 Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at


 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

import hashlib
from defusedxml.minidom import parseString
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring

from mo.graph.graph import *
from mo.utils.unsupported_ops import UnsupportedOps
from mo.utils.utils import refer_to_faq_msg
from mo.utils.version import get_version

def serialize_constants(graph: Graph, bin_file_name:str, data_type=np.float32):
    Found all data constants that has output edges with 'bin' attribute.
    Serialize content for such constants to a binary file with name bin_file_name in
    raw format. Save offset and length of serialized area in the file as 'offset' and 'size'
    attributes of data node.

        @graph: input graph with op and data nodes
        @bin_file_name: path to file to write blobs to
        @data_type: numpy data type to convert all blob elemnts to

    bin_hashes = {}
    with open(bin_file_name, 'wb') as bin_file:
        serialize_constants_recursively(graph, bin_file, data_type, bin_hashes)

def update_offset_size_in_const_node(node: Node):
    assert node.kind == 'data'
    for consumer in node.out_nodes():
        if consumer.type != 'Const':
        assert not consumer.has_valid('offset')
        assert not consumer.has_valid('size')
        consumer['offset'] = node.offset
        consumer['size'] = node.size

def serialize_constants_recursively(graph: Graph, bin_file, data_type, bin_hashes):
    nodes = sorted(graph.nodes())
    for node in nodes:
        node = Node(graph, node)

        if node.kind == 'data' and node.value is not None and any('bin' in d for u, v, d in graph.out_edges(node.node, data=True)):
            blob = node.value
            blob_hash = hashlib.sha512(blob.tobytes()).hexdigest()

            if blob_hash in bin_hashes and np.array_equal(blob, bin_hashes[blob_hash]['blob']):
                graph.node[node.node]['offset'] = bin_hashes[blob_hash]['offset']
                graph.node[node.node]['size'] = bin_hashes[blob_hash]['size']
                if graph.graph['cmd_params'].generate_experimental_IR_V10:
                start = bin_file.tell()
                end = bin_file.tell()

                graph.node[node.node]['offset'] = start
                graph.node[node.node]['size'] = end - start

                bin_hashes[blob_hash] = {'offset': graph.node[node.node]['offset'],
                                         'size': graph.node[node.node]['size'], 'blob': blob}
                if graph.graph['cmd_params'].generate_experimental_IR_V10:

                assert (blob.dtype.itemsize * np.prod(node.shape) == end - start)

                "Detected binary for graph: '{}', node: '{}', id: {}, shape: '{}', offset: '{}', size: '{}'".format(
                    graph, node.soft_get('name'), node.id, node.shape, node.offset, node.size))

    # separate loop for sub-graph to dump them after all blobs for more natural blob offset ordering
    # TODO: implement strict order for all blobs in entier IR
    for node in nodes:
        node = Node(graph, node)
        # Dump blobs recursively if sub-graphs are present in the node
        if node.has_valid('sub_graphs'):
            for sub_graph_attr_name in node.sub_graphs:
                sub_graph = node[sub_graph_attr_name]
                serialize_constants_recursively(sub_graph, bin_file, data_type, bin_hashes)

def serialize_mean_image(bin_file_name: str, mean_data=[]):
    with open(bin_file_name, 'ab') as bin_file:
        mean_offset = []
        mean_size = []
        for x in range(len(mean_data)):
            start = bin_file.tell()
            end = bin_file.tell()
            mean_size.append(end - start)

        return mean_offset, mean_size

def xml_shape(shape: np.ndarray, element: Element):
    for d in shape:
        dim = SubElement(element, 'dim')
        if d < 0:
            raise Error('The value "{}" for shape is less 0. May be the input shape of the topology is '
        if int(d) != d:
            raise Error('The value "{}" for shape is not integer.'.format(d))
        if not isinstance(d, np.int64):
            log.warning('The element of shape is not np.int64 value. Converting the value "{}" to integer'.format(d))
            d = int(d)
        dim.text = str(d)

def xml_ports(node: Node, element: Element, edges: Element):
    # input ports
    inputs = None  # will create input section only if at least one input is available
    for u, d in node.get_sorted_inputs():
        if 'bin' not in d and ('xml_skip' not in d or not d['xml_skip']):
            if inputs is None:
                inputs = SubElement(element, 'input')
            port = SubElement(inputs, 'port')
            port.set('id', str(d['in']))
            assert node.graph.node[u]['shape'] is not None, 'Input shape is not calculated properly for node {}'.format(
            xml_shape(node.graph.node[u]['shape'], port)
            # u is a data node that has a single producer, let's find it
            assert (node.graph.node[u]['kind'] == 'data')
            in_nodes = list(node.graph.in_edges(u, data=True))
            assert (len(in_nodes) <= 1)
            if len(in_nodes) == 1:
                src, _, out_attrs = in_nodes[0]
                edge = SubElement(edges, 'edge')
                edge.set('from-layer', str(src))
                edge.set('from-port', str(out_attrs['out']))
                edge.set('to-layer', str(node.node))
                edge.set('to-port', str(d['in']))

