Commit 23adfeb0 authored by Paul Yang's avatar Paul Yang Committed by GitHub

Reserve unknown in Ruby (#3763)

* Reserve unknown in ruby

* Revert ruby tests. Wait for cpp impl for conformance test

* Add conformance test for preserving unknown

* Add unknown field conformance test to csharp failure list.

* Fix comments

* Fix comment

* Fix comments

* Fix typo

* Use stringsink_string directly

* Mark hd unused

* Remove unused encodeunknown_handlerfunc
parent a08b03d4
......@@ -176,3 +176,7 @@ js/testproto_libs2.js
......@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ function doTest($request)
return $response;
} elseif ($request->getMessageType() == "protobuf_test_messages.proto2.TestAllTypesProto2") {
$response->setSkipped("PHP doesn't support proto2");
return $response;
$response->setSkipped("PHP doesn't support proto2");
return $response;
} else {
trigger_error("Protobuf request doesn't have specific payload type", E_USER_ERROR);
trigger_error("Protobuf request doesn't have specific payload type", E_USER_ERROR);
} elseif ($request->getPayload() == "json_payload") {
try {
......@@ -290,6 +290,28 @@ void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidInputTest(
TextFormat::ParseFromString(equivalent_text_format, reference_message))
<< "Failed to parse data for test case: " << test_name
<< ", data: " << equivalent_text_format;
const string equivalent_wire_format = reference_message->SerializeAsString();
RunValidBinaryInputTest(test_name, level, input, input_format,
equivalent_wire_format, requested_output, isProto3);
void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidBinaryInputTest(
const string& test_name, ConformanceLevel level, const string& input,
WireFormat input_format, const string& equivalent_wire_format,
WireFormat requested_output, bool isProto3) {
auto newTestMessage = [&isProto3]() {
Message* newMessage;
if (isProto3) {
newMessage = new TestAllTypesProto3;
} else {
newMessage = new TestAllTypesProto2;
return newMessage;
Message* reference_message = newTestMessage();
<< "Failed to parse wire data for test case: " << test_name;
ConformanceRequest request;
ConformanceResponse response;
......@@ -493,6 +515,19 @@ void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidProtobufTest(
void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidBinaryProtobufTest(
const string& test_name, ConformanceLevel level,
const string& input_protobuf, bool isProto3) {
string rname = ".Proto3";
if (!isProto3) {
rname = ".Proto2";
ConformanceLevelToString(level) + rname + ".ProtobufInput." + test_name +
".ProtobufOutput", level, input_protobuf, conformance::PROTOBUF,
input_protobuf, conformance::PROTOBUF, isProto3);
void ConformanceTestSuite::RunValidProtobufTestWithMessage(
const string& test_name, ConformanceLevel level, const Message *input,
const string& equivalent_text_format, bool isProto3) {
......@@ -811,6 +846,14 @@ void ConformanceTestSuite::TestOneofMessage (MessageType &message,
"OneofZeroEnum", RECOMMENDED, &message, "oneof_enum: FOO", isProto3);
template <class MessageType>
void ConformanceTestSuite::TestUnknownMessage(MessageType& message,
bool isProto3) {
RunValidBinaryProtobufTest("UnknownVarint", REQUIRED,
message.SerializeAsString(), isProto3);
bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunSuite(ConformanceTestRunner* runner,
std::string* output) {
runner_ = runner;
......@@ -1847,6 +1890,14 @@ bool ConformanceTestSuite::RunSuite(ConformanceTestRunner* runner,
"StringFieldSingleQuoteBoth", RECOMMENDED,
R"({'optionalString': 'Hello world!'})");
// Unknown fields.
TestAllTypesProto3 messageProto3;
TestAllTypesProto2 messageProto2;
TestUnknownMessage(messageProto3, true);
TestUnknownMessage(messageProto2, false);
// Wrapper types.
"OptionalBoolWrapper", REQUIRED,
......@@ -167,6 +167,13 @@ class ConformanceTestSuite {
const string& equivalent_text_format,
conformance::WireFormat requested_output,
bool isProto3);
void RunValidBinaryInputTest(const string& test_name,
ConformanceLevel level,
const string& input,
conformance::WireFormat input_format,
const string& equivalent_wire_format,
conformance::WireFormat requested_output,
bool isProto3);
void RunValidJsonTest(const string& test_name,
ConformanceLevel level,
const string& input_json,
......@@ -180,6 +187,10 @@ class ConformanceTestSuite {
const string& input_protobuf,
const string& equivalent_text_format,
bool isProto3);
void RunValidBinaryProtobufTest(const string& test_name,
ConformanceLevel level,
const string& input_protobuf,
bool isProto3);
void RunValidProtobufTestWithMessage(
const string& test_name, ConformanceLevel level,
const Message *input,
......@@ -212,6 +223,9 @@ class ConformanceTestSuite {
template <class MessageType>
void TestOneofMessage (MessageType &message,
bool isProto3);
template <class MessageType>
void TestUnknownMessage (MessageType &message,
bool isProto3);
void TestValidDataForType(
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> values);
......@@ -59,8 +59,6 @@ Required.Proto3.JsonInput.FieldMask.ProtobufOutput
......@@ -44,6 +44,56 @@ VALUE noleak_rb_str_cat(VALUE rb_str, const char *str, long len) {
return rb_str;
// The code below also comes from upb's prototype Ruby binding, developed by
// haberman@.
