Unverified Commit 39df66e1 authored by Paul Yang's avatar Paul Yang Committed by GitHub

Add ruby2.3, test on Mac and disable ruby2.1,2.2 test on Linux (#5250)

parent ebd38c6d
# Build file to set up and run tests
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
# Prepare worker environment to run tests
source kokoro/macos/prepare_build_macos_rc
./tests.sh ruby23
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby23/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby23/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
# Build file to set up and run tests
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
# Prepare worker environment to run tests
source kokoro/macos/prepare_build_macos_rc
./tests.sh ruby24
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby24/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby24/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
# Build file to set up and run tests
# Change to repo root
cd $(dirname $0)/../../..
# Prepare worker environment to run tests
source kokoro/macos/prepare_build_macos_rc
./tests.sh ruby25
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby25/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
# Config file for running tests in Kokoro
# Location of the build script in repository
build_file: "protobuf/kokoro/macos/ruby25/build.sh"
timeout_mins: 1440
......@@ -265,8 +265,6 @@ build_ruby25() {
cd ruby && bash travis-test.sh ruby-2.5.0 && cd ..
build_ruby_all() {
......@@ -575,6 +573,9 @@ Usage: $0 { cpp |
python_compatibility |
ruby21 |
ruby22 |
ruby23 |
ruby24 |
ruby25 |
jruby |
ruby_all |
php5.5 |
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