Commit 20490e33 authored by Joshua Haberman's avatar Joshua Haberman

Merge pull request #189 from cfallin/update-ruby-upb

Updated to latest upb and added test for JSON map operation.
parents e7e79a43 06bf6308
......@@ -18,13 +18,7 @@ To build this Ruby extension, you will need:
* a C compiler
* the upb submodule
First, ensure that upb/ is checked out:
$ cd .. # top level protobuf directory
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Then install the required Ruby gems:
First, install the required Ruby gems:
$ sudo gem install bundler rake rake-compiler rspec rubygems-tasks
......@@ -32,3 +26,7 @@ Then build the Gem:
$ rake gem
$ gem install pkg/protobuf-$VERSION.gem
This gem includes the upb parsing and serialization library as a single-file
amalgamation. It is up-to-date with upb git commit
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1466,6 +1466,7 @@ UPB_DEFINE_DEF(upb::FieldDef, fielddef, FIELD,
bool IsString() const;
bool IsSequence() const;
bool IsPrimitive() const;
bool IsMap() const;
// How integers are encoded. Only meaningful for integer types.
// Defaults to UPB_INTFMT_VARIABLE, and is reset when "type" changes.
......@@ -1690,6 +1691,7 @@ bool upb_fielddef_issubmsg(const upb_fielddef *f);
bool upb_fielddef_isstring(const upb_fielddef *f);
bool upb_fielddef_isseq(const upb_fielddef *f);
bool upb_fielddef_isprimitive(const upb_fielddef *f);
bool upb_fielddef_ismap(const upb_fielddef *f);
int64_t upb_fielddef_defaultint64(const upb_fielddef *f);
int32_t upb_fielddef_defaultint32(const upb_fielddef *f);
uint64_t upb_fielddef_defaultuint64(const upb_fielddef *f);
......@@ -2078,6 +2080,10 @@ UPB_INLINE upb_oneofdef *upb_msgdef_ntoo_mutable(upb_msgdef *m,
void upb_msgdef_setmapentry(upb_msgdef *m, bool map_entry);
bool upb_msgdef_mapentry(const upb_msgdef *m);
// Well-known field tag numbers for map-entry messages.
const upb_oneofdef *upb_msgdef_findoneof(const upb_msgdef *m,
const char *name);
int upb_msgdef_numoneofs(const upb_msgdef *m);
......@@ -2577,6 +2583,7 @@ inline bool FieldDef::IsSubMessage() const {
inline bool FieldDef::IsString() const { return upb_fielddef_isstring(this); }
inline bool FieldDef::IsSequence() const { return upb_fielddef_isseq(this); }
inline bool FieldDef::IsMap() const { return upb_fielddef_ismap(this); }
inline int64_t FieldDef::default_int64() const {
return upb_fielddef_defaultint64(this);
......@@ -7822,12 +7829,30 @@ class Parser;
UPB_DECLARE_TYPE(upb::json::Parser, upb_json_parser);
// Internal-only struct used by the parser.
// Internal-only struct used by the parser. A parser frame corresponds
// one-to-one with a handler (sink) frame.
typedef struct {
upb_sink sink;
// The current message in which we're parsing, and the field whose value we're
// expecting next.
const upb_msgdef *m;
const upb_fielddef *f;
// We are in a repeated-field context, ready to emit mapentries as
// submessages. This flag alters the start-of-object (open-brace) behavior to
// begin a sequence of mapentry messages rather than a single submessage.
bool is_map;
// We are in a map-entry message context. This flag is set when parsing the
// value field of a single map entry and indicates to all value-field parsers
// (subobjects, strings, numbers, and bools) that the map-entry submessage
// should end as soon as the value is parsed.
bool is_mapentry;
// If |is_map| or |is_mapentry| is true, |mapfield| refers to the parent
// message's map field that we're currently parsing. This differs from |f|
// because |f| is the field in the *current* message (i.e., the map-entry
// message itself), not the parent's field that leads to this map.
const upb_fielddef *mapfield;
} upb_jsonparser_frame;
......@@ -992,5 +992,13 @@ module BasicTest
m2 = TestMessage.decode_json(json_text)
assert m == m2
def test_json_maps
m = => {"a" => 1})
expected = '{"map_string_int32":{"a":1},"map_string_msg":{}}'
assert MapMessage.encode_json(m) == expected
m2 = MapMessage.decode_json(MapMessage.encode_json(m))
assert m == m2
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