Commit 0c957915 authored by Thomas Van Lenten's avatar Thomas Van Lenten

[ObjC] add support for the TextFormat constants.

ObjC doesn't support them, but this ensure when tests are added
they will be handled correctly.

The conformance.proto was updated in PR #5566
parent 94a1819c
......@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ static ConformanceResponse *DoTest(ConformanceRequest *request) {
@"ConformanceRequest had a jspb_payload ConformanceRequest.payload;"
" those aren't supposed to happen with opensource.";
case ConformanceRequest_Payload_OneOfCase_TextPayload:
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support parsing TextFormat";
if (testMessage) {
......@@ -124,6 +128,12 @@ static ConformanceResponse *DoTest(ConformanceRequest *request) {
@"ConformanceRequest had a requested_output_format of JSPB WireFormat; that"
" isn't supposed to happen with opensource.";
case WireFormat_TextFormat:
// ObjC only has partial objc generation, so don't attempt any tests that need
// support.
response.skipped = @"ObjC doesn't support generating TextFormat";
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