Commit 15239361 authored by Josh Haberman's avatar Josh Haberman

Fix for CommonJS tests.

parent aeacf516
* @fileoverview Export symbols needed by tests in CommonJS style.
* This file is like export.js, but for symbols that are only used by tests.
* However we exclude assert functions here, because they are exported into
* the global namespace, so those are handled as a special case in
* export_asserts.js.
goog.require('jspb.utils'); = goog;
exports.jspb = jspb;
......@@ -61,6 +61,18 @@ function camelCase(str) {
var module = null;
var pkg = null;
// Header: goes in every file at the top.
console.log("var global = Function('return this')();");
console.log("var googleProtobuf = require('google-protobuf');");
console.log("var testdeps = require('testdeps_commonjs');");
console.log(" =;");
console.log("global.jspb = testdeps.jspb;");
console.log("var asserts = require('closure_asserts_commonjs');");
console.log("// Bring asserts into the global namespace.");
console.log("googleProtobuf.object.extend(global, asserts);");
lineReader.on('line', function(line) {
var isRequire = line.match(/goog\.require\('([^']*)'\)/);
var isLoadFromFile = line.match(/CommonJS-LoadFromFile: (\S*) (.*)/);
......@@ -72,14 +84,6 @@ lineReader.on('line', function(line) {
console.log("googleProtobuf.exportSymbol('" + fullSym + "', " + module + sym + ', global);');
} else if (isLoadFromFile) {
if (!module) {
console.log("var googleProtobuf = require('google-protobuf');");
console.log("var asserts = require('closure_asserts_commonjs');");
console.log("var global = Function('return this')();");
console.log("// Bring asserts into the global namespace.");
console.log("googleProtobuf.object.extend(global, asserts);");
var module_path = isLoadFromFile[1].split('/');
module = camelCase(module_path[module_path.length - 1]);
pkg = isLoadFromFile[2];
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