    # output ports
    outputs = None
    for v, d in node.get_sorted_outputs():
        if 'xml_skip' not in d or not d['xml_skip']:
            if outputs is None:
                outputs = SubElement(element, 'output')
            port = SubElement(outputs, 'port')
            port.set('id', str(d['out']))
            assert node.graph.node[v][
                       'shape'] is not None, 'Output shape is not calculated properly for node {}'.format(
            xml_shape(node.graph.node[v]['shape'], port)

def xml_consts(graph: Graph, node: Node, element: Element):
    blobs = None  # sub-element that will be created on-demand
    for u, d in node.get_sorted_inputs():
        if 'bin' in d and (node.type != 'Const' or not graph.graph['cmd_params'].generate_experimental_IR_V10):
            if not blobs:
                blobs = SubElement(element, 'blobs')
            const = SubElement(blobs, d['bin'])
                const.set('offset', str(graph.node[u]['offset']))
                const.set('size', str(graph.node[u]['size']))
            except Exception as e:
                raise Error('Unable to access binary attributes ("offset" and/or "size") '
                    'for blobs for node {}. Details: {}'.format(node.soft_get('name'), e))

def soft_get(node, attr):
    ''' If node has soft_get callable member, returns node.soft_get(attr), else return <SUB-ELEMENT> '''
    return node.soft_get(attr) if hasattr(node, 'soft_get') and callable(node.soft_get) else '<SUB-ELEMENT>'

def serialize_element(
        graph: Graph,
        schema: list,
        parent_element: Element,
        edges: Element,

    name, attrs, subelements = schema
    element = SubElement(parent_element, name)
    for attr in attrs:
        if isinstance(attr, tuple):
            key = attr[0]
                if callable(attr[1]):
                    value = attr[1](node)
                    value = node[attr[1]] if attr[1] in node else None
            except TypeError as e:
                raise Error('Unable to extract {} from layer {}', key, soft_get(node, 'name')) from e
            except Exception as e:
                raise Error(
                    'Cannot emit value for attribute {} for layer {}. '
                    'Internal attribute template: {}.',
                    soft_get(node, 'name'),
                ) from e
        elif isinstance(attr, dict):
            node_attrs = node.graph.node[node.id] if isinstance(node, Node) else node
            for key in attr.keys():
                if key in node_attrs:
                    for k, v in node_attrs[key].items():
                        element.set(k, str(v))
            key = attr
            value = node[attr] if attr in node else None
        if value is not None:
            element.set(key, str(value))
    serialize_node_attributes(graph, node, subelements, element, edges, unsupported)
    if len(element.attrib) == 0 and len(element.getchildren()) == 0:

def serialize_meta_list(graph, node, schema, element, edges, unsupported):
    _, list_accessor, sub_schema = schema
    items = list_accessor(node)  # this is a list of dictionary-like objects
    for item in items:
        serialize_node_attributes(graph, item, [sub_schema], element, edges, unsupported)

def serialize_node_attributes(
        graph: Graph,  # the current network graph
        node,   # dictionry-like object that should be serialized
        schema: list,
        parent_element: Element,
        edges: Element,

        for s in schema:
            if not isinstance(s, tuple):
                if s == '@ports':
                        # TODO make sure that edges are generated regardless of the existence of @ports
                        xml_ports(node, parent_element, edges)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise Error(('Unable to create ports for node with id {}. ' +
                                     refer_to_faq_msg(3)).format(node.id)) from e
                elif s == '@consts':
                    xml_consts(graph, node, parent_element)
                    log.warning('Unknown xml schema tag: {}'.format(s))
                name = s[0]
                if name == '@list':
                    serialize_meta_list(graph, node, s, parent_element, edges, unsupported)
                elif name == '@network':
                    serialize_network(node[s[1]], parent_element, unsupported)
                    serialize_element(graph, node, s, parent_element, edges, unsupported)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Error(
            'Error while emitting attributes for layer {} (id = {}). '
            'It usually means that there is unsupported pattern around this node or unsupported combination of attributes.',
            soft_get(node, 'name'),
        ) from e

def create_pre_process_block_for_image(net: Element, ref_layer_names: list, mean_offset: tuple,
                                       mean_size: tuple):
    pre_process = SubElement(net, 'pre-process')
    pre_process.set('mean-precision', 'FP32')  # TODO: to think about need to output FP16 mean values
    # TODO: extend it for several inputs
    pre_process.set('reference-layer-name', ref_layer_names[0])
    for idx in range(len(mean_size)):
        channel_xml = SubElement(pre_process, 'channel')
        channel_xml.set('id', str(idx))
        mean_xml = SubElement(channel_xml, 'mean')
        mean_xml.set('offset', str(mean_offset[idx]))
        mean_xml.set('size', str(mean_size[idx]))

