#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Exit on any error.
set -e
test_version() {
if [ "$version" == "jruby-1.7" ] ; then
# No conformance tests yet -- JRuby is too broken to run them.
bash --login -c \
"rvm install $version && rvm use $version && \
which ruby && \
gem install bundler && bundle && \
rake test"
bash --login -c \
"rvm install $version && rvm use $version && \
which ruby && \
gem install bundler && bundle && \
rake test &&
cd ../conformance && make test_ruby"
test_version $1
Feng Xiao authored
1. Added ruby22 and jruby tests to jenkins. 2. Added javascript tests to jenkins. 3. Added golang tests to jenkins. 4. Removed ruby19/ruby20 tests from travis. Support for ruby 2.0 has ended since 2016/02/24. https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2016/02/24/support-plan-of-ruby-2-0-0-and-2-1/ Change-Id: Ie984b06772335352a4be7067ab2485f923875685