Unverified Commit 0eb9b279 authored by Joshua Haberman's avatar Joshua Haberman Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #6797 from haberman/ruby-lazy-wrappers

Ruby lazy wrappers optimization
parents 0150f7f5 781d6963
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -559,7 +559,8 @@ VALUE Map_deep_copy(VALUE _self) {
void* mem = value_memory(&v);
upb_value dup;
void* dup_mem = value_memory(&dup);
native_slot_deep_copy(self->value_type, dup_mem, mem);
native_slot_deep_copy(self->value_type, self->value_type_class, dup_mem,
if (!upb_strtable_insert2(&new_self->table,
......@@ -631,7 +632,8 @@ VALUE Map_eq(VALUE _self, VALUE _other) {
return Qfalse;
if (!native_slot_eq(self->value_type, mem, other_mem)) {
if (!native_slot_eq(self->value_type, self->value_type_class, mem,
other_mem)) {
// Present, but value not equal.
return Qfalse;
......@@ -62,13 +62,12 @@ VALUE Message_alloc(VALUE klass) {
Descriptor* desc = ruby_to_Descriptor(descriptor);
MessageHeader* msg;
VALUE ret;
size_t size;
if (desc->layout == NULL) {
msg = ALLOC_N(uint8_t, sizeof(MessageHeader) + desc->layout->size);
msg = (void*)ALLOC_N(uint8_t, sizeof(MessageHeader) + desc->layout->size);
msg->descriptor = desc;
msg->unknown_fields = NULL;
memcpy(Message_data(msg), desc->layout->empty_template, desc->layout->size);
......@@ -109,30 +108,36 @@ enum {
// Check if the field is a well known wrapper type
static bool is_wrapper_type_field(const MessageLayout* layout,
const upb_fielddef* field) {
const char* field_type_name = rb_class2name(field_type_class(layout, field));
return strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::DoubleValue") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::FloatValue") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::Int32Value") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::Int64Value") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::UInt32Value") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::UInt64Value") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::BoolValue") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::StringValue") == 0 ||
strcmp(field_type_name, "Google::Protobuf::BytesValue") == 0;
bool is_wrapper_type_field(const upb_fielddef* field) {
const upb_msgdef *m;
if (upb_fielddef_type(field) != UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE) {
return false;
m = upb_fielddef_msgsubdef(field);
switch (upb_msgdef_wellknowntype(m)) {
return true;
return false;
// Get a new Ruby wrapper type and set the initial value
static VALUE ruby_wrapper_type(const MessageLayout* layout,
const upb_fielddef* field, const VALUE value) {
if (is_wrapper_type_field(layout, field) && value != Qnil) {
VALUE ruby_wrapper_type(VALUE type_class, VALUE value) {
if (value != Qnil) {
VALUE hash = rb_hash_new();
rb_hash_aset(hash, rb_str_new2("value"), value);
VALUE args[1] = {hash};
return rb_class_new_instance(1, args, field_type_class(layout, field));
return rb_class_new_instance(1, args, type_class);
return Qnil;
......@@ -193,8 +198,7 @@ static int extract_method_call(VALUE method_name, MessageHeader* self,
// Check if field exists and is a wrapper type
if (upb_msgdef_lookupname(self->descriptor->msgdef, wrapper_field_name,
name_len - 9, &test_f_wrapper, &test_o_wrapper) &&
upb_fielddef_type(test_f_wrapper) == UPB_TYPE_MESSAGE &&
is_wrapper_type_field(self->descriptor->layout, test_f_wrapper)) {
is_wrapper_type_field(test_f_wrapper)) {
// It does exist!
