Commit 4a99897c authored by Jisi Liu's avatar Jisi Liu

Use map generator for maps field; skip entry message.

parent ab74fd1c
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_helpers.h>
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_primitive_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_enum_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_map_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_message_field.h>
#include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
......@@ -97,7 +98,11 @@ FieldGenerator* FieldGeneratorMap::MakeGenerator(const FieldDescriptor* field,
if (field->is_repeated()) {
switch (java_type) {
return new RepeatedMessageFieldGenerator(field, params);
if (IsMapEntry(field->message_type())) {
return new MapFieldGenerator(field, params);
} else {
return new RepeatedMessageFieldGenerator(field, params);
return new RepeatedEnumFieldGenerator(field, params);
......@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ void MessageGenerator::GenerateStaticVariables(io::Printer* printer) {
// Generate static members for all nested types.
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
// TODO(kenton): Reuse MessageGenerator objects?
if (IsMapEntry(descriptor_->nested_type(i))) continue;
MessageGenerator(descriptor_->nested_type(i), params_)
......@@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ void MessageGenerator::GenerateStaticVariableInitializers(
// Generate static member initializers for all nested types.
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
// TODO(kenton): Reuse MessageGenerator objects?
if (IsMapEntry(descriptor_->nested_type(i))) continue;
MessageGenerator(descriptor_->nested_type(i), params_)
......@@ -159,6 +161,7 @@ void MessageGenerator::Generate(io::Printer* printer) {
for (int i = 0; i < descriptor_->nested_type_count(); i++) {
if (IsMapEntry(descriptor_->nested_type(i))) continue;
MessageGenerator(descriptor_->nested_type(i), params_).Generate(printer);
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