/* stringsink *****************************************************************/
static void *stringsink_start(void *_sink, const void *hd, size_t size_hint) {
stringsink *sink = _sink;
sink->len = 0;
return sink;
static size_t stringsink_string(void *_sink, const void *hd, const char *ptr,
size_t len, const upb_bufhandle *handle) {
stringsink *sink = _sink;
size_t new_size = sink->size;
while (sink->len + len > new_size) {
new_size *= 2;
if (new_size != sink->size) {
sink->ptr = realloc(sink->ptr, new_size);
sink->size = new_size;
memcpy(sink->ptr + sink->len, ptr, len);
sink->len += len;
return len;
void stringsink_init(stringsink *sink) {
upb_byteshandler_setstartstr(&sink->handler, stringsink_start, NULL);
upb_byteshandler_setstring(&sink->handler, stringsink_string, NULL);
upb_bytessink_reset(&sink->sink, &sink->handler, sink);
sink->size = 32;
sink->ptr = malloc(sink->size);
sink->len = 0;
void stringsink_uninit(stringsink *sink) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parsing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -613,6 +663,20 @@ static void add_handlers_for_oneof_field(upb_handlers *h,
static bool unknown_field_handler(void* closure, const void* hd,
const char* buf, size_t size) {
MessageHeader* msg = (MessageHeader*)closure;
if (msg->unknown_fields == NULL) {
msg->unknown_fields = malloc(sizeof(stringsink));
stringsink_string(msg->unknown_fields, NULL, buf, size, NULL);
return true;
static void add_handlers_for_message(const void *closure, upb_handlers *h) {
const upb_msgdef* msgdef = upb_handlers_msgdef(h);
......@@ -634,6 +698,9 @@ static void add_handlers_for_message(const void *closure, upb_handlers *h) {
desc->layout = create_layout(desc->msgdef);
upb_handlerattr attr = UPB_HANDLERATTR_INITIALIZER;
upb_handlers_setunknown(h, unknown_field_handler, &attr);
for (upb_msg_field_begin(&i, desc->msgdef);
upb_msg_field_next(&i)) {
......@@ -831,65 +898,6 @@ VALUE Message_decode_json(VALUE klass, VALUE data) {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Serializing.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The code below also comes from upb's prototype Ruby binding, developed by
// haberman@.
/* stringsink *****************************************************************/
// This should probably be factored into a common upb component.
typedef struct {
upb_byteshandler handler;
upb_bytessink sink;
char *ptr;
size_t len, size;
} stringsink;
static void *stringsink_start(void *_sink, const void *hd, size_t size_hint) {
stringsink *sink = _sink;
sink->len = 0;
return sink;
static size_t stringsink_string(void *_sink, const void *hd, const char *ptr,
size_t len, const upb_bufhandle *handle) {
stringsink *sink = _sink;
size_t new_size = sink->size;
while (sink->len + len > new_size) {
new_size *= 2;
if (new_size != sink->size) {
sink->ptr = realloc(sink->ptr, new_size);
sink->size = new_size;
memcpy(sink->ptr + sink->len, ptr, len);
sink->len += len;
return len;
void stringsink_init(stringsink *sink) {
upb_byteshandler_setstartstr(&sink->handler, stringsink_start, NULL);
upb_byteshandler_setstring(&sink->handler, stringsink_string, NULL);
upb_bytessink_reset(&sink->sink, &sink->handler, sink);
sink->size = 32;
sink->ptr = malloc(sink->size);
sink->len = 0;
void stringsink_uninit(stringsink *sink) {
/* msgvisitor *****************************************************************/
......@@ -1171,6 +1179,11 @@ static void putmsg(VALUE msg_rb, const Descriptor* desc,
stringsink* unknown = msg->unknown_fields;
if (unknown != NULL) {
upb_sink_putunknown(sink, unknown->ptr, unknown->len);
upb_sink_endmsg(sink, &status);
......@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ void Message_mark(void* _self) {
void Message_free(void* self) {
stringsink* unknown = ((MessageHeader *)self)->unknown_fields;
if (unknown != NULL) {
......@@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ VALUE Message_alloc(VALUE klass) {
msg->descriptor = desc;
rb_ivar_set(ret, descriptor_instancevar_interned, descriptor);
msg->unknown_fields = NULL;
layout_init(desc->layout, Message_data(msg));
return ret;
......@@ -475,8 +475,20 @@ VALUE layout_inspect(MessageLayout* layout, void* storage);
// Message class creation.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This should probably be factored into a common upb component.
typedef struct {
upb_byteshandler handler;
upb_bytessink sink;
char *ptr;
size_t len, size;
} stringsink;
void stringsink_uninit(stringsink *sink);
struct MessageHeader {
Descriptor* descriptor; // kept alive by self.class.descriptor reference.