has_field = true;
if (accessor_type == METHOD_SETTER) {
......@@ -329,12 +333,17 @@ VALUE Message_method_missing(int argc, VALUE* argv, VALUE _self) {
return layout_has(self->descriptor->layout, Message_data(self), f);
} else if (accessor_type == METHOD_WRAPPER_GETTER) {
VALUE value = layout_get(self->descriptor->layout, Message_data(self), f);
if (value != Qnil) {
value = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("value"), 0);
switch (TYPE(value)) {
case T_DATA:
return rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("value"), 0);
case T_NIL:
return Qnil;
return value;
return value;
} else if (accessor_type == METHOD_WRAPPER_SETTER) {
VALUE wrapper = ruby_wrapper_type(self->descriptor->layout, f, argv[1]);
VALUE wrapper = ruby_wrapper_type(
field_type_class(self->descriptor->layout, f), argv[1]);
layout_set(self->descriptor->layout, Message_data(self), f, wrapper);
return Qnil;
} else if (accessor_type == METHOD_ENUM_GETTER) {
......@@ -363,8 +363,10 @@ VALUE native_slot_get(upb_fieldtype_t type,
void native_slot_init(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* memory);
void native_slot_mark(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* memory);
void native_slot_dup(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from);
void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from);
bool native_slot_eq(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* mem1, void* mem2);
void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE type_class, void* to,
void* from);
bool native_slot_eq(upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE type_class, void* mem1,
void* mem2);
VALUE native_slot_encode_and_freeze_string(upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE value);
void native_slot_check_int_range_precision(const char* name, upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE value);
......@@ -556,6 +558,9 @@ VALUE layout_eq(MessageLayout* layout, void* msg1, void* msg2);
VALUE layout_hash(MessageLayout* layout, void* storage);
VALUE layout_inspect(MessageLayout* layout, void* storage);
bool is_wrapper_type_field(const upb_fielddef* field);
VALUE ruby_wrapper_type(VALUE type_class, VALUE value);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Message class creation.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ VALUE RepeatedField_deep_copy(VALUE _self) {
for (i = 0; i < self->size; i++, off += elem_size) {
void* to_mem = (uint8_t *)new_rptfield_self->elements + off;
void* from_mem = (uint8_t *)self->elements + off;
native_slot_deep_copy(field_type, to_mem, from_mem);
native_slot_deep_copy(field_type, self->field_type_class, to_mem, from_mem);
......@@ -451,7 +451,8 @@ VALUE RepeatedField_eq(VALUE _self, VALUE _other) {
for (i = 0; i < self->size; i++, off += elem_size) {
void* self_mem = ((uint8_t *)self->elements) + off;
void* other_mem = ((uint8_t *)other->elements) + off;
if (!native_slot_eq(field_type, self_mem, other_mem)) {
if (!native_slot_eq(field_type, self->field_type_class, self_mem,
other_mem)) {
return Qfalse;
......@@ -294,8 +294,20 @@ VALUE native_slot_get(upb_fieldtype_t type,
return DEREF(memory, int8_t) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
return DEREF(memory, VALUE);
VALUE val = DEREF(memory, VALUE);
// Lazily expand wrapper type if necessary.
int type = TYPE(val);
if (type != T_DATA && type != T_NIL) {
// This must be a wrapper type.
val = ruby_wrapper_type(type_class, val);
DEREF(memory, VALUE) = val;
return val;
int32_t val = DEREF(memory, int32_t);
VALUE symbol = enum_lookup(type_class, INT2NUM(val));
......@@ -372,7 +384,8 @@ void native_slot_dup(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from) {
memcpy(to, from, native_slot_size(type));
void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from) {
void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE type_class, void* to,
void* from) {
switch (type) {
......@@ -382,7 +395,7 @@ void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from) {
VALUE from_val = DEREF(from, VALUE);
VALUE from_val = native_slot_get(type, type_class, from);
DEREF(to, VALUE) = (from_val != Qnil) ?
