }, parsed);
public void Enum_Invalid(string value)
......@@ -205,11 +205,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
// Omit awkward (single) values such as unknown enum values
if (!field.IsRepeated && !field.IsMap && !CanWriteSingleValue(value))
// Okay, all tests complete: let's write the field value...
if (!first)
......@@ -396,9 +391,16 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
else if (value is System.Enum)
if (System.Enum.IsDefined(value.GetType(), value))
WriteString(builder, value.ToString());
WriteValue(builder, (int) value);
else if (value is float || value is double)
string text = ((IFormattable) value).ToString("r", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
......@@ -704,10 +706,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
bool first = true;
foreach (var value in list)
if (!CanWriteSingleValue(value))
if (!first)
......@@ -725,10 +723,6 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
// This will box each pair. Could use IDictionaryEnumerator, but that's ugly in terms of disposal.
foreach (DictionaryEntry pair in dictionary)
if (!CanWriteSingleValue(pair.Value))
if (!first)
......@@ -617,13 +617,9 @@ namespace Google.Protobuf
return (float) value;
case FieldType.Enum:
var enumValue = field.EnumType.FindValueByNumber((int) value);
if (enumValue == null)
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException($"Invalid enum value: {value} for enum type: {field.EnumType.FullName}");
// Just return it as an int, and let the CLR convert it.
return enumValue.Number;
// Note that we deliberately don't check that it's a known value.
return (int) value;
throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException($"Unsupported conversion from JSON number for field type {field.FieldType}");
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