Descriptor* descriptor; // kept alive by self.class.descriptor reference.
stringsink* unknown_fields; // store unknown fields in decoding.
// Data comes after this.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
// Amalgamated source file
** Defs are upb's internal representation of the constructs that can appear
** in a .proto file:
** - upb::MessageDef (upb_msgdef): describes a "message" construct.
** - upb::FieldDef (upb_fielddef): describes a message field.
** - upb::FileDef (upb_filedef): describes a .proto file and its defs.
** - upb::EnumDef (upb_enumdef): describes an enum.
** - upb::OneofDef (upb_oneofdef): describes a oneof.
** - upb::Def (upb_def): base class of all the others.
** TODO: definitions of services.
** Like upb_refcounted objects, defs are mutable only until frozen, and are
** only thread-safe once frozen.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifndef UPB_DEF_H_
#define UPB_DEF_H_
** upb::RefCounted (upb_refcounted)
** A refcounting scheme that supports circular refs. It accomplishes this by
** partitioning the set of objects into groups such that no cycle spans groups;
** we can then reference-count the group as a whole and ignore refs within the
** group. When objects are mutable, these groups are computed very
** conservatively; we group any objects that have ever had a link between them.
** When objects are frozen, we compute strongly-connected components which
** allows us to be precise and only group objects that are actually cyclic.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
** upb_table
** This header is INTERNAL-ONLY! Its interfaces are not public or stable!
** This file defines very fast int->upb_value (inttable) and string->upb_value
** (strtable) hash tables.
** The table uses chained scatter with Brent's variation (inspired by the Lua
** implementation of hash tables). The hash function for strings is Austin
** Appleby's "MurmurHash."
** The inttable uses uintptr_t as its key, which guarantees it can be used to
** store pointers or integers of at least 32 bits (upb isn't really useful on
** systems where sizeof(void*) < 4).
** The table must be homogenous (all values of the same type). In debug
** mode, we check this on insert and lookup.
#ifndef UPB_TABLE_H_
#define UPB_TABLE_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
** This file contains shared definitions that are widely used across upb.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
......@@ -100,6 +35,9 @@ template <int N> class InlinedEnvironment;
#define UPB_INLINE static
/* Hints to the compiler about likely/unlikely branches. */
#define UPB_LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
/* Define UPB_BIG_ENDIAN manually if you're on big endian and your compiler
* doesn't provide these preprocessor symbols. */
#if defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && (__BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
......@@ -361,6 +299,16 @@ class PointerBase2 : public PointerBase<T, Base> {
/* A list of types as they are encoded on-the-wire. */
typedef enum {
} upb_wiretype_t;
/* upb::ErrorSpace ************************************************************/
......@@ -689,7 +637,7 @@ void upb_env_uninit(upb_env *e);
void upb_env_initonly(upb_env *e);
upb_arena *upb_env_arena(upb_env *e);
UPB_INLINE upb_arena *upb_env_arena(upb_env *e) { return (upb_arena*)e; }
bool upb_env_ok(const upb_env *e);
void upb_env_seterrorfunc(upb_env *e, upb_error_func *func, void *ud);
......@@ -789,6 +737,106 @@ template <int N> class upb::InlinedEnvironment : public upb::Environment {