Message_deep_copy(from_val) : Qnil;
......@@ -392,13 +405,14 @@ void native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* to, void* from) {
bool native_slot_eq(upb_fieldtype_t type, void* mem1, void* mem2) {
bool native_slot_eq(upb_fieldtype_t type, VALUE type_class, void* mem1,
void* mem2) {
switch (type) {
VALUE val1 = DEREF(mem1, VALUE);
VALUE val2 = DEREF(mem2, VALUE);
VALUE val1 = native_slot_get(type, type_class, mem1);
VALUE val2 = native_slot_get(type, type_class, mem2);
VALUE ret = rb_funcall(val1, rb_intern("=="), 1, val2);
return ret == Qtrue;
......@@ -1025,7 +1039,9 @@ void layout_deep_copy(MessageLayout* layout, void* to, void* from) {
if (slot_read_oneof_case(layout, from, oneof) ==
upb_fielddef_number(field)) {
*to_oneof_case = *from_oneof_case;
native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fielddef_type(field), to_memory, from_memory);
field_type_class(layout, field), to_memory,
} else if (is_map_field(field)) {
DEREF(to_memory, VALUE) =
......@@ -1039,7 +1055,9 @@ void layout_deep_copy(MessageLayout* layout, void* to, void* from) {
slot_set_hasbit(layout, to, field);
native_slot_deep_copy(upb_fielddef_type(field), to_memory, from_memory);
field_type_class(layout, field), to_memory,
......@@ -1061,7 +1079,8 @@ VALUE layout_eq(MessageLayout* layout, void* msg1, void* msg2) {
if (*msg1_oneof_case != *msg2_oneof_case ||
(slot_read_oneof_case(layout, msg1, oneof) ==
upb_fielddef_number(field) &&
!native_slot_eq(upb_fielddef_type(field), msg1_memory,
field_type_class(layout, field), msg1_memory,
msg2_memory))) {
return Qfalse;
......@@ -1078,7 +1097,9 @@ VALUE layout_eq(MessageLayout* layout, void* msg1, void* msg2) {
} else {
if (slot_is_hasbit_set(layout, msg1, field) !=
slot_is_hasbit_set(layout, msg2, field) ||
!native_slot_eq(upb_fielddef_type(field), msg1_memory, msg2_memory)) {
field_type_class(layout, field), msg1_memory,
msg2_memory)) {
return Qfalse;
......@@ -234,6 +234,48 @@ module BasicTest
m.map_string_int32['aaa'] = 3
def test_map_wrappers
run_asserts = ->(m) {
assert_equal 2.0, m.map_double[0].value
assert_equal 4.0, m.map_float[0].value
assert_equal 3, m.map_int32[0].value
assert_equal 4, m.map_int64[0].value
assert_equal 5, m.map_uint32[0].value
assert_equal 6, m.map_uint64[0].value
assert_equal true, m.map_bool[0].value
assert_equal 'str', m.map_string[0].value
assert_equal 'fun', m.map_bytes[0].value
m = proto_module::Wrapper.new(
map_double: {0 => Google::Protobuf::DoubleValue.new(value: 2.0)},
map_float: {0 => Google::Protobuf::FloatValue.new(value: 4.0)},
map_int32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int32Value.new(value: 3)},
map_int64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::Int64Value.new(value: 4)},
map_uint32: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt32Value.new(value: 5)},
map_uint64: {0 => Google::Protobuf::UInt64Value.new(value: 6)},
map_bool: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BoolValue.new(value: true)},
map_string: {0 => Google::Protobuf::StringValue.new(value: 'str')},
map_bytes: {0 => Google::Protobuf::BytesValue.new(value: 'fun')},
serialized = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m)
m2 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
# Test the case where we are serializing directly from the parsed form
# (before anything lazy is materialized).
m3 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized)
serialized2 = proto_module::Wrapper::encode(m3)
m4 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
# Test that the lazy form compares equal to the expanded form.
m5 = proto_module::Wrapper::decode(serialized2)
assert_equal m5, m
def test_concurrent_decoding
o = Outer.new
o.items[0] = Inner.new
......@@ -126,7 +126,46 @@ message Wrapper {
google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes = 9;
string real_string = 100;
oneof a_oneof {
string oneof_string = 10;
string string_in_oneof = 10;
// Repeated wrappers don't make sense, but we still need to make sure they
// work and don't crash.
