Commit 287a095c authored by Jisi Liu's avatar Jisi Liu

Merge pull request #1165 from damienmg/master

Make protobuf Skylark extension appends the workspace root
parents 7727e260 76547e51
def _GetPath(ctx, path):
if ctx.label.workspace_root:
return ctx.label.workspace_root + '/' + path
return path
def _GenDir(ctx):
if not ctx.attr.includes:
return ""
return ctx.label.workspace_root
if not ctx.attr.includes[0]:
return ctx.label.package
return _GetPath(ctx, ctx.label.package)
if not ctx.label.package:
return ctx.attr.includes[0]
return ctx.label.package + '/' + ctx.attr.includes[0]
return _GetPath(ctx, ctx.attr.includes[0])
return _GetPath(ctx, ctx.label.package + '/' + ctx.attr.includes[0])
def _CcOuts(srcs):
return [s[:-len(".proto")] + ".pb.h" for s in srcs] + \
......@@ -36,8 +42,6 @@ def _RelativeOutputPath(path, include):
return path[len(PACKAGE_NAME)+1:]
def _proto_gen_impl(ctx):
"""General implementation for generating protos"""
srcs = ctx.files.srcs
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