Commit 3c387ea7 authored by michaelbausor's avatar michaelbausor Committed by Bo Yang

PHP: Exclude repeated and map fields from normalization in constructor (#5723)

* Exclude repeated and map fields from normalization

* Remove erroneous comments

* Remove unnecessary check for map type

* Add support for repeated/map fields, add tests

* Fix wrapper message in repeated/map fields in array constructor

* Address PR comments

* Removed unused code

* Update docs
parent 43f8ae87
......@@ -294,6 +294,57 @@ void build_class_from_descriptor(
// PHP Methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool is_wrapper_msg(const upb_msgdef* m) {
upb_wellknowntype_t type = upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(m);
static void append_wrapper_message(
zend_class_entry* subklass, RepeatedField* intern, zval* value TSRMLS_DC) {
MessageHeader* submsg;
const upb_fielddef* field;
zval* val = NULL;
ZVAL_OBJ(val, subklass->create_object(subklass TSRMLS_CC));
repeated_field_push_native(intern, &val);
submsg = UNBOX(MessageHeader, val);
zend_object* obj = subklass->create_object(subklass TSRMLS_CC);
repeated_field_push_native(intern, &obj);
submsg = (MessageHeader*)((char*)obj - XtOffsetOf(MessageHeader, std));
custom_data_init(subklass, submsg PHP_PROTO_TSRMLS_CC);
field = upb_msgdef_itof(submsg->descriptor->msgdef, 1);
layout_set(submsg->descriptor->layout, submsg, field, value TSRMLS_CC);
static void set_wrapper_message_as_map_value(
zend_class_entry* subklass, zval* map, zval* key, zval* value TSRMLS_DC) {
MessageHeader* submsg;
const upb_fielddef* field;
zval* val = NULL;
ZVAL_OBJ(val, subklass->create_object(subklass TSRMLS_CC));
map, key, val TSRMLS_CC);
submsg = UNBOX(MessageHeader, val);
zval val;
zend_object* obj = subklass->create_object(subklass TSRMLS_CC);
ZVAL_OBJ(&val, obj);
map_field_handlers->write_dimension(map, key, &val TSRMLS_CC);
submsg = (MessageHeader*)((char*)obj - XtOffsetOf(MessageHeader, std));
custom_data_init(subklass, submsg PHP_PROTO_TSRMLS_CC);
field = upb_msgdef_itof(submsg->descriptor->msgdef, 1);
layout_set(submsg->descriptor->layout, submsg, field, value TSRMLS_CC);
void Message_construct(zval* msg, zval* array_wrapper) {
zend_class_entry* ce = Z_OBJCE_P(msg);
......@@ -336,14 +387,38 @@ void Message_construct(zval* msg, zval* array_wrapper) {
HashPosition subpointer;
zval subkey;
void* memory;
bool is_wrapper = false;
zend_class_entry* subklass = NULL;
const upb_msgdef* mapentry = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(field);
const upb_fielddef *value_field = upb_msgdef_itof(mapentry, 2);
if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(value_field)) {
const upb_msgdef* submsgdef = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(value_field);
upb_wellknowntype_t type = upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(submsgdef);
is_wrapper = is_wrapper_msg(submsgdef);
if (is_wrapper) {
PHP_PROTO_HASHTABLE_VALUE subdesc_php = get_def_obj(submsgdef);
Descriptor* subdesc = UNBOX_HASHTABLE_VALUE(Descriptor, subdesc_php);
subklass = subdesc->klass;
for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(subtable, &subpointer);
php_proto_zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(subtable, (void**)&memory,
&subpointer) == SUCCESS;
zend_hash_move_forward_ex(subtable, &subpointer)) {
zend_hash_get_current_key_zval_ex(subtable, &subkey, &subpointer);
if (is_wrapper &&
subklass, submap, &subkey,
} else {
submap, &subkey,
} else if (upb_fielddef_isseq(field)) {
......@@ -354,14 +429,37 @@ void Message_construct(zval* msg, zval* array_wrapper) {
HashPosition subpointer;
void* memory;
bool is_wrapper = false;
zend_class_entry* subklass = NULL;
if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(field)) {
const upb_msgdef* submsgdef = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(field);
upb_wellknowntype_t type = upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(submsgdef);
is_wrapper = is_wrapper_msg(submsgdef);
if (is_wrapper) {
PHP_PROTO_HASHTABLE_VALUE subdesc_php = get_def_obj(submsgdef);
Descriptor* subdesc = UNBOX_HASHTABLE_VALUE(Descriptor, subdesc_php);
subklass = subdesc->klass;
for (zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(subtable, &subpointer);
php_proto_zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(subtable, (void**)&memory,
&subpointer) == SUCCESS;
zend_hash_move_forward_ex(subtable, &subpointer)) {
if (is_wrapper &&
RepeatedField* intern = UNBOX(RepeatedField, subarray);
subklass, intern,
} else {
subarray, NULL,
} else if (upb_fielddef_issubmsg(field)) {
const upb_msgdef* submsgdef = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(field);
PHP_PROTO_HASHTABLE_VALUE desc_php = get_def_obj(submsgdef);
......@@ -976,9 +976,12 @@ class Message
* ]);
* ```
* This method will trigger an error if it is passed data that cannot
* be converted to the correct type. For example, a StringValue field
* must receive data that is either a string or a StringValue object.
* @param array $array An array containing message properties and values.
* @return null.
* @throws \Exception Invalid data.
protected function mergeFromArray(array $array)
......@@ -990,22 +993,61 @@ class Message
'Invalid message property: ' . $key);
$setter = $field->getSetter();
if ($field->isWrapperType()) {
self::normalizeToMessageType($value, $field->getMessageType()->getClass());
if ($field->isMap()) {
$valueField = $field->getMessageType()->getFieldByName('value');
if (!is_null($valueField) && $valueField->isWrapperType()) {
self::normalizeArrayElementsToMessageType($value, $valueField->getMessageType()->getClass());
} elseif ($field->isWrapperType()) {
$class = $field->getMessageType()->getClass();
if ($field->isRepeated()) {
self::normalizeArrayElementsToMessageType($value, $class);