repeated google.protobuf.DoubleValue repeated_double = 11;
repeated google.protobuf.FloatValue repeated_float = 12;
repeated google.protobuf.Int32Value repeated_int32 = 13;
repeated google.protobuf.Int64Value repeated_int64 = 14;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt32Value repeated_uint32 = 15;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt64Value repeated_uint64 = 16;
repeated google.protobuf.BoolValue repeated_bool = 17;
repeated google.protobuf.StringValue repeated_string = 18;
repeated google.protobuf.BytesValue repeated_bytes = 19;
// Wrappers as map keys don't make sense, but we still need to make sure they
// work and don't crash.
map<int32, google.protobuf.DoubleValue> map_double = 21;
map<int32, google.protobuf.FloatValue> map_float = 22;
map<int32, google.protobuf.Int32Value> map_int32 = 23;
map<int32, google.protobuf.Int64Value> map_int64 = 24;
map<int32, google.protobuf.UInt32Value> map_uint32 = 25;
map<int32, google.protobuf.UInt64Value> map_uint64 = 26;
map<int32, google.protobuf.BoolValue> map_bool = 27;
map<int32, google.protobuf.StringValue> map_string = 28;
map<int32, google.protobuf.BytesValue> map_bytes = 29;
// Wrappers in oneofs don't make sense, but we still need to make sure they
// work and don't crash.
oneof wrapper_oneof {
google.protobuf.DoubleValue oneof_double = 31;
google.protobuf.FloatValue oneof_float = 32;
google.protobuf.Int32Value oneof_int32 = 33;
google.protobuf.Int64Value oneof_int64 = 34;
google.protobuf.UInt32Value oneof_uint32 = 35;
google.protobuf.UInt64Value oneof_uint64 = 36;
google.protobuf.BoolValue oneof_bool = 37;
google.protobuf.StringValue oneof_string = 38;
google.protobuf.BytesValue oneof_bytes = 39;
string oneof_plain_string = 101;
......@@ -133,7 +133,34 @@ message Wrapper {
optional google.protobuf.BytesValue bytes = 9;
optional string real_string = 100;
oneof a_oneof {
string oneof_string = 10;
string string_in_oneof = 10;
// Repeated wrappers don't really make sense, but we still need to make sure
// they work and don't crash.
repeated google.protobuf.DoubleValue repeated_double = 11;
repeated google.protobuf.FloatValue repeated_float = 12;
repeated google.protobuf.Int32Value repeated_int32 = 13;
repeated google.protobuf.Int64Value repeated_int64 = 14;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt32Value repeated_uint32 = 15;
repeated google.protobuf.UInt64Value repeated_uint64 = 16;
repeated google.protobuf.BoolValue repeated_bool = 17;
repeated google.protobuf.StringValue repeated_string = 18;
repeated google.protobuf.BytesValue repeated_bytes = 19;
// Wrappers in oneofs don't make sense, but we still need to make sure they
// work and don't crash.
oneof wrapper_oneof {
google.protobuf.DoubleValue oneof_double = 31;
google.protobuf.FloatValue oneof_float = 32;
google.protobuf.Int32Value oneof_int32 = 33;
google.protobuf.Int64Value oneof_int64 = 34;
google.protobuf.UInt32Value oneof_uint32 = 35;
google.protobuf.UInt64Value oneof_uint64 = 36;
google.protobuf.BoolValue oneof_bool = 37;
google.protobuf.StringValue oneof_string = 38;
google.protobuf.BytesValue oneof_bytes = 39;
string oneof_plain_string = 101;
This diff is collapsed.
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