#endif /* UPB_H_ */
** upb_decode: parsing into a upb_msg using a upb_msglayout.
#ifndef UPB_DECODE_H_
#define UPB_DECODE_H_
** upb::Message is a representation for protobuf messages.
** However it differs from other common representations like
** google::protobuf::Message in one key way: it does not prescribe any
** ownership between messages and submessages, and it relies on the
** client to delete each message/submessage/array/map at the appropriate
** time.
** A client can access a upb::Message without knowing anything about
** ownership semantics, but to create or mutate a message a user needs
** to implement the memory management themselves.
** Currently all messages, arrays, and maps store a upb_alloc* internally.
** Mutating operations use this when they require dynamically-allocated
** memory. We could potentially eliminate this size overhead later by
** letting the user flip a bit on the factory that prevents this from
** being stored. The user would then need to use separate functions where
** the upb_alloc* is passed explicitly. However for handlers to populate
** such structures, they would need a place to store this upb_alloc* during
** parsing; upb_handlers don't currently have a good way to accommodate this.
** TODO: UTF-8 checking?
#ifndef UPB_MSG_H_
#define UPB_MSG_H_
** Defs are upb's internal representation of the constructs that can appear
** in a .proto file:
** - upb::MessageDef (upb_msgdef): describes a "message" construct.
** - upb::FieldDef (upb_fielddef): describes a message field.
** - upb::FileDef (upb_filedef): describes a .proto file and its defs.
** - upb::EnumDef (upb_enumdef): describes an enum.
** - upb::OneofDef (upb_oneofdef): describes a oneof.
** - upb::Def (upb_def): base class of all the others.
** TODO: definitions of services.
** Like upb_refcounted objects, defs are mutable only until frozen, and are
** only thread-safe once frozen.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifndef UPB_DEF_H_
#define UPB_DEF_H_
** upb::RefCounted (upb_refcounted)
** A refcounting scheme that supports circular refs. It accomplishes this by
** partitioning the set of objects into groups such that no cycle spans groups;
** we can then reference-count the group as a whole and ignore refs within the
** group. When objects are mutable, these groups are computed very
** conservatively; we group any objects that have ever had a link between them.
** When objects are frozen, we compute strongly-connected components which
** allows us to be precise and only group objects that are actually cyclic.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
** upb_table
** This header is INTERNAL-ONLY! Its interfaces are not public or stable!
** This file defines very fast int->upb_value (inttable) and string->upb_value
** (strtable) hash tables.
** The table uses chained scatter with Brent's variation (inspired by the Lua
** implementation of hash tables). The hash function for strings is Austin
** Appleby's "MurmurHash."
** The inttable uses uintptr_t as its key, which guarantees it can be used to
** store pointers or integers of at least 32 bits (upb isn't really useful on
** systems where sizeof(void*) < 4).
** The table must be homogenous (all values of the same type). In debug
** mode, we check this on insert and lookup.
#ifndef UPB_TABLE_H_
#define UPB_TABLE_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -3851,265 +3899,75 @@ inline bool FileDef::AddDependency(const FileDef* file) {
#endif /* UPB_DEF_H_ */
** This file contains definitions of structs that should be considered private
** and NOT stable across versions of upb.
** upb::Handlers (upb_handlers)
** The only reason they are declared here and not in .c files is to allow upb
** and the application (if desired) to embed statically-initialized instances
** of structures like defs.
** A upb_handlers is like a virtual table for a upb_msgdef. Each field of the
** message can have associated functions that will be called when we are
** parsing or visiting a stream of data. This is similar to how handlers work
** in SAX (the Simple API for XML).
** If you include this file, all guarantees of ABI compatibility go out the
** window! Any code that includes this file needs to recompile against the
** exact same version of upb that they are linking against.
** The handlers have no idea where the data is coming from, so a single set of
** handlers could be used with two completely different data sources (for
** example, a parser and a visitor over in-memory objects). This decoupling is
** the most important feature of upb, because it allows parsers and serializers
** to be highly reusable.
** You also need to recompile if you change the value of the UPB_DEBUG_REFS
** flag.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Because of how we do our typedefs, this header can't be included from C++. */
#error This file cannot be included from C++
namespace upb {
class BufferHandle;
class BytesHandler;
class HandlerAttributes;
class Handlers;
template <class T> class Handler;
template <class T> struct CanonicalType;
} /* namespace upb */
/* upb_refcounted *************************************************************/
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BufferHandle, upb_bufhandle)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BytesHandler, upb_byteshandler)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::HandlerAttributes, upb_handlerattr)
UPB_DECLARE_DERIVED_TYPE(upb::Handlers, upb::RefCounted,
upb_handlers, upb_refcounted)
/* upb_def ********************************************************************/
/* The maximum depth that the handler graph can have. This is a resource limit
* for the C stack since we sometimes need to recursively traverse the graph.
* Cycles are ok; the traversal will stop when it detects a cycle, but we must
* hit the cycle before the maximum depth is reached.
* If having a single static limit is too inflexible, we can add another variant
* of Handlers::Freeze that allows specifying this as a parameter. */
struct upb_def {
upb_refcounted base;
/* All the different types of handlers that can be registered.
* Only needed for the advanced functions in upb::Handlers. */
typedef enum {
} upb_handlertype_t;
const char *fullname;
const upb_filedef* file;
char type; /* A upb_deftype_t (char to save space) */
/* Used as a flag during the def's mutable stage. Must be false unless
* it is currently being used by a function on the stack. This allows
* us to easily determine which defs were passed into the function's
* current invocation. */
bool came_from_user;
#define UPB_DEF_INIT(name, type, vtbl, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(vtbl, refs, ref2s), name, NULL, type, false }
/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_fielddef {
upb_def base;
union {
int64_t sint;
uint64_t uint;
double dbl;
float flt;
void *bytes;
} defaultval;
union {
const upb_msgdef *def; /* If !msg_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If msg_is_symbolic. */
} msg;
union {
const upb_def *def; /* If !subdef_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If subdef_is_symbolic. */
