Commit 2e176391 authored by Thomas Van Lenten's avatar Thomas Van Lenten

Remove the ruby tests from travis configs.

Looking at tarvis history for master, jruby doesn't look like it has passed
in a really long time.  The other two tests have been failing for a few weeks.
Since travis has limited osx hosts, seems better to just remove things we
aren't expecting to pass.
parent c46571bc
......@@ -24,9 +24,6 @@ env:
- CONFIG=objectivec_cocoapods_integration
- CONFIG=python
- CONFIG=python_cpp
- CONFIG=ruby21
- CONFIG=ruby22
- CONFIG=jruby
- CONFIG=php5.6_mac
- CONFIG=php7.0_mac
......@@ -53,11 +50,6 @@ matrix:
- os: linux
env: CONFIG=python_compatibility
# These currently do not work on OS X but are being worked on by @haberman.
- os: osx
env: CONFIG=ruby22
- os: osx
env: CONFIG=jruby
# - Started failing when
# we moved to an OS X image that is 10.11.
- os: osx
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