Commit 18b6a321 authored by Thomas Van Lenten's avatar Thomas Van Lenten

Proper checking of enum with non zero default

proto2 syntax allows the first enum to have a non zero value. This means any
field using that default has a non zero default without having an explicit
default being set. So when deciding what runtime info is needed, don't rely
on an explicit default, always check that the values aren't zero.

parent 40574479
......@@ -1947,4 +1947,11 @@
- (void)testOneBasedEnumHolder {
// Test case for
// Message with no explicit defaults, but a non zero default for an enum.
MessageWithOneBasedEnum *enumMsg = [MessageWithOneBasedEnum message];
XCTAssertEqual(enumMsg.enumField, MessageWithOneBasedEnum_OneBasedEnum_One);
......@@ -401,3 +401,13 @@ message EnumTestMsg {
repeated MyEnum mumble = 4;
// Test case for
// Message with no explicit defaults, but a non zero default for an enum.
message MessageWithOneBasedEnum {
enum OneBasedEnum {
ONE = 1;
TWO = 2;
optional OneBasedEnum enum_field = 1;
......@@ -757,10 +757,11 @@ bool HasNonZeroDefaultValue(const FieldDescriptor* field) {
return false;
if (!field->has_default_value()) {
// No custom default set in the proto file.
return false;
// As much as checking field->has_default_value() seems useful, it isn't
// because of enums. proto2 syntax allows the first item in an enum (the
// default) to be non zero. So checking field->has_default_value() would
// result in missing this non zero default. See MessageWithOneBasedEnum in
// objectivec/Tests/unittest_objc.proto for a test Message to confirm this.
// Some proto file set the default to the zero value, so make sure the value
// isn't the zero case.
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