} sub; /* The msgdef or enumdef for this field, if upb_hassubdef(f). */
bool subdef_is_symbolic;
bool msg_is_symbolic;
const upb_oneofdef *oneof;
bool default_is_string;
bool type_is_set_; /* False until type is explicitly set. */
bool is_extension_;
bool lazy_;
bool packed_;
upb_intfmt_t intfmt;
bool tagdelim;
upb_fieldtype_t type_;
upb_label_t label_;
uint32_t number_;
uint32_t selector_base; /* Used to index into a upb::Handlers table. */
uint32_t index_;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_fielddef_vtbl;
#define UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(label, type, intfmt, tagdelim, is_extension, lazy, \
packed, name, num, msgdef, subdef, selector_base, \
index, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_FIELD, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
defaultval, {msgdef}, {subdef}, NULL, false, false, \
type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES, true, is_extension, \
lazy, packed, intfmt, tagdelim, type, label, num, selector_base, index \
/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
struct upb_msgdef {
upb_def base;
size_t selector_count;
uint32_t submsg_field_count;
/* Tables for looking up fields by number and name. */
upb_inttable itof; /* int to field */
upb_strtable ntof; /* name to field/oneof */
/* Is this a map-entry message? */
bool map_entry;
/* Whether this message has proto2 or proto3 semantics. */
upb_syntax_t syntax;
/* TODO(haberman): proper extension ranges (there can be multiple). */
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_msgdef_vtbl;
/* TODO: also support static initialization of the oneofs table. This will be
* needed if we compile in descriptors that contain oneofs. */
#define UPB_MSGDEF_INIT(name, selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, \
map_entry, syntax, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_MSG, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, map_entry, syntax \
/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
struct upb_enumdef {
upb_def base;
upb_strtable ntoi;
upb_inttable iton;
int32_t defaultval;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_enumdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT(name, ntoi, iton, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_ENUM, &upb_enumdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), ntoi, \
iton, defaultval }
/* upb_oneofdef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_oneofdef {
upb_refcounted base;
uint32_t index; /* Index within oneofs. */
const char *name;
upb_strtable ntof;
upb_inttable itof;
const upb_msgdef *parent;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_oneofdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ONEOFDEF_INIT(name, ntof, itof, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(&upb_oneofdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), 0, name, ntof, itof }
/* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/
struct upb_symtab {
upb_refcounted base;
upb_strtable symtab;
struct upb_filedef {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *name;
const char *package;
const char *phpprefix;
const char *phpnamespace;
upb_syntax_t syntax;
upb_inttable defs;
upb_inttable deps;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_filedef_vtbl;
#endif /* UPB_STATICINIT_H_ */
** upb::Handlers (upb_handlers)
** A upb_handlers is like a virtual table for a upb_msgdef. Each field of the
** message can have associated functions that will be called when we are
** parsing or visiting a stream of data. This is similar to how handlers work
** in SAX (the Simple API for XML).
** The handlers have no idea where the data is coming from, so a single set of
** handlers could be used with two completely different data sources (for
** example, a parser and a visitor over in-memory objects). This decoupling is
** the most important feature of upb, because it allows parsers and serializers
** to be highly reusable.
** This is a mixed C/C++ interface that offers a full API to both languages.
** See the top-level README for more information.
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace upb {
class BufferHandle;
class BytesHandler;
class HandlerAttributes;
class Handlers;
template <class T> class Handler;
template <class T> struct CanonicalType;
} /* namespace upb */
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BufferHandle, upb_bufhandle)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::BytesHandler, upb_byteshandler)
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::HandlerAttributes, upb_handlerattr)
UPB_DECLARE_DERIVED_TYPE(upb::Handlers, upb::RefCounted,
upb_handlers, upb_refcounted)
/* The maximum depth that the handler graph can have. This is a resource limit
* for the C stack since we sometimes need to recursively traverse the graph.
* Cycles are ok; the traversal will stop when it detects a cycle, but we must
* hit the cycle before the maximum depth is reached.
* If having a single static limit is too inflexible, we can add another variant
* of Handlers::Freeze that allows specifying this as a parameter. */
/* All the different types of handlers that can be registered.
* Only needed for the advanced functions in upb::Handlers. */
typedef enum {
} upb_handlertype_t;
/* A convenient definition for when no closure is needed. */
extern char _upb_noclosure;
......@@ -4144,7 +4002,8 @@ UPB_END_EXTERN_C
/* Static selectors for upb::Handlers. */
/* Static selectors for upb::BytesHandler. */
......@@ -4673,6 +4532,8 @@ UPB_BEGIN_EXTERN_C
/* Native C API. */
/* Handler function typedefs. */
typedef bool upb_unknown_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *hd, const char *buf,
size_t n);
typedef bool upb_startmsg_handlerfunc(void *c, const void*);
typedef bool upb_endmsg_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *, upb_status *status);
typedef void* upb_startfield_handlerfunc(void *c, const void *hd);
......@@ -4726,6 +4587,8 @@ const upb_status *upb_handlers_status(upb_handlers *h);
void upb_handlers_clearerr(upb_handlers *h);
const upb_msgdef *upb_handlers_msgdef(const upb_handlers *h);
bool upb_handlers_addcleanup(upb_handlers *h, void *p, upb_handlerfree *hfree);
bool upb_handlers_setunknown(upb_handlers *h, upb_unknown_handlerfunc *func,
upb_handlerattr *attr);
bool upb_handlers_setstartmsg(upb_handlers *h, upb_startmsg_handlerfunc *func,
upb_handlerattr *attr);
......@@ -6295,6 +6158,18 @@ UPB_INLINE size_t upb_sink_putstring(upb_sink *s, upb_selector_t sel,
return handler(s->closure, hd, buf, n, handle);
UPB_INLINE bool upb_sink_putunknown(upb_sink *s, const char *buf, size_t n) {
typedef upb_unknown_handlerfunc func;
func *handler;
const void *hd;
if (!s->handlers) return true;
handler = (func *)upb_handlers_gethandler(s->handlers, UPB_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR);
if (!handler) return n;
hd = upb_handlers_gethandlerdata(s->handlers, UPB_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR);
return handler(s->closure, hd, buf, n);
UPB_INLINE bool upb_sink_startmsg(upb_sink *s) {
typedef upb_startmsg_handlerfunc func;
func *startmsg;
......@@ -6499,34 +6374,6 @@ inline bool BufferSource::PutBuffer(const char *buf, size_t len,
