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import logging as log

import numpy as np

def swap_weights_xy(nodes: list):
    The function changes weights of the nodes from the 'nodes' list which are used with calculations with coordinates of
    some objects. The function should be used when it is necessary to virtually change the layout of data from XY to YX.
    The node from the 'nodes' list should be some sort of convolution node or matrix multiplication.
    The function also swaps weights in the following Add and BiasAdd operations.
    :param nodes: list of Node objects to change the weights in them.
    :return: None
    for node in nodes:
        weights_node = node.in_node(1)
        if weights_node.has_and_set('swap_xy_count'):
            weights_node['swap_xy_count'] += 1
            log.debug('Increasing value for attribute "swap_xy_count" to {} for node {}'.format(
                weights_node['swap_xy_count'], weights_node.name))
        weights_node['swap_xy_count'] = 1
        log.debug('Swapping weights for node "{}"'.format(node.name))
        reshaped_weights = weights_node.value.reshape((-1, 2))
        new_swapped_weights = np.concatenate((reshaped_weights[:, 1:2], reshaped_weights[:, 0:1]), 1)
        new_swapped_weights = new_swapped_weights.reshape(weights_node.shape)
        weights_node.shape = np.array(new_swapped_weights.shape, dtype=np.int64)
        weights_node.value = new_swapped_weights
        # biases
        for m in node.out_node().out_nodes():
            if m.has_valid('op') and m.op in ['Add', 'BiasAdd']:
                biases = m.in_node(1).value  # biases are weights of the (Bias)Add op
                # swap Y and X to the regular order that the IE expects
                reshaped_biases = biases.reshape((-1, 2))
                swapped_biases = np.concatenate((reshaped_biases[:, 1:2], reshaped_biases[:, 0:1]), 1)
                # reshaping back to the original shape
                swapped_biases = swapped_biases.reshape(biases.shape)
                m.in_node(1).shape = np.array(swapped_biases.shape, dtype=np.int64)
                m.in_node(1).value = swapped_biases