def create_pre_process_block(net, ref_layer_name, means, scales=None):
    Generates the pre-process block for the IR XML
        net: root XML element
        ref_layer_name: name of the layer where it is referenced to
        means: tuple of values
        scales: tuple of values

        pre-process XML element
    pre_process = SubElement(net, 'pre-process')
    pre_process.set('reference-layer-name', ref_layer_name)

    for idx in range(len(means)):
        channel_xml = SubElement(pre_process, 'channel')
        channel_xml.set('id', str(idx))

        mean_xml = SubElement(channel_xml, 'mean')
        mean_xml.set('value', str(means[idx]))

        if scales:
            scale_xml = SubElement(channel_xml, 'scale')
            scale_xml.set('value', str(scales[idx]))

    return pre_process

def add_quantization_statistics(graph, net_element):
    if 'statistics' in graph.graph:
        stats = SubElement(net_element, 'statistics')
        for tensor, interval in graph.graph['statistics'].items():
            layer = SubElement(stats, 'layer')
            name = SubElement(layer, 'name')
            name.text = tensor
            min = SubElement(layer, 'min')
            min.text = interval['min']
            max = SubElement(layer, 'max')
            max.text = interval['max']
        log.info('Statistics were inserted to IR')

def add_meta_data(net: Element, meta_info: dict):
    meta = SubElement(net, 'meta_data')
    SubElement(meta, 'MO_version').set('value', get_version())
    parameters = SubElement(meta, 'cli_parameters')
    [SubElement(parameters, str(key)).set('value', str(meta_info[key])) for key in sorted(meta_info.keys()) if
     key != 'unset']
    SubElement(parameters, 'unset').set('unset_cli_parameters', ', '.join(sorted(meta_info['unset'])))

def serialize_network(graph, net_element, unsupported):
    layers = SubElement(net_element, 'layers')
    edges = SubElement(net_element, 'edges')
    if graph is None:
    nodes = sorted(graph.nodes())
    for node in nodes:
        node = Node(graph, node)
        if node.kind == 'op' and (not node.has('type') or node.type is None):
        if not node.has('IE'):
            serialize_node_attributes(graph, node, node.IE, layers, edges, unsupported)
        except Error as e:
            raise Error(str(e).replace('<SUB-ELEMENT>', '{} (id = {})'.format(node.soft_get('name'), node.id))) from e

def generate_ie_ir(graph: Graph, file_name: str, input_names: tuple = (), mean_offset: tuple = (),
                   mean_size: tuple = (), meta_info: dict = dict()):
    Extracts IE/IR attributes from kind='op' nodes in three ways:
      (1) node.IE xml scheme that set correspondance from existing attributes to generated xml elements
      (2) input/output edges that don't have 'bin' attributes are transformed to input/output ports
      (3) input edges that has 'bin' attributes are handled in special way like weights/biases

        graph: nx graph with FW-independent model
        file_name: name of the resulting IR
        input_names: names of input layers of the topology to add mean file to
        input_name: name of the layer which is referenced from pre-processing block if any
        mean_values: tuple of mean values for channels in RGB order
        scale_values:  tuple of mean values for channels in RGB order
        mean_offset: offset in binary file, where mean file values start
        mean_size: size of the mean file
    net = Element('net')
    net.set('name', graph.name)
    net.set('version', str((graph.graph['ir_version'])))
    net.set('batch', '1')  # TODO substitute real batches here (is it a number or is it an index?)

    if mean_size or mean_offset:
        create_pre_process_block_for_image(net, input_names, mean_offset, mean_size)

    if 'mean_values' in graph.graph.keys():
        for input_name, values in graph.graph['mean_values'].items():
            create_pre_process_block(net, input_name, values)

    unsupported = UnsupportedOps(graph)

    serialize_network(graph, net, unsupported)
    add_quantization_statistics(graph, net)
    add_meta_data(net, meta_info)
    xml_string = tostring(net)
    xml_doc = parseString(xml_string)
    pretty_xml_as_string = xml_doc.toprettyxml()
    if len(unsupported.unsupported):
        log.debug('Partially correct IR XML:\n{}'.format(pretty_xml_as_string))
        unsupported.report(log.error, "List of operations that cannot be converted to Inference Engine IR:")
        raise Error('Part of the nodes was not converted to IR. Stopped. ' +
    with open(file_name, 'wb') as file:
        file.write(bytes(pretty_xml_as_string, "UTF-8"))

def port_renumber(graph: Graph):
    for node in list(graph.nodes()):
        node = Node(graph, node)
        if node.kind == 'op':
            base = 0
            for u, d in node.get_sorted_inputs():
                d['in'] = base
                base += 1
            for v, d in node.get_sorted_outputs():
                d['out'] = base
                base += 1