** upb::Message is a representation for protobuf messages.
** However it differs from other common representations like
** google::protobuf::Message in one key way: it does not prescribe any
** ownership between messages and submessages, and it relies on the
** client to delete each message/submessage/array/map at the appropriate
** time.
** A client can access a upb::Message without knowing anything about
** ownership semantics, but to create or mutate a message a user needs
** to implement the memory management themselves.
** Currently all messages, arrays, and maps store a upb_alloc* internally.
** Mutating operations use this when they require dynamically-allocated
** memory. We could potentially eliminate this size overhead later by
** letting the user flip a bit on the factory that prevents this from
** being stored. The user would then need to use separate functions where
** the upb_alloc* is passed explicitly. However for handlers to populate
** such structures, they would need a place to store this upb_alloc* during
** parsing; upb_handlers don't currently have a good way to accommodate this.
** TODO: UTF-8 checking?
#ifndef UPB_MSG_H_
#define UPB_MSG_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -6563,21 +6410,6 @@ typedef void upb_msg;
* instances of this from a upb_msgfactory, and the factory always owns the
* msglayout. */
/* Gets the factory for this layout */
upb_msgfactory *upb_msglayout_factory(const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Get the msglayout for a submessage. This requires that this field is a
* submessage, ie. upb_fielddef_issubmsg(upb_msglayout_msgdef(l)) == true.
* Since map entry messages don't have layouts, if upb_fielddef_ismap(f) == true
* then this function will return the layout for the map's value. It requires
* that the value type of the map field is a submessage. */
const upb_msglayout *upb_msglayout_sublayout(const upb_msglayout *l,
const upb_fielddef *f);
/* Returns the msgdef for this msglayout. */
const upb_msgdef *upb_msglayout_msgdef(const upb_msglayout *l);
/** upb_visitor ***************************************************************/
......@@ -6623,6 +6455,23 @@ const upb_visitorplan *upb_msgfactory_getvisitorplan(upb_msgfactory *f,
const upb_handlers *h);
/** upb_stringview ************************************************************/
typedef struct {
const char *data;
size_t size;
} upb_stringview;
UPB_INLINE upb_stringview upb_stringview_make(const char *data, size_t size) {
upb_stringview ret; = data;
ret.size = size;
return ret;
#define UPB_STRINGVIEW_INIT(ptr, len) {ptr, len}
/** upb_msgval ****************************************************************/
/* A union representing all possible protobuf values. Used for generic get/set
......@@ -6640,10 +6489,7 @@ typedef union {
const upb_msg* msg;
const upb_array* arr;
const void* ptr;
struct {
const char *ptr;
size_t len;
} str;
upb_stringview str;
} upb_msgval;
#define ACCESSORS(name, membername, ctype) \
......@@ -6670,22 +6516,12 @@ ACCESSORS(map, map, const upb_map*)
ACCESSORS(msg, msg, const upb_msg*)
ACCESSORS(ptr, ptr, const void*)
ACCESSORS(arr, arr, const upb_array*)
ACCESSORS(str, str, upb_stringview)
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_str(const char *ptr, size_t len) {
upb_msgval ret;
ret.str.ptr = ptr;
ret.str.len = len;
return ret;
UPB_INLINE const char* upb_msgval_getstr(upb_msgval val) {
return val.str.ptr;
UPB_INLINE size_t upb_msgval_getstrlen(upb_msgval val) {
return val.str.len;
UPB_INLINE upb_msgval upb_msgval_makestr(const char *data, size_t size) {
return upb_msgval_str(upb_stringview_make(data, size));
......@@ -6710,19 +6546,29 @@ size_t upb_msg_sizeof(const upb_msglayout *l);
* upb_msg_uninit() must be called to release internally-allocated memory
* unless the allocator is an arena that does not require freeing.
* Please note that upb_msg_init() may return a value that is different than
* |msg|, so you must assign the return value and not cast your memory block
* to upb_msg* directly!
* Please note that upb_msg_uninit() does *not* free any submessages, maps,
* or arrays referred to by this message's fields. You must free them manually
* yourself. */
void upb_msg_init(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msg_uninit(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
* yourself.
* upb_msg_uninit returns the original memory block, which may be useful if
* you dynamically allocated it (though upb_msg_new() would normally be more
* appropriate in this case). */
upb_msg *upb_msg_init(void *msg, const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void *upb_msg_uninit(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Like upb_msg_init() / upb_msg_uninit(), except the message's memory is
* allocated / freed from the given upb_alloc. */
upb_msg *upb_msg_new(const upb_msglayout *l, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msg_free(upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns the upb_alloc for the given message. */
upb_alloc *upb_msg_alloc(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns the upb_alloc for the given message.