} else {
self::normalizeToMessageType($value, $class);
* Tries to normalize the elements in $value into a provided protobuf
* wrapper type $class. If $value is any type other than array, we do
* not do any conversion, and instead rely on the existing protobuf
* type checking. If $value is an array, we process each element and
* try to convert it to an instance of $class.
* @param mixed $value The array of values to normalize.
* @param string $class The expected wrapper class name
private static function normalizeArrayElementsToMessageType(&$value, $class)
if (!is_array($value)) {
// In the case that $value is not an array, we do not want to
// attempt any conversion. Note that this includes the cases
// when $value is a RepeatedField of MapField. In those cases,
// we do not need to convert the elements, as they should
// already be the correct types.
} else {
// Normalize each element in the array.
foreach ($value as $key => &$elementValue) {
self::normalizeToMessageType($elementValue, $class);
* Tries to normalize $value into a provided protobuf wrapper type $class.
* If $value is any type other than an object, we attempt to construct an
* instance of $class and assign $value to it using the setValue method
* shared by all wrapper types.
* This method will raise an error if it receives a type that cannot be
* assigned to the wrapper type via setValue.
* @param mixed $value The value to normalize.
* @param string $class The expected wrapper class name
* @throws \Exception If $value cannot be converted to a wrapper type
private static function normalizeToMessageType(&$value, $class)
......@@ -1022,10 +1064,9 @@ class Message
$value = $msg;
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
throw new \Exception(
"Error normalizing value to type '$class': " . $exception->getMessage(),
......@@ -19,4 +19,8 @@ message TestWrapperSetters {
google.protobuf.DoubleValue double_value_oneof = 10;
google.protobuf.StringValue string_value_oneof = 11;
repeated google.protobuf.StringValue repeated_string_value = 12;
map<string, google.protobuf.StringValue> map_string_value = 13;
......@@ -225,4 +225,88 @@ class WrapperTypeSettersTest extends TestBase
[TestWrapperSetters::class, BytesValue::class, 'bytes_value', 'getBytesValue', "nine"],
* @dataProvider constructorWithRepeatedWrapperTypeDataProvider
public function testConstructorWithRepeatedWrapperType($wrapperField, $getter, $value)
$actualInstance = new TestWrapperSetters([$wrapperField => $value]);
foreach ($actualInstance->$getter() as $key => $actualWrapperValue) {
$actualInnerValue = $actualWrapperValue->getValue();
$expectedElement = $value[$key];
if (is_object($expectedElement) && is_a($expectedElement, '\Google\Protobuf\StringValue')) {
$expectedInnerValue = $expectedElement->getValue();
} else {
$expectedInnerValue = $expectedElement;
$this->assertEquals($expectedInnerValue, $actualInnerValue);
public function constructorWithRepeatedWrapperTypeDataProvider()
$sv7 = new StringValue(['value' => 'seven']);
$sv8 = new StringValue(['value' => 'eight']);
$testWrapperSetters = new TestWrapperSetters();
$testWrapperSetters->setRepeatedStringValue([$sv7, $sv8]);
$repeatedField = $testWrapperSetters->getRepeatedStringValue();
return [
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', []],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', [$sv7]],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', [$sv7, $sv8]],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', ['seven']],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', [7]],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', [7.7]],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', ['seven', 'eight']],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', [$sv7, 'eight']],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', ['seven', $sv8]],
['repeated_string_value', 'getRepeatedStringValue', $repeatedField],
* @dataProvider constructorWithMapWrapperTypeDataProvider
public function testConstructorWithMapWrapperType($wrapperField, $getter, $value)
$actualInstance = new TestWrapperSetters([$wrapperField => $value]);
foreach ($actualInstance->$getter() as $key => $actualWrapperValue) {
$actualInnerValue = $actualWrapperValue->getValue();
$expectedElement = $value[$key];
if (is_object($expectedElement) && is_a($expectedElement, '\Google\Protobuf\StringValue')) {
$expectedInnerValue = $expectedElement->getValue();
} elseif (is_object($expectedElement) && is_a($expectedElement, '\Google\Protobuf\Internal\MapEntry')) {
$expectedInnerValue = $expectedElement->getValue()->getValue();
} else {
$expectedInnerValue = $expectedElement;
$this->assertEquals($expectedInnerValue, $actualInnerValue);
public function constructorWithMapWrapperTypeDataProvider()
$sv7 = new StringValue(['value' => 'seven']);
$sv8 = new StringValue(['value' => 'eight']);
$testWrapperSetters = new TestWrapperSetters();
$testWrapperSetters->setMapStringValue(['key' => $sv7, 'key2' => $sv8]);
$mapField = $testWrapperSetters->getMapStringValue();
return [
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', []],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => $sv7]],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => $sv7, 'key2' => $sv8]],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => 'seven']],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => 7]],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => 7.7]],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => 'seven', 'key2' => 'eight']],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => $sv7, 'key2' => 'eight']],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', ['key' => 'seven', 'key2' => $sv8]],
['map_string_value', 'getMapStringValue', $mapField],
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