do# Generate image name based on Dockerfile checksum. That works well as long# as can count on dockerfiles being written in a way that changing the logical# contents of the docker image always changes the SHA (e.g. using "ADD file"# cmd in the dockerfile in not ok as contents of the added file will not be# reflected in the SHA).DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=$(basename$DOCKERFILE_DIR)_$(sha1sum$DOCKERFILE_DIR/Dockerfile | cut-f1-d\ )echo$DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME# skip the image if it already exists in the repo curl --silent-f-lSL${DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}/tags/latest > /dev/null \&&continuedocker build -t${DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}${DOCKERFILE_DIR}# "docker login" needs to be run in advance docker push ${DOCKERHUB_ORGANIZATION}/${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}done