* TODO(haberman): get rid of this? Not sure we want to be storing this
* for every message. */
upb_alloc *upb_msg_alloc(const upb_msg *msg);
/* Packs the tree of messages rooted at "msg" into a single hunk of memory,
* allocated from the given allocator. */
......@@ -6742,25 +6588,14 @@ void *upb_msg_pack(const upb_msg *msg, const upb_msglayout *l,
* arenas).
upb_msgval upb_msg_get(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* May only be called for fields where upb_fielddef_haspresence(f) == true. */
bool upb_msg_has(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns NULL if no field in the oneof is set. */
const upb_fielddef *upb_msg_getoneofcase(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Returns true if any field in the oneof is set. */
bool upb_msg_hasoneof(const upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Mutable message API. May only be called by the owner of the message who
* knows its ownership scheme and how to keep it consistent. */
......@@ -6768,8 +6603,8 @@ bool upb_msg_hasoneof(const upb_msg *msg,
* management: if you overwrite a pointer to a msg/array/map/string without
* cleaning it up (or using an arena) it will leak.
bool upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
void upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
int field_index,
upb_msgval val,
const upb_msglayout *l);
......@@ -6780,12 +6615,7 @@ bool upb_msg_set(upb_msg *msg,
* arrays/maps/strings/msgs that this field may have pointed to.
bool upb_msg_clearfield(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_fielddef *f,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* Clears all fields in the oneof such that none of them are set. */
bool upb_msg_clearoneof(upb_msg *msg,
const upb_oneofdef *o,
int field_index,
const upb_msglayout *l);
/* TODO(haberman): copyfrom()/mergefrom()? */
......@@ -6898,9 +6728,288 @@ bool upb_msg_getscalarhandlerdata(const upb_handlers *h,
size_t *offset,
int32_t *hasbit);
/** Interfaces for generated code *********************************************/
typedef struct {
uint32_t number;
uint32_t offset; /* If in a oneof, offset of default in default_msg below. */
uint16_t hasbit; /* UPB_NO_HASBIT if no hasbit. */
uint16_t oneof_index; /* UPB_NOT_IN_ONEOF if not in a oneof. */
uint16_t submsg_index; /* UPB_NO_SUBMSG if no submsg. */
uint8_t type;
uint8_t label;
} upb_msglayout_fieldinit_v1;
typedef struct {
uint32_t data_offset;
uint32_t case_offset;
} upb_msglayout_oneofinit_v1;
typedef struct upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 {
const struct upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *const* submsgs;
const upb_msglayout_fieldinit_v1 *fields;
const upb_msglayout_oneofinit_v1 *oneofs;
void *default_msg;
/* Must be aligned to sizeof(void*). Doesn't include internal members like
* unknown fields, extension dict, pointer to msglayout, etc. */
uint32_t size;
uint16_t field_count;
uint16_t oneof_count;
bool extendable;
bool is_proto2;
} upb_msglayout_msginit_v1;
#define UPB_ALIGN_UP_TO(val, align) ((val + (align - 1)) & -align)
#define UPB_ALIGNED_SIZEOF(type) UPB_ALIGN_UP_TO(sizeof(type), sizeof(void*))
/* Initialize/uninitialize a msglayout from a msginit. If upb uses v1
* internally, this will not allocate any memory. Should only be used by
* generated code. */
upb_msglayout *upb_msglayout_frominit_v1(
const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *init, upb_alloc *a);
void upb_msglayout_uninit_v1(upb_msglayout *layout, upb_alloc *a);
#endif /* UPB_MSG_H_ */
bool upb_decode(upb_stringview buf, void *msg,
const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *l, upb_env *env);
#endif /* UPB_DECODE_H_ */
** structures definitions that are internal to upb.
#ifndef UPB_STRUCTS_H_
#define UPB_STRUCTS_H_
struct upb_array {
upb_fieldtype_t type;
uint8_t element_size;
void *data; /* Each element is element_size. */
size_t len; /* Measured in elements. */
size_t size; /* Measured in elements. */
upb_alloc *alloc;
#endif /* UPB_STRUCTS_H_ */
** This file contains definitions of structs that should be considered private
** and NOT stable across versions of upb.
** The only reason they are declared here and not in .c files is to allow upb
** and the application (if desired) to embed statically-initialized instances
** of structures like defs.
** If you include this file, all guarantees of ABI compatibility go out the
** window! Any code that includes this file needs to recompile against the
** exact same version of upb that they are linking against.
** You also need to recompile if you change the value of the UPB_DEBUG_REFS
** flag.
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Because of how we do our typedefs, this header can't be included from C++. */
#error This file cannot be included from C++
/* upb_refcounted *************************************************************/
/* upb_def ********************************************************************/
struct upb_def {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *fullname;
const upb_filedef* file;
char type; /* A upb_deftype_t (char to save space) */
/* Used as a flag during the def's mutable stage. Must be false unless
* it is currently being used by a function on the stack. This allows
* us to easily determine which defs were passed into the function's
* current invocation. */
bool came_from_user;
#define UPB_DEF_INIT(name, type, vtbl, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(vtbl, refs, ref2s), name, NULL, type, false }
/* upb_fielddef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_fielddef {
upb_def base;
union {
int64_t sint;
uint64_t uint;
double dbl;
float flt;
void *bytes;
} defaultval;
union {
const upb_msgdef *def; /* If !msg_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If msg_is_symbolic. */
} msg;
union {
const upb_def *def; /* If !subdef_is_symbolic. */
char *name; /* If subdef_is_symbolic. */
} sub; /* The msgdef or enumdef for this field, if upb_hassubdef(f). */
bool subdef_is_symbolic;
bool msg_is_symbolic;
const upb_oneofdef *oneof;
bool default_is_string;
bool type_is_set_; /* False until type is explicitly set. */
bool is_extension_;
bool lazy_;
bool packed_;
upb_intfmt_t intfmt;
bool tagdelim;
upb_fieldtype_t type_;
upb_label_t label_;
uint32_t number_;
uint32_t selector_base; /* Used to index into a upb::Handlers table. */
uint32_t index_;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_fielddef_vtbl;
#define UPB_FIELDDEF_INIT(label, type, intfmt, tagdelim, is_extension, lazy, \
packed, name, num, msgdef, subdef, selector_base, \
index, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_FIELD, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
defaultval, {msgdef}, {subdef}, NULL, false, false, \
type == UPB_TYPE_STRING || type == UPB_TYPE_BYTES, true, is_extension, \
lazy, packed, intfmt, tagdelim, type, label, num, selector_base, index \
/* upb_msgdef *****************************************************************/
struct upb_msgdef {
upb_def base;
size_t selector_count;
uint32_t submsg_field_count;
/* Tables for looking up fields by number and name. */
upb_inttable itof; /* int to field */
upb_strtable ntof; /* name to field/oneof */
/* Is this a map-entry message? */
bool map_entry;
/* Whether this message has proto2 or proto3 semantics. */
upb_syntax_t syntax;
/* TODO(haberman): proper extension ranges (there can be multiple). */
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_msgdef_vtbl;
/* TODO: also support static initialization of the oneofs table. This will be
* needed if we compile in descriptors that contain oneofs. */
#define UPB_MSGDEF_INIT(name, selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, \
map_entry, syntax, refs, ref2s) \
{ \
UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_MSG, &upb_fielddef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), \
selector_count, submsg_field_count, itof, ntof, map_entry, syntax \
/* upb_enumdef ****************************************************************/
struct upb_enumdef {
upb_def base;
upb_strtable ntoi;
upb_inttable iton;
int32_t defaultval;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_enumdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ENUMDEF_INIT(name, ntoi, iton, defaultval, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_DEF_INIT(name, UPB_DEF_ENUM, &upb_enumdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), ntoi, \
iton, defaultval }
/* upb_oneofdef ***************************************************************/
struct upb_oneofdef {
upb_refcounted base;
uint32_t index; /* Index within oneofs. */
const char *name;
upb_strtable ntof;
upb_inttable itof;
const upb_msgdef *parent;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_oneofdef_vtbl;
#define UPB_ONEOFDEF_INIT(name, ntof, itof, refs, ref2s) \
{ UPB_REFCOUNT_INIT(&upb_oneofdef_vtbl, refs, ref2s), 0, name, ntof, itof }
/* upb_symtab *****************************************************************/
struct upb_symtab {
upb_refcounted base;
upb_strtable symtab;
struct upb_filedef {
upb_refcounted base;
const char *name;
const char *package;
const char *phpprefix;
const char *phpnamespace;
upb_syntax_t syntax;
upb_inttable defs;
upb_inttable deps;
extern const struct upb_refcounted_vtbl upb_filedef_vtbl;
#endif /* UPB_STATICINIT_H_ */
** upb_encode: parsing into a upb_msg using a upb_msglayout.
#ifndef UPB_ENCODE_H_
#define UPB_ENCODE_H_
char *upb_encode(const void *msg, const upb_msglayout_msginit_v1 *l,
upb_env *env, size_t *size);
#endif /* UPB_ENCODE_H_ */
** upb::descriptor::Reader (upb_descreader)
......@@ -8290,21 +8399,9 @@ UPB_INLINE void upb_pbdecoder_unpackdispatch(uint64_t dispatch, uint64_t *ofs,
extern "C" {
/* A list of types as they are encoded on-the-wire. */
typedef enum {
} upb_wiretype_t;
/* The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint.
* Note that with a better encoding this could be 9 (TODO: write up a
* wiki document about this). */
/* The maximum number of bytes that it takes to encode a 64-bit varint. */
/* Array of the "native" (ie. non-packed-repeated) wire type for the given a
......@@ -215,6 +215,9 @@ message TestAllTypesProto3 {
int32 field__Name16 = 416;
int32 field_name17__ = 417;
int32 Field_name18__ = 418;
// Reserved for testing unknown fields
reserved 501 to 510;
message ForeignMessage {
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